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  1. #1
    Kam is offline
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    Talking 'Tis better to have loved Lost than never to have loved at all....

    Season III
    let it begin.

  2. #2
    Kam is offline
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    wow, is this the fastest freakin' show! i feel like i blink and its another commercial break!!!
    ok.... trying to absorb it all but... what in the?????
    Hydra station... ben... what'd they do to kate...? another plant opposite sawyer in the cage?

    oh, btw... the eye dilation shot! 3 seasons in a row.

  3. #3
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    LOL! Nice job on the title Kam.

    Alright Gents. I'll kick off the S3 discussion by saying...


    Who would have thought that The Others would be so civilized? Houses? Gardens? Freakin' book clubs? Where do they get the books from? I wonder what Amazon charges for shipping to deserted islands in the South Pacific???

    And we now know that Fake Henry's real name is Ben! Ben? I don't know what I was expecting, but Ben just seems so simple. Ben. Hmmm. In my heart of hearts he'll always be Henry to me.

    And what's with FH/Ben leaving Juliet to drown. Oh, I think that she's going to get him back for that one. Maybe help Jack escape just to piss him off...or is that too predictable?

    And, finally, what are they going to do to Kate for the next two weeks that'll be so unpleasant?

    All in all, a good episode. It started with a great WTF moment. I got chills when "Ben" walked out of his house. Then you see the plane overhead, then there was a brief moment of confusion before it all fell into place. Nicely done.

    Edit: I was just reading one of the other Lost boards, and they've dubbed Fake Henry as Benry. I like it.

  4. #4
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    So here's a couple of other theories already flying around the 'net...

    1. Benry and Juliet are ex-husband/wife or ex-lovers. A comment was made during the book club that the host always picks the book, but in her case she didn't pick the book. Then Benry makes a comment that "I guess, I'm not part of the book club anymore" or something like that. So, put two and two together and Benry picked the book, but Juliet is hosting. Plus the dynamic between them...he closed the door on her as water was flooding into the room. And the look of disgust she gives him at the end and his return look.

    2. Jack is being kept separated from Kate and Sawyer because they want Jack to join the Others. He's a scientist. He could help them with their research. Also, he's lost his father and his wife, so he's in a vulnerable state of mind. People are easily coerced when they are feeling so alone.

    New theories already. Let the games begin!

  5. #5
    Kam is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    So here's a couple of other theories already flying around the 'net...

    1. Benry and Juliet are ex-husband/wife or ex-lovers. A comment was made during the book club that the host always picks the book, but in her case she didn't pick the book. Then Benry makes a comment that "I guess, I'm not part of the book club anymore" or something like that. So, put two and two together and Benry picked the book, but Juliet is hosting. Plus the dynamic between them...he closed the door on her as water was flooding into the room. And the look of disgust she gives him at the end and his return look.

    2. Jack is being kept separated from Kate and Sawyer because they want Jack to join the Others. He's a scientist. He could help them with their research. Also, he's lost his father and his wife, so he's in a vulnerable state of mind. People are easily coerced when they are feeling so alone.

    New theories already. Let the games begin!
    i thought about that, having juliet (romeo anyone?) be against benry (great name!) but it could all also be for jack's benefit. not sure if he could see there exchange, but these guys and gals are GOOD. so while they may have their own internal squabbling and a lovers tiff or whatever, they know who's side they're on. i think the only maverick in the Other's that we know of is Alex, Rousseau's kid. there may be others as well who have joined them that they dont have as great a hold of as they think (ala alex helping claire... or did she?)
    searching the other boards now too!

  6. #6
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Hey... I lost something last night as well....


    That's right, just as the water was flooding into the chamber there was a loud bang and the block went black. I did NOT get power back until 4:30 this morning.. Brilliant, effing, goddamn brilliant. Can someone please email me a snyopsis of what occurred after that? Thanks...

    Da really really really pissed off Worfster.

  7. #7
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101

    That's right, just as the water was flooding into the chamber there was a loud bang and the block went black. I did NOT get power back until 4:30 this morning.. Brilliant, effing, goddamn brilliant. Can someone please email me a snyopsis of what occurred after that? Thanks...

    Da really really really pissed off Worfster.
    Jack drowned! Sawyer was put in the Polar Bear cage and was mauled to death! Kate was forced to become Benry's concubine (no wonder Juliet is so mad!).

    Nah, I'm just kidding. Seriously, I'll have to watch the show again to give you a good synopsis. My short term memory sucks so I'm just not good at that sort of thing. But Kam is excellent at the job of recapping. If we're both lucky, he'll pipe in and give you hand.

