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  1. #1
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    In a dead sea of fluid mercury

    October Mystery Disc and meandering comments

    I’m still enjoying the bounty that October had to offer. The boys still have pounds of Halloween candy sitting around, and I still have Davey’s October Mystery Disc to keep me company. I don’t know if Davey made the official announcement but there were enough links to his other posts that it shouldn’t be a mystery at this point. The band is British Sea Power and the album is entitled The Decline Of British Sea Power. This disc is the clear choice to by my favorite of 2003. It’s going to take something really special to dethrone this sucker. I guess that would be OK too, but I’m not going to place any bets on that happening.

    As I mentioned earlier I guess I’m something of a Post Punk whore and this one blends right in with my own peculiar tastes. Davey said it was something like Interpol, a comparision that escaped me on the first couple of listens, but shortly thereafter I had to agree. Many reviews also make the comment that it’s like Interpol but with “intelligent lyrics”. That same comment is also made about my second favorite disc of 2003, Postal Service’ Give Up (“synthpop with intelligent lyrics”). I guess that could be the case if intelligent equals oblique. The fact is that on many of these songs I have absolutely no idea what the heck they’re talking about. But while the deeper meaning may elude me the sound is what I like most. While I’m on my mini-intelligent lyrics musings I’ll point out this tidbit for track 12 , Childhood Memories,

    “First it was getting better, now it’s getting worser”

    Now I’m not an English major but I don’t think that “worser” is even a word. It’s not a criticism, I love the song. Just thought it was funny. Ah, the power of intelligent lyrics.

    Speaking of the sound I’d tend to think that I hear more than a little of David Bowie in the vocals. To me it’s sort of like a partially deflated Bowie with a little Richard Butler thrown in on top for good measure. Immensely satisfying. The rest of the music is anchored by a post punk feel but stylistically the music is spread far enough apart that it doesn’t get monotonous. Air guitar opportunities abound. The greatest achievement was their creation of Lately, 13:59 minute song that hold my interest regardless of the number of times I play it. Slow boil, that builds to a restrained crescendo with lots of raw power at it’s disposal. Maybe the last couple of minutes could be loped off but that’s all right by me. Not really sure I could even pick a favorite song and am curious to see what track makes my year end comp.

    Awesome disc Davey, I really appreciate it.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  2. #2
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Hey, you're welcome! Did I really send that out 4 1/2 years ago already? Seems like only the day before yesterday. Have you heard the new one? Pretty fun, though in a slightly more conventional way. Sounds like dog crap though, way too loud. The music begs to be cranked, but it just becomes messy if you do. Shame, though honestly not as bad as some of their peers. Still love it, and Atom does rock some ass!

  3. #3
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
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    That new one, along with Augie March, was a big pickup for me as well. I'm looking forward to exploring te back catalogues of both bands, so y'know, thanks Davey. Good stuff.

    As "Mystery Discs" have been mentioned I shall say only this: the ones from these parts is in the packaging stages along with some other goodies for folks in need. More later, except to say in response to the lamenting of the slow pace of this place, this has been a hella busy month.

    NP' Justin Townes Earle, "The Good Life"

    So, I broke into the palace
    With a sponge and a rusty spanner
    She said : "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
    I said : "That's nothing - you should hear me play piano"

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