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  1. #126
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by nightflier
    The evidence describing von Braun and Haber's crimes is in a chapter called: "Pathways to Human Experimentation, 1933-1945: Germany, Japan, and the United States" in a Journal called Osiris.

    A full biography of von Braun can be found here. It describes in detail his Nazi past, his relationship with Haber and a number of other Nazis, and then his escape from post-war prosecution into the arms of the US army. It also goes into detail about his role in the Disney family and his particular knack for selling his ideas, something that was of particular interest to the marketing efforts at Disney.

    Walt's ignominious sexist, racist, anti-labor, right-wing, authoritarian past is described in detail in Walt Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince. There are a number of references of how Walt's conservative ideas about the family, the role of women and of minorities transcends all the way down to the present movies and how his conservative views are carried on in the Disney studios today, well after his death.

    Are these enough facts for you? Or do you not read books?
    Everyone knows of Walts racism, but Walt is dead. There were alot of racist people around when Walt was alive. Now he isn't.

    As far as it is concerned, Von Braun may have had a checkered past, but quite frankly it is the past. Long time ago bro.

    Let us talk about today. Since you want to bring issues, why are there no Black or Latinos the the boardrooms or in the CEO offices of the major computer manufacturers? Why? Women, why not? This is relevant today, not in the 1940's or 50's. TODAY!

    Secondly, can you truly say that racism in China is just a western stereotype in light of this?

    or this

    Now with your political correctness, can you really turn a blind eye and ignore this "as a fellow Latino"?

    Thirdly, you still have not proven your point regarding phone usage in video. Wooch and I have pointed to study after study that shows you are dead wrong, so you switch the argument from the US to worldwide. The when I point out to you that the best selling phones(which are the ones most often used) are not conducisve to watching anything for more than a few minutes, you dimiss that as well sighting your gut feelings and beliefs. Here is what I say, F$%k your guts and beliefs. Getting back to the core argements, what proof do you have that all of these small screens will be used for movie usage. This is the core arguement, the one you have chosen to muddy with alot of BS.

    Steering this pile of crap of thread back on course.....

    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  2. #127
    As I said, you don't read books. Walt's racism and prejudice is very much alive in the movies of today, and Walt Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince makes a very good case for it, and so do a lot of literary and academic journals on the subject. But since you won't read, then what's the point of carrying this on? We'll see how politically correct your whole conversation will sound in a few years.

    Regarding you silly board rooms deflection, yes, at all the big corporations they are mostly old white men. But before you start your childish I-told-you-so dance, let's remember that this is the case in every industry, especially movie studios. Maybe you forgot about all the commentary after Out Of Africa swept the Academy awards and The Color Purple got none? Or how about after Halle and Denzel got their academy awards on the same night, for portraying, yes, very negative roles on screen? This wasn't in the 1940's, either. There is racism and sexism in every industry, so what is your point exactly? That there is also racism and sexism in the corporate hi-tech world? Gee what a revelation.

    And for all your hooting and hollering, I point out a small positive point that you also choose to ignore: in smaller companies, I see far more minorities than you would probably feel comfortable with (being used to that all-white Disney culture and all). No it's still not representative of the world population, but then again, I never said that it was, now did I? I have been ready to point out inequality at every level and given that you are so comfortable at Disney, I seriously doubt you would have the same integrity. What exactly are you trying to pin on me, that I somehow haven't been critical of racism and sexism here? What rear-end are you pulling this nonsense from?

    FYI, I also said that programmers are more egalitarian. Yes, it's not a field where blacks and women are around every corner, but it's also not a field where this matters much to the rest of the white, Asian, and yes, even Latino programmers (there are surprisingly many Latino programmers around the world - funny how that works, huh?). The fact is, if you can program, the companies that hire don't care what you look like. I'll hire anyone that can do it well, and while there haven't been my blacks and women who have applied with me, I care foremost about their skills. Not exactly the experience applicants have when they show up at Disney's doors, I've been told!

    And regarding your ongoing charge that the Chinese are racist, let's pause for a moment and stop with the finger pointing. Is there a country, people, or government that doesn't have this hanging over their heads? Or are you somehow suggesting that Asians are more racist than others? Are you really going to go down that Fu-Manchu-inspired "yellow" fear mongering? Because if you are, then I suggest you stop right there because you are making my case in leaps and bounds: that you really have not progressed beyond the mindset of the 1940's Disney. And since they keep you around, then you're also making my case that they have no problem with your underhanded racism.