    Or...I think that you can watch the episode on-line at I tried to check it out for you before posting here, but I got a message saying that only viewers in the United States can watch the full-length episodes. Discriminatory Rat-Bastards!

    In the meantime, I have another question about last nights show. Who the heck was Karl? He was the guy in the cage across from Sawyer who unlocked the doors. Is he really another prisoner? Or is he a plant a la Ethan and Goodwin...pulling the same trick that Ana Lucia used in the hole to gain Sawyer's trust. Again, that seems too obvious.
    Last edited by ForeverAutumn; 10-05-2006 at 04:59 AM.

  8. #8
    Rep points are my LIFE!! Groundbeef's Avatar
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    Well, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed in last nights show. The opening was AWESOME. Totally blindsided both my wife and I. Who would have thunk it? But then the endless commercial breaks came, and came and came again. I half joking told my wife we were watching commercials, only to be interupted by LOST. I think that ABC is now getting their ad revenue!

    The story line is interesting, and will take some time to flesh out. It seems the Others are very, very good at what ever they do. Being able to compile so much data on Jack makes me sure that they have contact outside the walls of the island. I am not sure what I think about this development; will have to see how it goes.

    I did like the bit about Sawyer being in a cage, in fact all of them are in some sort of Zoo. AHHHHHHHH that is where the Polar Bears came from. Now it is not so mysterious is it? There is a zoo... Now we just have to figure out what ate the pilot in the first episodes. What kind of beast did Dharma grow ala Jurassic Park.

    Incidently, in the Chicago Tribune yesterday they talked about some summer promotion that Lost did on the internet. Turns out that the #'s are somehow related to Doomsday, and that Dharma was working to stave off the extinction of man, and the numbers played a part. Wondering if anyone else has seen info on that?

    Well, can't wait for next week. I just hope they cool the commercial time.

  9. #9
    Kam is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101

    That's right, just as the water was flooding into the chamber there was a loud bang and the block went black. I did NOT get power back until 4:30 this morning.. Brilliant, effing, goddamn brilliant. Can someone please email me a snyopsis of what occurred after that? Thanks...

    Da really really really pissed off Worfster.
    alrighty.... so after the water started rushing in Benry runs to the other door and closes it in Juliet's face (breakups are a bitc#!) so juliet grabs jack and they make it into another room and manage to close the door together, she tells him to push that yellow emergency button and he does, then she clocks him and either jack has a glass chin, or juliet has had some training because he drops like a rock. she drags him to the table as the water is pumped back out of that room.

    (i think there was the flashback here to the AA meeting? - jack hears his dad talk to his eh on the cell phone and follows him as he leaves the hospital where he walks in on his dad at an AA meeting loses it, fights him, and knocks him down and ends up in jail where the ex bails him out. he follows her outside and sees mr. mystery man waiting for her who is.... SAYID!!!! no just kidding. its no one we've seen before. and jack asks who he is, and she said [in a great line] it doesnt matter who he is, it matters who you're not, then tells him he at least has something to fix now with his dad being an alky)

    Back on the island, jack wakes up and he's back in the aquarium room and Juliet walks in with a big file of papers and she tells jack that this station is called The Hydra and that the file is everything about him, what kind of doc he is, where he went to school, his divorce, his dad, the autopsy report on his dad, what color his blanky was when he was 3 (j/k) and that they also know everything about his ex. she asks him... is there anything you want to know? and he, of course, says is she happy? juliet says yes and the tears are flowing like champ. juliet says she's gonna bring in the food now and can she trust him, and he goes and sits with his back against the wall crying like a little girl who had her doll taken from her.

    juliet walks out of the room and right there is benry who says good work. she says thank you, and the two exchange a rather heated, stressed look... mysterious as always.

    the trailer for next episode: focusses on sayid and jin and sun's rescue attempt and how it apparently goes awry (go figure).


  10. #10
    Suspended topspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kam
    so juliet grabs jack and they make it into another room and manage to close the door together, she tells him to push that yellow emergency button and he does, then she clocks him and either jack has a glass chin, or juliet has had some training because he drops like a rock.
    My wife and I actually got into a, err...discussion regarding Jack's sissy-girl status. One punch?!? C'mon, man! The wife contended that he was weak from not eating or drinking. To which I reasoned that while true, he still shouldn't be knocked cold by one punch from a girl (unless that girl is Linda Hamilton from T2). This is right about when the wife said she could knock me out with one which I countered she couldn't hit water if she fell out of a boat.

