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  1. #76
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobsticks
    Does JOEBIALEK get extra-credit in GMichael's troll class? Look what this thing started!
    I'm still trying to keep my head down.
    Extra credit for JOEBIALEK? Yes.
    Troll class? No.
    At the risk of being serious for a minute (you know how I hate that) He brought up a very valid topic and had interesting questions and intelligent comments. Not a troll.

    Most everyone here has brought up valid points. Some have been more aggressive about those points than others. I try to stay out of these discussions for 3 main reasons. 1. I get enough stress at work. 2. I trend to get carried away and start fighting. 3. I don't know what the f.k I'm talking about. (Sorry. couldn't help it)

    A few points.

    JFK was killed.
    The story we've been fed is a joke.
    We are not stupid enough to swallow it. ( We are not blind)
    We are not responsible for everything that's gone wrong in this world.
    We have been responsible for a lot of it.
    Other countries have been just as responsible.
    Some even more so.
    We are not perfect.
    Many other countries are far worse.
    We are not all John Wayne, shoot from the hip types.
    Some of us are John Wayne, shoot from the hip types.
    Other countries have the same types we do.
    We all need to share this world together.
    All countries, races, colors, religions & sexual orientations have good and bad people.
    No one is completely good.
    No one is completely bad.

    Thanks to bobsticks for bringing us back to Earth.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  2. #77
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Resident Loser
    ...perhaps you didn't get the chance to read this...

    From Sept. '05, it is obviously a response to Florian, when he did one of his idiotic, Euro-centric, finger-pointing tirades...give it a little time for the system to get to post #62 in the thread...

    More than enough blame to go around I think...

    And the two A-bombs...How many more people would have died (on both sides) in an all-out, b@!!$-to-the-wall invasion of the Japanese homeland? In addition it was obviously of great propaganda value, as it most likely kept Stalin and the USSR in check...a divided Germany would have been small potatoes...

    As a history buff (in fact as someone who wanted to be, but never became, a history teacher), I have found that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to nearly any event...just don't take things at face value...

    jimHJJ(...look beyond the obvious...)
    Thanks Jim,

    I am no History buff. I am just interested especially in recent history as it is that that shaped Europe and especially my country and Family.
    As I popinted out before my grandfather, on mothers, side was completely anti nazi and even lost his Head teaching position to become a toilet cleaner in the same school. Whereas my fathers father had his own very successful business and was a through and through Nazi and Gestapo Officer.We have a signed copy of "Mein Kampf" with special wishes to ...
    He ended up doing 8 years in Spandau and when released became an alcoholic. Just couldn't deal with that the 1000 year Reich dream had vanished. That in turn deprived my dad of his childhood and now he is an alcoholic and a very bitter man (never left germany).
    On the other side of the coin the peaceloving headmaster lived to a ripe old age and taught many children the value of respecting your fellow man,the utmost importance of the truth and the total nonsense of superiority. I guess I take after that side-Thank God or who ever needs thanking.

    How is the Snow?


    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  3. #78
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by E-Stat
    Original Americans from Europe? Take out your globe and compare the width of the Bering Strait to The Atlantic Ocean.

    Thank you for your input, but I think we didn't talk about the Native Americans.

    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  4. #79
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael
    I'm still trying to keep my head down.
    Extra credit for JOEBIALEK? Yes.
    Troll class? No.
    At the risk of being serious for a minute (you know how I hate that) He brought up a very valid topic and had interesting questions and intelligent comments. Not a troll.

    Most everyone here has brought up valid points. Some have been more aggressive about those points than others. I try to stay out of these discussions for 3 main reasons. 1. I get enough stress at work. 2. I trend to get carried away and start fighting. 3. I don't know what the f.k I'm talking about. (Sorry. couldn't help it)

    A few points.