    Oh, that's right, you're Puerto Rican, so it's not possible for you to be racist, right. Bull, my brother. Being Latino doesn't preclude you from being a racist - I've been to Latin America many times, and I can tell you that is absolute bunk. As a matter of fact, I know a few Puerto Ricans who think pretty poorly of anything coming over from Cuba, Dominica, or heaven forbid, Haiti. Yes, that's right, Puerto Ricans can also be racist, I've seen this first hand. So stop trying to suggest that there's one ethnic group that's more racist than another. It's absolute nonsense, it's insulting, and it proves again that you're a hypocrite.


    Regarding small screens, I just did a video conference call with a programming team in Boston and New York. I was on my 24" computer screen (I presume we are still considering that part of the small screens), and I was video-conferencing with people on cell phones and computer screens. One of the cell phone users was, even, on a train to New Haven. Whether you will to realize this or not, that is the future of cell phones: video. Now I won't tell you than it was good video, but it was usable. Had the call been from Scandinavia, I'm sure it would have been better.

    This past weekend we went to the snow. I loaded up the iPod with a documentary about choral reefs (yes, it was a legal download, before you jump down my throat about that too), and the kids watched the whole 2 hours of it in the car on their "small" 10" screens. While I realize most Americans don't sit in the car with their kids for that long, the TV screens I do see in people's cars are usually playing some cartoon-type movie. Now before you go on about your whole small-screens-are-only-for-short-video-clips rant again, did it ever occur to you that the players in cars have a pause & resume button too? It's not necessary to watch the whole thing through in one sitting. Geez, I feel like I'm educating a child about technology....

    Oh, I'm sorry, that's only my personal reference, right? Not representative, of course. Well FYI, I didn't see many people who didn't have a SmartPhone at CES, either. What I did see is everyone and their mother wanting to put part of what they experienced there on their SmartPhone, either in video or image form. What I also saw was that after every 3D wow-fest, the reps where ready to let people follow up on the technology with their cell phones.

    I was at a local University last week for a presentation and over lunch I saw students everywhere with SmartPhones and laptops. I talked to quite a few students that day and because these issues were on my mind (yes you can pat yourself on the back for that), I asked them about their phones and TVs viewing. And guess what? Not one of them owned a large TV. Even at their parent's house they typically had one large TV and the rest were smaller sets, few of them HD. Meanwhile, they were pretty high-tech in their dorm-rooms switching between screens easily, some wirelessly. Most of them used their phones for 5-6 major functions, but the one thing that stuck in my mind was that they were unanimously fed up with texting - too much work, they said. They would welcome a video-alternative. Now these are tomorrow's business, entertainment, and industry leaders.

    I also asked them about what they thought of the rest of the world, and while they all agreed that we were way behind, they had no doubt that we would catch up again. Unlike you, these kids have a much more positive and progressive outlook on technology and the future. They are smart, innovative, and have no problem working with others across the globe. They are far less prejudiced than your typical stuffy Disney exec. They could care less about someone's sexual orientation, marital status, religion or political philosophy. P.S. they have no problems working with Chinese techies, unlike you.

    Now just because it was on my mind, I brought up the Nielsen ratings and sales figures (some from these posts - thanks) and asked them about the trends these suggest. Unanimously the students dismissed them as irrelevant. They consider Hollywood and the media giants old relics who just don't get it. While they agree that ripping is stealing, they say you folks don't understand why they do it, either. Let me educate you: your output bores them and before they will spend good money on a movie or song, they want to know that it will be worth it. They hate restrictions on sampling and mashing, they could care less that Transformers is a hugely grossing movie because they were bored with it. They actually care more about acting and performance skills than special effects and light shows. (As a side note, I asked if anyone had a record player, and a few kids actually raised their hands - it was off topic, but curiosity got the better of me).

    Well, I can go on, but it reinforces much of what I've already pointed out. All your vaulted sales figures and data still misses a huge part of the picture. They are not a crystal ball into the future, and it's a future that is changing faster than you can collect the data for. Moreover, because phones and laptops are changed out much more often than TVs, this change is happening faster than you realize. Your dogged insistence in focusing on TVs that people keep for years and over-priced theaters, is the reason you're missing the bigger story here.

