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  1. #1
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    What are the 3 worst albums you'll admit to actually buying???

    This topic is always good for a laugh, and I could sure use one...

    I went looking through some of my collection while boxing up a bunch of my music to get ready for my move. I found a few turnips in there, here they are in reverse order (to purposely reveal the magnitude of their crappiness):

    3) Godsmack - Awake - This is a pretty terrible follow up album to a rather mediocre but enjoyable debut that offered some promise...These guys have just gotten worse ever since. I can't believe I sold this on ebay for $9.25!!!

    2) Metallica - Load - As I recall, when I bought this album, it was in the "Alternative" section of the music store...fitting, because I certainly wouldn't call this Heavy Metal. These guys never really rebounded from this bomb.

    1) Creed - My Own Prison - I actually bought this...yup....paid real money for it...bought it off a friend's advice who told me these guys were the biggest baddest underground rock band in America that year (1997?)...he told me in a few years these guys would have tons of immitators and start "the next big sound" in music. (well, I guess he was right, but...) I haven't spoken to this guy since 1999. So c'mon, if I can fess up to this, you can fess up to your "coasters"!!!

    I've got quite a few other lemons, these are just ones that I passed on the sale rack at the CD store across the street this morning!

  2. #2
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Thumbs down I get a pass on two of these....

    They were for my son who was 6 at the time ( I think)

    1. Butt Street Boys - For my son. What a mortifying development to have to walk my ass into a stor and ask for that. The guy in charge was a friend though he said, "he's only 6 so I'd not be concerned, if he's still listening to this chite at 10, you got problems!"

    2. N-Suck - Same scenario as above. Both CD's now lanquish in a bin somewhere in the basement, thank merficul Jesus.

    3. Chicago 5 - No one to blame but me for this one. I was on drugs, what can I say.

    That's all, thank goodness.

    Da Worfster

  3. #3
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Someday your boy will appreciate the de-masculinizing that you chose to go through for him, since you get a pass on 2, gotta fill us in on two other flop that were your doing alone!

  4. #4
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Fun topic!

    Oasis, What's the Story Morning Glory - It seemed like a good idea at the time. All my friends were going gaga over Wonderwall so I picked up the disk. I kinda enjoyed it for a few spins but quickly came to the conclusion that it sucked. Besides, Noel Gallagher is a schmuck. I can't respect him or his music. It currently sits in the "gotta take these to the used record store" pile.

    The Dixie Chicks, Wide Open Spaces - This was a bad impulse buy after just seeing them perform at Lillith Fair. They were a fun act to watch and I guess I just got caught up in all that "Chick Power" crap. Anyway, another purchase sitting in the "sell" pile.

    Holly Cole, Temptation - I like Holly Cole. But this CD is like listening to a collection of voice exercises. It's the worst thing that I've ever heard from her. The production is horrible. She sounds horrible. It's probably one of the worst CDs I've ever owned.

  5. #5
    In perfect harmony DarrenH's Avatar
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    Leonard Cohen - The Future. An evil cross of Chris Rea and Barry White. His monotone voice is enough put a chronic insomniac to sleep. The dead come alive and b*tch slap the person playing this dreadful music yelling "I'm supposed to be resting in peace dammit".

    Blind Melon - Blind Melon. It was in the used bins marked down to 3 bucks. I knew one song, No Rain, so I decided WTF. In the end, I wished I had my 3 bucks back.

    Foreigner - Inside Information. I've had this autrocity for years. I think I've played it maybe twice. Why, I ask, is it still in my collection? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind....the answer is blowing in the wind.

    Oh what fun!

    Let the midnight special shine a light on me.

  6. #6
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    Is Holly Cole that babe who stomps around in Army Boots on one of Peter Gabriels concert dee-vee-dees?


  7. #7
    Toon Robber tentoze's Avatar
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    I only have short-term memory left, so I dunno about years ago, but in the past year or so:

    1) Ed Harcourt's last release, whatever it was called. It was so bad, I mailed it to Davey.

    2) The Microphones, Live In Japan, or some such nonsense. It was so bad, I mailed it to somebody here, mebbe Stone.

    3) See #1- it was so bad, it deserves to be mentioned twice.
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  8. #8
    Global Village Idiot mad rhetorik's Avatar
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    Are we counting stuff that got bought and sold back, bought and destroyed, or both? ; P

    1. Kid Rock: Devil Without A Cause
    I still can't figure out why I ever purchased this. Guess I was in that "pseudo-rebellious teenage moron" stage.

    2. Blackstreet: Another Level/some Boys2Men disc/Keith Sweat
    Technically I didn't buy these. My mom gave them to me (honest!). Barely ever listened to them for obvious reasons. Lame faux-R&B shit.

