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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Apr 2007

    PIONEER A-9 A9 Advise... please

    How does a Pioneer A-9 compare to other vintage Pioneer Amps - compare and contrast please The positives, negatives and specs... whatever you can tell me, thanks.


  2. #2
    Color me gone... Resident Loser's Avatar
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    Nueva Jork

    If you...

    Quote Originally Posted by mom2johe
    How does a Pioneer A-9 compare to other vintage Pioneer Amps - compare and contrast please The positives, negatives and specs... whatever you can tell me, thanks.

    Thanks! a Google you'll find this:

    Not a lot of info but some specs...110Wpc, wide bandwidth...seems to be feature-laden...two tape connections/dubbing, direct-connect by-pass, variable turnover freqs, MC and MM phono inputs with loading options on the latter...probably not as popular (vintage-wise) as the earlier silver-series (pre-1980) with the SA- prefix model numbers.

    jimHJJ( odd bird...)
    Hello, I'm a misanthrope...don't ask me why, just take a good look around.

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