  3. #128
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by nightflier
    As I said, you don't read books. Walt's racism and prejudice is very much alive in the movies of today, and Walt Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince makes a very good case for it, and so do a lot of literary and academic journals on the subject. But since you won't read, then what's the point of carrying this on? We'll see how politically correct your whole conversation will sound in a few years.

    Regarding you silly board rooms deflection, yes, at all the big corporations they are mostly old white men. But before you start your childish I-told-you-so dance, let's remember that this is the case in every industry, especially movie studios. Maybe you forgot about all the commentary after Out Of Africa swept the Academy awards and The Color Purple got none? Or how about after Halle and Denzel got their academy awards on the same night, for portraying, yes, very negative roles on screen? This wasn't in the 1940's, either. There is racism and sexism in every industry, so what is your point exactly? That there is also racism and sexism in the corporate hi-tech world? Gee what a revelation.

    And for all your hooting and hollering, I point out a small positive point that you also choose to ignore: in smaller companies, I see far more minorities than you would probably feel comfortable with (being used to that all-white Disney culture and all). No it's still not representative of the world population, but then again, I never said that it was, now did I? I have been ready to point out inequality at every level and given that you are so comfortable at Disney, I seriously doubt you would have the same integrity. What exactly are you trying to pin on me, that I somehow haven't been critical of racism and sexism here? What rear-end are you pulling this nonsense from?

    FYI, I also said that programmers are more egalitarian. Yes, it's not a field where blacks and women are around every corner, but it's also not a field where this matters much to the rest of the white, Asian, and yes, even Latino programmers (there are surprisingly many Latino programmers around the world - funny how that works, huh?). The fact is, if you can program, the companies that hire don't care what you look like. I'll hire anyone that can do it well, and while there haven't been my blacks and women who have applied with me, I care foremost about their skills. Not exactly the experience applicants have when they show up at Disney's doors, I've been told!

    And regarding your ongoing charge that the Chinese are racist, let's pause for a moment and stop with the finger pointing. Is there a country, people, or government that doesn't have this hanging over their heads? Or are you somehow suggesting that Asians are more racist than others? Are you really going to go down that Fu-Manchu-inspired "yellow" fear mongering? Because if you are, then I suggest you stop right there because you are making my case in leaps and bounds: that you really have not progressed beyond the mindset of the 1940's Disney. And since they keep you around, then you're also making my case that they have no problem with your underhanded racism.

    Oh, that's right, you're Puerto Rican, so it's not possible for you to be racist, right. Bull, my brother. Being Latino doesn't preclude you from being a racist - I've been to Latin America many times, and I can tell you that is absolute bunk. As a matter of fact, I know a few Puerto Ricans who think pretty poorly of anything coming over from Cuba, Dominica, or heaven forbid, Haiti. Yes, that's right, Puerto Ricans can also be racist, I've seen this first hand. So stop trying to suggest that there's one ethnic group that's more racist than another. It's absolute nonsense, it's insulting, and it proves again that you're a hypocrite.


    Regarding small screens, I just did a video conference call with a programming team in Boston and New York. I was on my 24" computer screen (I presume we are still considering that part of the small screens), and I was video-conferencing with people on cell phones and computer screens. One of the cell phone users was, even, on a train to New Haven. Whether you will to realize this or not, that is the future of cell phones: video. Now I won't tell you than it was good video, but it was usable. Had the call been from Scandinavia, I'm sure it would have been better.

    This past weekend we went to the snow. I loaded up the iPod with a documentary about choral reefs (yes, it was a legal download, before you jump down my throat about that too), and the kids watched the whole 2 hours of it in the car on their "small" 10" screens. While I realize most Americans don't sit in the car with their kids for that long, the TV screens I do see in people's cars are usually playing some cartoon-type movie. Now before you go on about your whole small-screens-are-only-for-short-video-clips rant again, did it ever occur to you that the players in cars have a pause & resume button too? It's not necessary to watch the whole thing through in one sitting. Geez, I feel like I'm educating a child about technology....

    Oh, I'm sorry, that's only my personal reference, right? Not representative, of course. Well FYI, I didn't see many people who didn't have a SmartPhone at CES, either. What I did see is everyone and their mother wanting to put part of what they experienced there on their SmartPhone, either in video or image form. What I also saw was that after every 3D wow-fest, the reps where ready to let people follow up on the technology with their cell phones.