    It was on like Donkey Kong!

    No, no. No punches thrown. But serious trash talking ensued.

    I wonder if the writers had that kind of fan reaction in mind .


    So what happened to Kate after breakfast with Benry? Her wrists were pretty jacked from the cuffs. Sawyer is going to dish out some payback sooner or later and I hope it's on Benry. That guy is creepy.

  11. #11
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I'm with you guys. Jack was a total girly-man in last night's episode.

    Benry may be creepy, but he's my all-time favourite character. He should have won an award for his acting in S2.

  12. #12
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    I just got this off another site. If it's correct then it looks like Locke, Eko, and Desmond make it out of the hatch alive. Not that I ever really doubted that they would.

    3.01 A tale of Two Cities (jack centric)
    3.02 The Glass Ballerina (sun/jin centric)
    3.03 Further Instructions (locke centric)
    3.04 Every man for himself (desmond centric)
    3.05 The Cost of living (eko centric)
    3.06 ... unknown but supposed to be a huge cliffhanger

  13. #13
    Kam is offline
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    now for the obsessions to start up...

    any word on what the new latest book is? it was a stephen king book, but they never showed the cover, however they showed enough that i'm sure someone would be able to recognize which one it was. i am guessing its part of the Dark Tower series with the whole sci-fi reference that the disgruntled bookclub guy mentioned.
    i'll see if i can find what it was... might also give us a minimum "when" time frame.

  14. #14
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    The book was Carrie. You can make it out in a couple of screen shots, here...;id=170

    It's got that nice telekinesis theme going on. It also connects with Benry's comment to Locke, "you don't have any Stephen King do you?". Benry made this comment when Locke gave him the Dostoyevsky book to read.

    As for the "when" timeframe, there are a couple of different covers of the book, so I don't think that's gonna help you.

  15. #15
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    You guys...

    are really startin' to scare me. The othe websites... total complete obsession... You can't have a job and/or a personal life and spend all this time wondering about this series... It's mindbogglin, mindbogglin a tells ya. Thanks though... it's more fun than watchin' Sawyer in a mousetrap.

    Da Worfster

    PS, my theory... some rich old f**k is dyin'. "Found the island, though it would "heal" him but it didn't cause his Karma was/is wrong. That's why his fascination with those who are "good people". Crap theory I know but what the heck...

    Da Worfster

  16. #16
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101
    are really startin' to scare me. The othe websites... total complete obsession... You can't have a job and/or a personal life and spend all this time wondering about this series... It's mindbogglin, mindbogglin a tells ya. Thanks though... it's more fun than watchin' Sawyer in a mousetrap.

    Da Worfster

    PS, my theory... some rich old f**k is dyin'. "Found the island, though it would "heal" him but it didn't cause his Karma was/is wrong. That's why his fascination with those who are "good people". Crap theory I know but what the heck...

    Da Worfster
    Personal life? You guys are my personal life!

  17. #17
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Better late to the party than never?

    So I'm just not having a great couple months...week and a bit after the cast gets off my hand, and the pins get pulled, my lung decides to collapse. First baseball, now hockey have left me battered and bruised.
    Oh well 4 days in the hospital and I lost 7 lbs, that's no so bad.

    I could only watch Lost from my hospital room's 5 inch TV cause I was outnumbered by grumpy seniors (who looked eerily like they could have been Dharma agents) in the common room on my floor.

    Wholly hole in a donut, batman, that was a great way to kick off S3. The cages, the new station, Othersville, a name for fake Henry, and a great glimpse behind the scenes of the "bad guys"
    I just can't wait to see what horrors the next 2 weeks have in store for Kate, but I find myself left once again with more questions than answers. Will finally get to see how she got so deliciously wet as detailed on the cover of the current issue of TV Guide? Does Benry (good one FA) throw her in the shark/Dolphin trap with Jack? Exactly how good are fish biscuits (better than hospital food)? And what the bloody hell happened to Locke and Eko? Does the hatch still work (as I predict) or is it all blowed up? Did Roslin get killed by the Cylon firing squad (oops, wrong show).
    I dunno which Stephen King book it was, but he's on record as being a massive huge king kong fan of the show, and actually begged the writers to end the show when the story's been told rather than to drag it on like so many other maybe this was just a polite nod to him?

  18. #18
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Kex, oh Kex, oh Kex. You are a mess, aren't you? Please don't take up fencing, ok? And no skeet shooting for you either.

    So Benry lives in Othersville. I like it.