    JFK was killed.
    The story we've been fed is a joke.
    We are not stupid enough to swallow it. ( We are not blind)
    We are not responsible for everything that's gone wrong in this world.
    We have been responsible for a lot of it.
    Other countries have been just as responsible.
    Some even more so.
    We are not perfect.
    Many other countries are far worse.
    We are not all John Wayne, shoot from the hip types.
    Some of us are John Wayne, shoot from the hip types.
    Other countries have the same types we do.
    We all need to share this world together.
    All countries, races, colors, religions & sexual orientations have good and bad people.
    No one is completely good.
    No one is completely bad.

    Thanks to bobsticks for bringing us back to Earth.
    Hey GMichael-well summed up and I think it is winding down. I for one enjoyed it. I find that arguments are desirable and questions an absolute must. And if you don't like the answer-question that. How else are you going to find out.
    How is everything with you and the new house?
    My new Speakers should be here a week from now. Man I hate waiting.


    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  5. #80
    Color me gone... Resident Loser's Avatar
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    Nueva Jork

    Can't resist this bit...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    The original americans are mostly people from europe who couldn't hack it over here or who messed up badly or just plain stupid. Bernd
    ...maybe some geography with those history E-Stat rightly points out, the aboriginal americans most likely came from Asia via the land bridge where only the Aleutians and the Bering Sea now exist...but be that as it may...

    Those who came from Europe sought, among other things...the Northwest passage, wealth via the hemispheres' natural resources, land to satiate their various empirical appetites, religious and other freedoms not afforded to them in the Old World...etc. We then devolve into the power of slavery over the indigenous population, plantations, the Triangle trade...all of this and more, as a result of the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th century European "discoveries"...

    Were there penal colonies? Per se, can't say...there was indentured servitude and it's shy brother apprenticeship...both European in origin, at least in this instance...

    So...sit back, pour a cold one or a warm one (being in England and all) spin a few and reflect...

    jimHJJ(...on the plain, unvarnished history...)
    Hello, I'm a misanthrope...don't ask me why, just take a good look around.

    "Men would rather believe than know" -Sociobiology: The New Synthesis by Edward O. Wilson

    "The great masses of the people...will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one" -Adolph Hitler

    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves" -Goethe

    If you repeat a lie often enough, some will believe it to be the truth...

  6. #81
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Hey GMichael-well summed up and I think it is winding down. I for one enjoyed it. I find that arguments are desirable and questions an absolute must. And if you don't like the answer-question that. How else are you going to find out.
    How is everything with you and the new house?
    My new Speakers should be here a week from now. Man I hate waiting.


    The house is on hold until the snow melts and the ground soffens up a bit.
    Waiting is the best part. You get to think of where you'll put them how they'll sound. You get to imagine all the great tunes you'll spin.

    The BOT is shining here again. How about there?
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  7. #82
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Resident Loser
    ...maybe some geography with those history E-Stat rightly points out, the aboriginal americans most likely came from Asia via the land bridge where only the Aleutians and the Bering Sea now exist...but be that as it may...

    Those who came from Europe sought, among other things...the Northwest passage, wealth via the hemispheres' natural resources, land to satiate their various empirical appetites, religious and other freedoms not afforded to them in the Old World...etc. We then devolve into the power of slavery over the indigenous population, plantations, the Triangle trade...all of this and more, as a result of the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th century European "discoveries"...

    Were there penal colonies? Per se, can't say...there was indentured servitude and it's shy brother apprenticeship...both European in origin, at least in this instance...

    So...sit back, pour a cold one or a warm one (being in England and all) spin a few and reflect...

    jimHJJ(...on the plain, unvarnished history...)
    I still think Markw and I meant the influx from Europe across the Atlantic. I am not an Idiot I know where people came from in the historic dark age. But be that as it may.
    I asked you a question HOW IS THE SNOW and more important how are you????

    I have a cold one-can't stand that warm soup they call beer over in old blighty.


    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  8. #83
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael
    The house is on hold until the snow melts and the ground soffens up a bit.
    Waiting is the best part. You get to think of where you'll put them how they'll sound. You get to imagine all the great tunes you'll spin.