    3. Joan Osbourne: Relish
    Lame female singer/songwriter. Bought it for that damn "If God Was One Of Us" song. Got suckered in big time. This got sold back.

    I owned some other unlistenable stuff, most of it given to me from others. A "Wolfsongs" disc (oy!). A dance remix disc containing that goddamn "Macarena" thing (that was a bad, bad year). An album from Bonnie Raitt, which I gave to my mom 'cause she was the only one who listened to it. Some other albums of unimaginable crapitude that I can't remember right now.

    A lot of it got destroyed in really imaginative ways circa 10th grade. This was when I listened to nu-metal for a little while, and enjoyed garbage like Korn and Limp Bizkit (the latter in tiny doses--they weren't very good even back then). So needless to say, I was big into breaking s
    hit for laughs. The crap albums got disposed of via pellet rifle "plinking," bonfires, curb stomping, firecrackers, and the obligatory sledgehammer, among other things.

    Some more recent purchases that I've sold back were Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica, The Blood Brothers' Burn Piano Island Burn, Sublime's self-titled, and Queensryche's Empire. They weren't awful enough to justify destruction, not even the Capt. Beefheart which I thought was obscenely bad music (at least it had imagination).
    "...and then at the end of the letter I like to write <i>'P.S. - this is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.'</i> "

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  9. #9
    Forum Regular MindGoneHaywire's Avatar
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    When I was 11 years old I bought

    Kansas--Point Of Know Return


    Styx--The Grand Illusion

    A year later I bought

    Supertramp--Breakfast In America

    These were just about the only deviations from the four bands whose catalogs I was almost exclusively purchasing in at the time, which was right after I'd gotten my first stereo. That's three, right? Blecchh. Never sunk to any Boston records, though. Two years later I bought REO Speedwagon's Hi Infidelity. Or did I just borrow it from a friend? Yeesh. I started to tire of AOR, but my friend got more & more into it, so I heard more & more stuff that I liked less & he liked more as we grew apart. The more he got into bands like Rush the more I just stuck to my Beatles & Rolling Stones records. By the time I got the first Ramones record we weren't really friends anymore. He didn't understand why I didn't want to go see Don Henley.

    I don't like others.

  10. #10
    Toon Robber tentoze's Avatar
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    ...and J wins by a knockout.
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  11. #11
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Hmmm....I had some old Dokken and Damn Yankees cassettes too that probably deserve honorable mention...never did have mullet though, at least I can say that!!!

    Some of you guys really make me feel better about some of my blunders...but I still think Creed takes tops so far!!!

  12. #12
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
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    Only one I can think of... the moment.

    It was an impulse buy in a drug store. Soothing Sounds Of Summer Rain, or something like that.

    I put it on, closed my eyes and began to drift off, only to be rudely awakened by THUNDER. It didn't say anything about that on the cover.

    Hey, FA- send me that Chixie D!cks CD, wouldja? They're hot, and they hate Bush, too.



  13. #13
    Forum Regular kingcrim05's Avatar
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    hey kexo, if you actually listen to the music on that Creed album, you might be pleasantly surprised.

    The guitarist is surprisingly good and when i want to listen to some poppier music from the late 90's, that creed disc is the way to go. Not a fan of the lyrics or what's "behind them", just in it for the music. In that case, good album, i own it.

    My worst albums are 2 Boyz II Men c.d.'s and possibly the Smash Mouth c.d. i bought for $4.99 before they hit it big. A few weeks later it was selling for $15. I still felt ripped off.

  14. #14
    Close 'n Play® user Troy's Avatar
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    Here's 5.

    I "win".

  15. #15
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
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    The things I bought back when I was 15 and stupid and buying everything and anything that was metal..

    Y&T - "Open Fire" "Black Tiger" and "In Rock We Trust" - might be 3 or 4 worthwhile songs among all 3 albums..

    Raven - "Stay Hard" - a member of the NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal) pack falls flat on their faces when trying to make a commercial metal album with a ballad even! *hurl*

    Grim Reaper - "Fear No Evil" what a horrible metal album. What a joke.

    Accept - "Russian Roulette" I can't believe I bought this knowing full well that there were albums by Husker Du that I did not own yet. I'll stand up for "Balls to the Wall" and "Metal Heart" even but this one just blew chunks.. big overproduced mess.

    Ratt - "Invasion of Your Privacy" - should have stopped at "Out of the Cellar" (a great pop metal album.. well, except for the 6 or so tracks of filler).. their 2nd album has 9 whopping tracks of filler. Yuck.

    Saxon - "Innocence is No Excuse" - why I bought this and not one of their older classic albums is beyond me. Even "Crusader" ruled over this crappy album.