    I was at a local University last week for a presentation and over lunch I saw students everywhere with SmartPhones and laptops. I talked to quite a few students that day and because these issues were on my mind (yes you can pat yourself on the back for that), I asked them about their phones and TVs viewing. And guess what? Not one of them owned a large TV. Even at their parent's house they typically had one large TV and the rest were smaller sets, few of them HD. Meanwhile, they were pretty high-tech in their dorm-rooms switching between screens easily, some wirelessly. Most of them used their phones for 5-6 major functions, but the one thing that stuck in my mind was that they were unanimously fed up with texting - too much work, they said. They would welcome a video-alternative. Now these are tomorrow's business, entertainment, and industry leaders.

    I also asked them about what they thought of the rest of the world, and while they all agreed that we were way behind, they had no doubt that we would catch up again. Unlike you, these kids have a much more positive and progressive outlook on technology and the future. They are smart, innovative, and have no problem working with others across the globe. They are far less prejudiced than your typical stuffy Disney exec. They could care less about someone's sexual orientation, marital status, religion or political philosophy. P.S. they have no problems working with Chinese techies, unlike you.

    Now just because it was on my mind, I brought up the Nielsen ratings and sales figures (some from these posts - thanks) and asked them about the trends these suggest. Unanimously the students dismissed them as irrelevant. They consider Hollywood and the media giants old relics who just don't get it. While they agree that ripping is stealing, they say you folks don't understand why they do it, either. Let me educate you: your output bores them and before they will spend good money on a movie or song, they want to know that it will be worth it. They hate restrictions on sampling and mashing, they could care less that Transformers is a hugely grossing movie because they were bored with it. They actually care more about acting and performance skills than special effects and light shows. (As a side note, I asked if anyone had a record player, and a few kids actually raised their hands - it was off topic, but curiosity got the better of me).

    Well, I can go on, but it reinforces much of what I've already pointed out. All your vaulted sales figures and data still misses a huge part of the picture. They are not a crystal ball into the future, and it's a future that is changing faster than you can collect the data for. Moreover, because phones and laptops are changed out much more often than TVs, this change is happening faster than you realize. Your dogged insistence in focusing on TVs that people keep for years and over-priced theaters, is the reason you're missing the bigger story here.
    Still a bunch of words with no support to hold it up. Still trudging up the old, and won't even deal with issue of today, and still not a single link, fact, or piece of information to support even his most basic of assumption.

    What you did in your own little world is not reflective of what billions all over the planet do. A video conference on a 24" screen is not leisure time, nor is it watching film or television for that matter. You are mixing apples with oranges, and all you are getting is apploranges

    Dude, save it. If you pour your guts out like this(with nothing to support what you say), you will not be able to eat a thing. The food will have nothing to pass though, just like there is nothing that supports this thousand word pile of $hit.

    Assumption with no fact or supporting information is like an empty wagon bouncing down a rocky rough road.

    Lastly, on any level, you are not"my brother". None of my brothers(all 7 of them) exibit your passive/aggressive politically correct(and useless as well) opinions.
    Last edited by Sir Terrence the Terrible; 01-25-2010 at 02:59 PM.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  4. #129
    Yeah, well for those who don't know how to read a book, there's little hope in getting through to them. Sad and pathetic, lil't.

  5. #130
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by nightflier
    Yeah, well for those who don't know how to read a book, there's little hope in getting through to them. Sad and pathetic, lil't.
    Not interested in history on this issue, current events works for me.

    I think it is pathetic you can make all of these outrageous claims and not have a shred of evidence that your assumptions are actually valid. Because you haven't provided a single link or factoid, you can see folks are not buying what you are selling. You have taken this arguement on every twist and turn to convince folks what you say is valid, but you haven't provided anything that supports what you say.

    Five pages and all you have given is an air sandwich.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  6. #131
    Well, lil't, since you won't read, refuse to admit anything, and are acting like a child, there's not much left to say.

    The trends I see and read about are unequivocally that the use of small screens for video is growing and that disk-based media is giving way to digitally stored media, two trends you have taken every opportunity to play down, yet which continually prop up online as well as on this forum, and not just when I point them out, by the way. There's a number of ongoing discussions going on right now about these trends that you do your best to squash at every turn - your desperate efforts to no end should be telling. And don't tell me your point of view is shared by all here, I've received numerous PMs suggesting otherwise.