    The BOT is shining here again. How about there?
    Ever so often when I get a new piece of gear I use the same 5 Tunes to gage it. I think I am just impatient by nature but ever since I got Ankylosing Spondilitis I got more relaxed.

    The B.O.T. has been "Now you see me, now you don't".And it's hiding now, but it's unusualy mild.
    Maybe you can post some pics when the building gets going. In some years I will be in the same position as you. We bought our piece of land in Scotland a few years back and got planning permission and for now playing around with what to build.

    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  9. #84
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael
    Cool, sounds like fun.

    Mild here this year too. No complaints from me.

    I plan to update my avitar with the latest pictures. That is, once I have more than a few trees to take a picture of.


    Planning is fun. Take your time and get it right the first time.
    Doggie? I don't wish to know.

    Anyway I have a question how do you respond to individual sentences. Like creating boxes. Please bear with me I am an Computer Midget.

    No complains on the temperature here from me too.

    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  10. #85
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Anywhere but here...
    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Ever so often when I get a new piece of gear I use the same 5 Tunes to gage it. Bernd
    Cool, sounds like fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd

    The B.O.T. has been "Now you see me, now you don't".And it's hiding now, but it's unusualy mild.Bernd
    Mild here this year too. No complaints from me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Maybe you can post some pics when the building gets going. In some years Bernd
    I plan to update my avitar with the latest pictures. That is, once I have more than a few trees to take a picture of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    I will be in the same position as you. Bernd

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    We bought our piece of land in Scotland a few years back and got planning permission and for now playing around with what to build.

    Planning is fun. Take your time and get it right the first time.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  11. #86
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Doggie? I don't wish to know.

    Anyway I have a question how do you respond to individual sentences. Like creating boxes. Please bear with me I am an Computer Midget.

    No complains on the temperature here from me too.

    Hit your "respond to post" button. See the "
    Quote Originally Posted by Gmichael
    " at the begining? And the Gmichael
    at the end? Do a little copying & pasting. Anything starting with the bracketsQUOTE=NAMEBRACKET and ending with NAMEBRACKET/QUOTEBRACKET will end up in a box. Play with it till you like it.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  12. #87
    Color me gone... Resident Loser's Avatar
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    Nueva Jork

    I said I...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    I still think Markw and I meant the influx from Europe across the Atlantic. I am not an Idiot I know where people came from in the historic dark age. But be that as it may.
    I asked you a question HOW IS THE SNOW and more important how are you????

    I have a cold one-can't stand that warm soup they call beer over in old blighty. Peace Bernd
    ...couldn't resist it...just breakin' 'em...merely a point of order that there were americans before there were Americans...there really were no Americans until there was an America (of the USof A-type)...ya' got yer Canadians, and Mexicans and Columbians and Brazilians and Argetinians reality all lower-case americans...simply sub-divided...

    We have had an early spring or a late thaw or something like that...the BOT and it's higher temps ( mid-day 50s F) have, as of this AM, turned the beautiful, white blanket into predominantly a gigantic, grey Slurpee, or Shlushie, or Sno-cone, at least on the streets...the Jeep is free and my new-ish Dunlops provided sufficient traction to negotiate the still-white, but deep and sloppy mess in my driveway. Long live 4WD...

    Warmer today, rain on the morrow and colder, more typical temps on hand for the weekend...perhaps more flake-y!

    jimHJJ(...let it snow...let it snow...let it snow...)
    Hello, I'm a misanthrope...don't ask me why, just take a good look around.

    "Men would rather believe than know" -Sociobiology: The New Synthesis by Edward O. Wilson

    "The great masses of the people...will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one" -Adolph Hitler

    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves" -Goethe

    If you repeat a lie often enough, some will believe it to be the truth...