    Black Sabbath - "Born Again" - ok a few cuts totally rock, and I do listen to it out of nostalgia now and then.. I used to really think this album was evil. Now it's just a big silly overproduced mess of an album. Audio muck. But yet, part of me wants to defend it.. it's just so offensive.. with that devil baby on the cover.. Christian groups were quoting lyrics on tv.. "Good life is contradiction, because of crucifixion, if you're ready and have the need, I will take your soul and plant my seed" I thought it was ironic that Ian Gillian was in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar.. muaahahha (throws devil horns in the air)..

    speaking of..

    Dio - "Sacred Heart" - ok we all know "Diver Down" was a classic, and "The Last In Line" even had bright spots, but this one was just parody. What a waste of time and money..

    How long does this parade of mediocrity go on?

    I have 3 Krokus albums.. 'nuff said.

    AC/DC - "Fly on the Wall" - man, wasn't the lackluster "Flick Of the Switch" clue enough that I had too many AC/DC albums?? This one blew chunks. Why didn't I know about the Ramones or the Sex Pistols???

    and....roll the drums.. Loverboy's "Lovin' Every Minute Of It" yes, I got laughed at hard for that one.. don't ask for a preview copy please, it's long since been purged from my cd collection..

    oh wait.. roll the drums again.. Journey's "Raised On Radio" (record club special.. so at least I didn't pay full price...) you may stop laughing now. No really, stop it.

    oh wait..forgot one more.. big drum roll.. Night Ranger's "Seven Wishes"

    ok, I think my credibility is now totally blown, and maybe it's easier to understand why I don't know anything about 60's music.. I was wasting my time listening to crap!

    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  16. #16
    Forum Regular KEXPMF's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think Troy might be the winner. Although Krokus and Saxon (on Jar's list). Wow. That's almost as good as David Soul.
    I embarrassingly recall having most of J and Jar's list plus most of SHAUN CASSIDY.
    It's amazing I turned out okay, considering the music I grew up with.
    I tried to post a picture of Shaun Cassidy's "Under Wraps" LP. He has white rays of light shooting from his fingertips on the album cover!!! How cool is that? Why don't more artists do that today? They really should. It's a powerful image, those rays of light coming from the fingertips! I'm sure that's why I ran to my mom in the Kmart store and asked for my allowance so I could buy it.
    I don't know how to post pictures, like Troy did. I tried the right click "copy picture". Didn't work.
    You all would very much enjoy this particular Shaun Cassidy image, I'm quite sure.
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  17. #17
    Forum Regular KEXPMF's Avatar
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    oh wow I guess it DID work!

  18. #18
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Eddi Murphy's got an album around here somewhere...

    See above. I know I should be shot... Can't help it. I had to see if that cut out bin special was as bad as I feared... it was.... it was and is...

    Can't put the picture up here, you'd go blind.

    Da Worfster

  19. #19
    Veg-O-Matic ToddB's Avatar
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    Oh, the shame...

    Rick Springfield - Living In Oz

    Scandal - The Warrior

    Bad English - Bad English

    But Troy still "wins".
    Last edited by ToddB; 08-27-2004 at 12:19 AM.
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  20. #20
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    I'm a fan of Mark Tremonti's guitaring, I guess, it's the cheese-ball post-grunge Scott Stapp singing that makes me want to vomit. That and some of the filler sucks. I hate front loaded albums!!!
    But man that singer's a cheese-ball. Not a drama-queen, more like a modern day Fonzie who's not cool!
    To be fair to Creed though, I don't know why they got dubbed a Pearl Jam rip-off...PJ hasn't been as heavy for a decade, and tends to be more "jammy" sounding...

  21. #21
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    "In Rock We Trust"...oh man, the memories!!!

    Whatever happened to R.J. Dio? He was flying around on some dragon last I saw him!!!

  22. #22
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kexodusc
    "In Rock We Trust"...oh man, the memories!!!

    Whatever happened to R.J. Dio? He was flying around on some dragon last I saw him!!!
    he recently sued an indie rock band called Dios for infringement..
    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  23. #23
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Jar-
    he recently sued an indie rock band called Dios for infringement..
    Poor the mighty have fallen.

    BTW, Tenacios D's "Dio" is a great tune!!!

  24. #24
    Close 'n Play® user Troy's Avatar
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    For what it's worth, I have a couple of Shawn Cassidy albums AND at least one Eddie Murphy LP too.

  25. #25
    Forum Regular Ex Lion Tamer's Avatar
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    Yeah Troy wins, but I could be runner-up

    My excuse? He was a high school buddy, so I had to buy it.
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