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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Santa Clarita, CA

    Outlaw Pre/Pro + Amp + Energy Veritas

    Anyone have an opion on Outlaw 950 7.1 Pre/Pro + Outlaw 770 7*200 Amp. I can find a used Sunfire amp that I like but the Pre/Pro is too expensive for my budget. Is it better to stay with matched sets. I have read good reviews on these components and the price is right. I have also read good reviews on the warranty and service of Outlaw.
    If I purchase a pair of Energy Veritas V2.4i + Energy V2.0Ci + Energy V2.0Ri, will I be wasting my money or can the Outlaw Pre/Pro + Amp handle the load?

  2. #2
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications

    Hey there, mjmagaw

    Quote Originally Posted by mjmagaw
    Anyone have an opion on Outlaw 950 7.1 Pre/Pro + Outlaw 770 7*200 Amp. I can find a used Sunfire amp that I like but the Pre/Pro is too expensive for my budget. Is it better to stay with matched sets. I have read good reviews on these components and the price is right. I have also read good reviews on the warranty and service of Outlaw.
    If I purchase a pair of Energy Veritas V2.4i + Energy V2.0Ci + Energy V2.0Ri, will I be wasting my money or can the Outlaw Pre/Pro + Amp handle the load?
    I've only seen a few pieces of Outlaw gear, but in my opinion based on these pieces (and from what I've heard from others) Outlaw makes great stuff for the price. I don't think you'd be disappointed.
    As for matching gear, this is a very old debate in the audio world. I don't think it should matter for something as simple as connecting a power amp to a pre/pro. I've never had matched separates in any of my systems, and when I was testing gear out, never heard any magical synergystic benefits of using the same brand. Each component does it's job independent of what component it is connected too.

    There probably are some components out there that share proprietary technologies, or are designed to work best with their brand's other components.

    The best argument I've heard on this subject though, is: "If you built a pre-amp, would you design it only to work optimally with your equipment, or would you want it to work optimally with any equipment?" I think most companies would prefer selling to as large a market as they can, not just their current, they design their gear to be universal. But this might be a simplified argument.

    The Energy Veritas are excellent speakers and have a relatively high sensitivity of 90 dB...your outlaw amp wouldn't have any problem driving these at all. So in that regard you wouldn't be "wasting your money".
    Keep in mind, speakers will create the single largest influence on the sound of your system (with speaker placement and room characteristics probably being second, followed by pre/pro and amps) so you should put in the most effort in this area if you haven't already. Don't buy anything you haven't heard yet, and spend the time testing out some competitors. The Veritas are pretty good and there's a good chance that's what you'll end up with, but if you're dropping that kind of money on speakers, you owe it to yourself to see what else is out there. Besides, shopping for speakers is fun.

    Good luck.

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