  13. #88
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Anywhere but here...
    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael
    Hit your "respond to post" button. See the " at the end? Do a little copying & pasting. Anything starting with the bracketsQUOTE=NAMEBRACKET and ending with NAMEBRACKET/QUOTEBRACKET will end up in a box. Play with it till you like it.
    Oops, I should have known. My explination contained "reserved words" They got used to box my reply.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  14. #89
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Resident Loser
    ...couldn't resist it...just breakin' 'em...merely a point of order that there were americans before there were Americans...there really were no Americans until there was an America (of the USof A-type)...ya' got yer Canadians, and Mexicans and Columbians and Brazilians and Argetinians reality all lower-case americans...simply sub-divided...

    We have had an early spring or a late thaw or something like that...the BOT and it's higher temps ( mid-day 50s F) have, as of this AM, turned the beautiful, white blanket into predominantly a gigantic, grey Slurpee, or Shlushie, or Sno-cone, at least on the streets...the Jeep is free and my new-ish Dunlops provided sufficient traction to negotiate the still-white, but deep and sloppy mess in my driveway. Long live 4WD...

    Warmer today, rain on the morrow and colder, more typical temps on hand for the weekend...perhaps more flake-y!

    jimHJJ(...let it snow...let it snow...let it snow...)
    Well glad you're alright. I am with you on the "Long live 4WD". I have daily trips onto the Moor and heather hills through all sorts of terrain. But what I can't stand is the City Centre pristine clean 4WD. No need for them.

    The cool Budweiser Budvar is going down nicely. Heavy week next week for me.

    Take it easy

    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  15. #90
    Color me gone... Resident Loser's Avatar
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    Nueva Jork

    Nothing quite as pathetic...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Well glad you're alright. I am with you on the "Long live 4WD". I have daily trips onto the Moor and heather hills through all sorts of terrain. But what I can't stand is the City Centre pristine clean 4WD. No need for them.

    The cool Budweiser Budvar is going down nicely. Heavy week next week for me.

    Take it easy

    Bernd a clean SUV being used as a grocery-getter, driven by a soccer-mom, loaded up with a cargo of kiddie-winkies and terrible tiny tots...

    jimHJJ(...unless it's a male poseur, wannabee "adventurer" the Barbour field-coat and Wellies...sipping a half-decaf, mocha supremo at the neighborhood Starbucks...)
    Hello, I'm a misanthrope...don't ask me why, just take a good look around.

    "Men would rather believe than know" -Sociobiology: The New Synthesis by Edward O. Wilson

    "The great masses of the people...will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one" -Adolph Hitler

    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves" -Goethe

    If you repeat a lie often enough, some will believe it to be the truth...

  16. #91
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Resident Loser a clean SUV being used as a grocery-getter, driven by a soccer-mom, loaded up with a cargo of kiddie-winkies and terrible tiny tots...

    jimHJJ(...unless it's a male poseur, wannabee "adventurer" the Barbour field-coat and Wellies...sipping a half-decaf, mocha supremo at the neighborhood Starbucks...)
    You got it!
    Don't own a Barbour (Labour Party Contributers), also don't drink decaf or half decaf only full on caffeine shot. Black,Hot and strong and no I am not talking about the soccer mum.

    I am on cooking duty tonight so I better shape myself.


    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  17. #92
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    The greatest thing about banging your head against somebody's wall,
    is the feeling you get when you stop.


    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  18. #93
    Suspended markw's Avatar
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    Noo Joisey. Youse got a problem wit dat?

    I know exactly how you feel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    The greatest thing about banging your head against somebody's wall,
    is the feeling you get when you stop.


    I wasted my time trying to educate you. All you wanted to do is ignore the facts and try to dig dirt.

  19. #94
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markw
    I wasted my time trying to educate you. All you wanted to do is ignore the facts and try to dig dirt.
    Stop it. I can't stop laughing.

    The moment I will need you to educate me-that's the moment I will give up.

    You still don't get it. I really like your country and the people I have met. I just have a problem with your Government,military and corporate organisations trying to dominate the world. That to my mind is no different then Islam wants an Islamic world, or the Nazi's wanting a thousand year Third Reich.With Americas help Hitlers henchmen got their asses wipped and I for one am pleased about that. But you didn't do it alone.
    Anyway old ground. You want confrontation go find somebody else please.

