Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1

    What would you pay for 1Gb/s internet access?

    How about $43 a month? But you'll have to move to Japan to get it. Apparently the Japanese company KDDI is offering 1Gb/s up and downstream to the home, which blows away ADSL and even Fiber:

    I wonder how that is going to affect the downloadable movie industry there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Out there
    Well, maybe I'm not the right person to be participating in this thread because I'm getting ready to call Verizon and have my internet speed throttled back to 10mbps. I rent/watch very little of their VOD, don't care at all about PPV and with the exception of this website, webpages load up pretty quick (which actually is more of a testament to my screamer of a PC, but that's not what this is about). $7.00/mo. savings by going from 15mbps to 10, and I'll be so bold as to say I'll hardly notice the difference in d/l times.

    To me though, time is a relative term when talking about internet download speeds. Some have high expectations that they should get movies downloaded in seconds, others are just happy the technology even exists. Take pixie for instance...

  3. #3
    What does Verizon internet access cost in Texas? And what is the download vs. upload speed you get for that?

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