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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    anybody heard of a company called Digital Audio?

    I picked up some speakers from a company called Digital Audio.
    They are PDA-2012.
    3 way floor speakers rated at 10-400 watts continuous power handling.

    Have any of you heard of these? Are they any good? What are they worth?

    Sorry about all the questions at once, but I'm not having much luck finding info on these.

  2. #2
    My custom user title This Guy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    sounds like white van speakers. Did you pick these up in a store parcking lot or on ebay, and did they say the were worth upwards of a grand? How much did you pay?


  3. #3
    AR Newbie Registered Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by This Guy
    sounds like white van speakers. Did you pick these up in a store parcking lot or on ebay, and did they say the were worth upwards of a grand? How much did you pay?

    Yep, sounds familiar (parking lot). The box says "suggested retail $999".
    I paid $175...
    Are they even worth that? I haven't tested them out yet...

  4. #4
    My custom user title This Guy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    sorry dude but you bought into a scam. Someone recently posted about white van speakers (epiphany)and their news station had a special about white van speakers. The one tweeter they used in there speakers that claimed to retail for $1500 costs $7 on Luckily you didn't pay a **** load for them so it may not be a huge loss. They may sound decent, but the truth of the matter is, the pair probably cost around $30 to make. Now you know for next time. try to get your money back if you can, but good luck.


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