    A bomb from the sky is the perfect crime!


    Last edited by Bernd; 02-17-2006 at 04:55 AM.
    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  20. #95
    Suspended markw's Avatar
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    Noo Joisey. Youse got a problem wit dat?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Stop it. I can't stop laughing.

    The moment I will need you to educate me-that's the moment I will give up.
    There is none so blind as those that will not see...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    You still don't get it. I really like your country and the people I have met.
    Yeah, you really like this country all right. That's why tou took a discussion on JFK and turned it into a rant on your feelings about the current world situation. Now, had you stuck to the subject at hand, I would not have jumped in. But, no....

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    I just have a problem with your Government,military and corporate organisations trying to dominate the world.
    Well, thost three components do pretty much make up most countries, us included.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    That to my mind is no different then Islam wants an Islamic world, or the Nazi's wanting a thousand year Third Reich.
    You really believe that trying to instill freedom is the same as what Hitler and Islam want? Here's a hint... if we wanted to dominate the world, it would be dominated by now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    With Americas help Hitlers henchmen got their asses wipped and I for one am pleased about that. But you didn't do it alone.
    They could not have done it without us. .And, in the event that had we NOT joined in and Germany still lost, ALL of Germany (and the rest of Europe) would have been under soviet rule like East Germany was. Betcha you would have loved that, eh? ...nothing but Trabants and Wartburgs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Anyway old ground. You want confrontation go find somebody else please.
    No thanks, I'm happy throwwing facts at you so you can ignore them

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    A bomb from the sky is the perfect crime!
    Yep, you should know. You started it. Ask England.

  21. #96
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    "Facts" as perceived by the "brainwashed" masses.-Yes!

    As for your arrogant response to world domination. As you found out planning and doing are two different things. You can't even control little Iraq, after illegaly invading it. And Vietnam was a real success was it? Do you want some more? I was going to shut up as I do not live in your country but you keep coming back for another smacking. So all bets are off.
    I get the sneaky suspicion that you are one of those, "Bullies in Uniform", by the way you try to shout me down.
    You just mess up all the time and it is getting boring. I suspect you are a very insignificant little man who never achieved anything by himself.
    As I said before enjoy being an american (and live in your ignorance) and I enjoy being a european and I will enjoy my close friendship with many of your countrymen. Say what you want it will not change that.I have shown your response to a few North american friends and it was laughter all round.Keep going please.
    I pitty you.

    Last edited by Bernd; 02-17-2006 at 09:55 AM.
    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  22. #97
    Suspended markw's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Noo Joisey. Youse got a problem wit dat?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    "Facts" as perceived by the "brainwashed" masses.-Yes!
    As opposed to the hyperbole that jealous eurotrash spew forth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    As for your arrogant response to world domination. As you found out planning and doing are two different things. You can't even control little Iraq, after illegaly invading it.
    Believe it, cupcake, If we weren't trying to spare as many lives as possible we would own that land by now. But, by trying to preserve their lives we put our own people at risk. Maybe we shoulda taken a lesson outta your book and exterminated the whole race of 'em? Betcha we could do a better job if we put our full effort into it.

    Your grandparents are fully aware of what we can co. And, we've got even more efficient weapons now. And, you see how west Berlin made out under our draconian rule? Would you preferred we sucked the life out of them as Russia did to their charge? Seriously, what would have stopped us except our intent to better things for you ungrateful bastishs? Think before you spew, or at least use a rubber.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    And Vietnam was a real success was it?
    And again, had we been turned loose to fight at our full capacity that would have been a different story. You really aren't a student of history, are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Do you want some more? I was going to shut up as I do not live in your country but you keep coming back for another smacking.
    Yeah, you'll shut up all right. Just like the Black Knight. So far you're only showing your glaring ignorance of history, particularly after that "Bombs from above" stuff in the previous post. Now THAT was funny. I kinda liked my reply to that, didn't you?.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    So all bets are off.
    Dude, all bets were off from your initial spurt in this thread. Now, keep it coming. You just don't know when to shut up. I guess all your combined jealousty and hatred for America will do that to ya. Are you sure you're not really french?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    I get the sneaky suspicion that you are one of those, "Bullies in Uniform",by the way you try to shout me down.
    I'm not "shouting you down. I'm merely replyingwit hfacts, which you choose to ignore. So, now all servicemen are bullies in uniform? Maybe in your Gestapo mentality, but that's not the way they do things here. We try to preserve lives as much as possible, which may be our downfall.

