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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    5 disc dvd changer Help

    I'm trying to figure out what dvd changer to buy and after looking at this site and dvdrhelp and some other review sites it seems there isn't a real great player out there for me. all i want is one that has versatile random/sequential dvd/cd/mp3 playback along with progressive scanning and somewhat quick/efficient disc read/change/load times. is there any dvd changer out there with fast cd change/load times? or do they all take like 10 sec to read a disc? i havent found any that say they are quick in this area. everything seems to have a glaring flaw to me, i.e. no random but great picture, has random but unreliable, etc. playing a wide variety of formats isnt as important. have any of you had any good experiences with players with qualities like i'm looking for? any help is appreciated

  2. #2
    JSE is offline
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    I have the Panasonic DVD-F85 and love it. It has random mode and plays everything except SACD. It's a 5 disc changer and is pretty fast. It probably takes 5 or so seconds between random plays. I think. Unfortunately, you are not going to find really fast random play switches on DVD players. The Panasonic has a great picture and is easy to use. I think I paid about $130 for it at Circuit City. There is also the F65 which is the same basic player but lacks internal digital decoders (not an issue if you have a digital receiver) and DVD-A. It's only about $15 to $20 cheaper though.


  3. #3
    Forum Regular wasch_24's Avatar
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    I have a Yamaha DVD-C740 which is a five disc carousel. It plays mp3's off CD's and displays the track tag info on the front of the player as well as on screen. It has "PlayExchange" which allows you to exchange the other four discs while one is playing. It plays random rather quickly, I've never noticed having to wait for the next song. It's progressive scan and has a lot of variables that you can tweak internelly to get the best picture. This player will play cd-r,cd-rw,dvd-r,dvd-rw,dvd+r,dvd+rw, and of course regular dvd's and cd's. I got it for $249 at Tweeter.

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