  19. #19
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    Kex, oh Kex, oh Kex. You are a mess, aren't you? Please don't take up fencing, ok? And no skeet shooting for you either.

    So Benry lives in Othersville. I like it.
    Bah, fluke injuries, the both of stick got stuck in the zamboni doors behind the net on a rush and my chest punched into it. X-rays don't show a broken rib, which I'm told is weird. Gotta admit it scared the heck outta me, thought I was having a heart attack or something. Guess I'll never be drafted to the pros, but what can ya do...

    Took every breath I had to convince my wife not to fly home.

    On the plus side, I have lots of TV time for the next few days though. 37 hours and counting...

  20. #20
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Anywhere but here...

    What will be next? Broken finger, collapsed lung, almost broken rib, etc. Will we have to wrap you up with nurf turf? Soon the snow will be falling and you'll be flying off that new toy you got last season. Should we call your local hospital to warn them in advance?

    Glad you're OK. But please be more careful.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  21. #21
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael

    What will be next? Broken finger, collapsed lung, almost broken rib, etc. Will we have to wrap you up with nurf turf? Soon the snow will be falling and you'll be flying off that new toy you got last season. Should we call your local hospital to warn them in advance?

    Glad you're OK. But please be more careful.
    Bah...My hand fractures healed so fast and the finger moves almost 100% again (but is a wee bit crooked) - doctors say I have the resiliency of 10 year old boy.
    (in Mr. Burns voice)
    So I'm invincible....Invincible.

    You're right, the snow can't come fast enough - but enough OT about me...who d'y'all suppose that kid in the cages with Sawyer was? Anyone important? Another survivor?

  22. #22
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kexodusc
    On the plus side, I have lots of TV time for the next few days though. 37 hours and counting...
    Ah hah! So I'm not the only one who celebrates an illness for the TV time that it provides.

    You know, because I do obsess over this show and think about it all week long, it occured to me last night that S3 started in the same way as S2. Not just the opening of the eye, but the whole insight into a new world...

    S2 opened with us watching Desmond in the hatch. Only we didn't yet understand what we were seeing. A guy wakes up, has breakfast, works out, showers, shaves. A rumble. The record skips. What's that? Oh, we're watching the hatch. There's a guy in the hatch!!!

    S3 opens with us watching the book club meeting. Everything looks normal. A group of people sitting around, drinking, eating, discussing. A rumble. An earthquake? It's over, run outside. Nice neighbourhood. What's that? A plane breaking up in the sky? Oh, we're watching the Others. It's Othersville on the island!!!

  23. #23
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Okay, just collecting my thoughts here.

    So Sun shot Benry's new girlfriend. That should make for interesting TV later. How will Sun react to shooting someone once the shock wears off and she's back on the beach (assuming they make it back to the beach)? How will Benry react when he finds out that Colleen (was that her name?) has been shot? How will Juliet respond?

    Juliet seemed all nicey, nicey. Playing sympathetic to Jack, and giving Sawyer water. But she looked pretty hard core holding a gun to Kate. I think that Kam is right. They know what their jobs are and how to do them.

    Has Benry really spent his entire life on the island? He looks to be in his 40's. If that's true then he's been there long before the Dharma Orientation tapes were made. They were dated 1980 I think.

    And didn't you just love Jack's reaction to the Red Sox winning the world series. That may just be my favourite scene yet. I love the sense of humour that these writers have!

  24. #24
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Starting to sound like the Others are the descendants of Dharma, isn't it. Maybe still some big experiment being observed from the outside by that woman who's in the know - they obviously have contact with the outside world. Kind of like Walt Disney's vision for EPCOT - minus the cool golf ball dome - that maybe just got sidetracked by all the weird sh-- that goes on.

    I see Juliet being the key to Jack, Sawyer, and Kate getting out of the island on account of the blatantly obvious conflict between her and Benry.

    Keep forgetting we're in November 2004 still. Patriots are about to repeat too. Brad and Jen are a sure bet thing and people still like Mel Gibson. Man, this show is weird.

  25. #25
    Kam is offline
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    there was something just a leeeeetle bit too smooth about that whole exchange with the world series thing.... my spidey sense is tingling and i will go on record (yes! that's right, the first wild idea of season 3) to say:
    they are not in 2004. hugo's ever-so-humorous side comment to sayid upon picking up that radio wave about "when" are they over where are they is key. i may be wrong... BUT... lest everyone forget and allow me to bask in my 1-1353 theory record... i DID say benry was the head other!!

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