    What about that Serbia/Croatiatins thing? All your horses and all your men couldn't (or wouldn't) put that back together again. You were just happy to let them kill each other. ...or simply impotent.

    So who did y'all call? hint.. it wasn't ghostbusters.

    And, yet again the evil empire pulls your fat out of the fire once again and what did we ask in return? You tell me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    You just mess up all the time and it is getting boring. I suspect you are a very insignificant little man who never achieved anything by himself.
    I mess up all the time? Insignificant little man? So, now since you are out of "real" facts you're finallystooping to the personal insults? And even after I apologized for that "heinz" thing earlier. You do yourself proud.

    Tell my three grown sons how insignificant I am. Tell it to my four grandchildren. Tell it to my church where I manage 10,000 watts of sound system three times a week.

    And, tell it to the investment $$ that rolls in monthly that keep me going along with my free-lance work. Can you say two homes, two cars and no debt?

    Beats cooking ...and I can set my own hours and do it from my home!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    As I said before enjoy being an american (and live in your ignorance) and I enjoy being a european and I will enjoy my close friendship with many of your countrymen.
    Really? I guarantee that if you had the balls to speak like this in in person you wouldn't HAVE any American friends. No wonder germans are hated by tourists.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd
    Say what you want it will not change that.I have shown your response to a few North american friends and it was laughter all round.Keep going please.
    I pitty you.
    right. Well then, it's quite obvious that they don't know history either. ..or they are just humoring the poor little german cook.

    Gee, did anyone else notice that the two most arrogant America haters in this forum are both german? Coincidence?
    Last edited by markw; 02-17-2006 at 02:23 PM.

  23. #98
    Forum Regular
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    May 2003

    Actually, E-Stat...

    Quote Originally Posted by E-Stat
    Original Americans from Europe? Take out your globe and compare the width of the Bering Strait to The Atlantic Ocean.

    ...people seem to have come here from all over. There is the majority opinion that Native Americans developed in isolation for many thousands of years, but the theory is easy to punch holes in:

    advanced cultures often sprang up where currents from the Old World came by here

    artifacts were left here by [off the top of my head] the Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Chinese, Japanese, Vikings,

    the Zuni appear to be of Japanese descent

    the Mandan language is said to be partly Welsh

    extensive ruins of a Baal-worshiping culture are still to be found in New England, and Indian legends relate how they were massacred

    King Solomon may have operated copper mines in the Great Lakes area, or at least somebody did, as the mines have been found

    this is not well known, but ancient writing from Egypt (an early dynasty) has been found in Australia - who knows then, who went where way back when...


  24. #99
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by markw
    As opposed to the hyperbole that jealous eurotrash spew forth?

    Believe it, cupcake, If we weren't trying to spare as many lives as possible we would own that land by now. But, by trying to preserve their lives we put our own people at risk. Maybe we shoulda taken a lesson outta your book and exterminated the whole race of 'em? Betcha we could do a better job if we put our full effort into it.

    Your grandparents are fully aware of what we can co. And, we've got even more efficient weapons now. And, you see how west Berlin made out under our draconian rule? Would you preferred we sucked the life out of them as Russia did to their charge? Seriously, what would have stopped us except our intent to better things for you ungrateful bastishs? Think before you spew, or at least use a rubber.

    And again, had we been turned loose to fight at our full capacity that would have been a different story. You really aren't a student of history, are you?

    Yeah, you'll shut up all right. Just like the Black Knight. So far you're only showing your glaring ignorance of history, particularly after that "Bombs from above" stuff in the previous post. Now THAT was funny. I kinda liked my reply to that, didn't you?.

    Dude, all bets were off from your initial spurt in this thread. Now, keep it coming. You just don't know when to shut up. I guess all your combined jealousty and hatred for America will do that to ya. Are you sure you're not really french?

    I'm not "shouting you down. I'm merely replyingwit hfacts, which you choose to ignore. So, now all servicemen are bullies in uniform? Maybe in your Gestapo mentality, but that's not the way they do things here. We try to preserve lives as much as possible, which may be our downfall.

    What about that Serbia/Croatiatins thing? All your horses and all your men couldn't (or wouldn't) put that back together again. You were just happy to let them kill each other. ...or simply impotent.

    So who did y'all call? hint.. it wasn't ghostbusters.

    And, yet again the evil empire pulls your fat out of the fire once again and what did we ask in return? You tell me.

    I mess up all the time? Insignificant little man? So, now since you are out of "real" facts you're finallystooping to the personal insults? And even after I apologized for that "heinz" thing earlier. You do yourself proud.

    Tell my three grown sons how insignificant I am. Tell it to my four grandchildren. Tell it to my church where I manage 10,000 watts of sound system three times a week.

    And, tell it to the investment $$ that rolls in monthly that keep me going along with my free-lance work. Can you say two homes, two cars and no debt?

    Beats cooking ...and I can set my own hours and do it from my home!

    Really? I guarantee that if you had the balls to speak like this in in person you wouldn't HAVE any American friends. No wonder germans are hated by tourists.

    right. Well then, it's quite obvious that they don't know history either. ..or they are just humoring the poor little german cook.

    Gee, did anyone else notice that the two most arrogant America haters in this forum are both german? Coincidence?
    Very quickly- Land in Scotland,House in England,House in Berlin(part-owned with my brother-hope that counts on your scale), Apartment in Teneriffe(that's one of the Canary Islands),two successful businesses (one mine, one my wifes) two cars, no debt(well Visa has a little on it, but I will clear it-I promise),6 children (all from my wifes first marriage), 4 grandchildren,11 dogs(take a look at our website) one parrot(African Grey-speaks english with a german accent),Grousse moor rented,Holland & Holland 20 bore, but only 2x40 watts to take care off in my home,Palzaleri Suits,no church.Any more you need to know ?

    You talk with so much authority on what "YOU" did (service et all) to sort the second world war-you weren't even born when the war finished. So what did YOU do? Talk about second hand info. Brainwashed! So I presume your hour of "Glory" was Vietnam-enough said.

    Unfortunatly I will not be able to attend anymore of "MARKW's" right wing fantasy view lessons. I will have to return to the real world. So thanks for your "Pearls of Wisdom". I shall treasure them. As for anybody being hated- I don't think we can compete.

    So long and enjoy your 10000 watts and your church.Your right wing views and religous leanings sound to me like the "Fourth Reich" is on the move.
    Heil Markw!
    Last edited by Bernd; 02-18-2006 at 04:37 AM.
    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  25. #100
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by trollgirl
    ...people seem to have come here from all over. There is the majority opinion that Native Americans developed in isolation for many thousands of years, but the theory is easy to punch holes in:

    advanced cultures often sprang up where currents from the Old World came by here

    artifacts were left here by [off the top of my head] the Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Chinese, Japanese, Vikings,

    the Zuni appear to be of Japanese descent

    the Mandan language is said to be partly Welsh

    extensive ruins of a Baal-worshiping culture are still to be found in New England, and Indian legends relate how they were massacred

    King Solomon may have operated copper mines in the Great Lakes area, or at least somebody did, as the mines have been found

    this is not well known, but ancient writing from Egypt (an early dynasty) has been found in Australia - who knows then, who went where way back when...

    Hi Laz,

    Now here is an open minded view that makes interesting reading.Not some fantasy blind faith.
    Have a nice weekend.


    Last edited by Bernd; 02-18-2006 at 01:20 AM.
    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

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