    Additionally, you know very well that my conversations with programmers around the world as well as around the US, aren't things I can "link to," so just stop with your petty little critiques about that. Likewise my conversation with students last week should be a warning to you. By the way, we weren't just meeting with your dreaded computer geeks either, there were students in arts, social sciences, business, law and the hard sciences too. There is mounting evidence that you Hollywood corporate types just don't "get it." The writing on the wall is everywhere and yet you choose to ignore it.

    I'll say this one last time: your information comes from the past and from sales figures only. This is simply not a complete picture. Now you can choose to ignore it all you want, but from what I'm reading here and everywhere else, you're the one who's missing the message. Frankly, I've made my case and I'm done talking to a stubborn old mule - I'm amazed I wasted this much time on you.

    Let's come back here in a couple of years and see where we stand on screen sizes and digital video. And while we're at it, we should also then see where we stand on how Disney is perceived (and I'm not just talking about sales figures, either). My guess is that the Baby Einstein phenomenon is just the tip of the iceberg.

  7. #132
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by nightflier
    Well, lil't, since you won't read, refuse to admit anything, and are acting like a child, there's not much left to say.
    I am not going to waste my time reading on something that has no relevance to this discussion, or anything even related to this discussion. You have posted nothing in the way of facts, and yet you want me to read a book about something that happen way back in the 50's, while not posting a single link or factoid to support what you have stated for five pages. This is ridiculous and stupid, and quite frankly I have lost patience with your weak fact less bull. You are a freakin broken record of non facts, conspiracies, and unsubstantiated opinion.

    The trends I see and read about are unequivocally that the use of small screens for video is growing and that disk-based media is giving way to digitally stored media, two trends you have taken every opportunity to play down, yet which continually prop up online as well as on this forum, and not just when I point them out, by the way. There's a number of ongoing discussions going on right now about these trends that you do your best to squash at every turn - your desperate efforts to no end should be telling. And don't tell me your point of view is shared by all here, I've received numerous PMs suggesting otherwise.
    You are seeing what you want to see, and you are trying to make something from nothing. The proliferation of small screens does not mean more video is being watched on them. With only a average time of seven minutes daily of video being watched, I know of no movie(or even television show) that is that short. In Europe and Asian, the commute times are even shorter than here, so there is no time to catch a television show or movie on a small screen. There is no facts that point to what you say, and you should just admit it instead of continuing to post one flight of fancy after another.

    Do you notice that you always make comment that you cannot prove. The comments of your supposed Chinese co-worker, private emails, when in the hell are you going to post something that actually proves your point, rather than just making up lies and conspiracy theories.?

    Additionally, you know very well that my conversations with programmers around the world as well as around the US, aren't things I can "link to," so just stop with your petty little critiques about that. Likewise my conversation with students last week should be a warning to you. By the way, we weren't just meeting with your dreaded computer geeks either, there were students in arts, social sciences, business, law and the hard sciences too. There is mounting evidence that you Hollywood corporate types just don't "get it." The writing on the wall is everywhere and yet you choose to ignore it.
    Do you have any proof the we "just don't get it" or is this just another one of your unproven theories? So now you are having conversation with programmers, student and the like all over the world, jeeze what fantasy world are you living in? You are a joke! I suppose all of these unproven conversation support what you say. How fake.

    I'll say this one last time: your information comes from the past and from sales figures only. This is simply not a complete picture. Now you can choose to ignore it all you want, but from what I'm reading here and everywhere else, you're the one who's missing the message. Frankly, I've made my case and I'm done talking to a stubborn old mule - I'm amazed I wasted this much time on you.
    Fake conversation with programmers, students, no facts, no links, no nothing to support what you say, and you want to be taken seriously. Get real nightliar, you don't get that kind of pass. Show me the evidence that supports what you say, or admit it is wishful thinking. Forget all of the fantasy bull$hit, I just ain't buying it.

    Let's come back here in a couple of years and see where we stand on screen sizes and digital video. And while we're at it, we should also then see where we stand on how Disney is perceived (and I'm not just talking about sales figures, either). My guess is that the Baby Einstein phenomenon is just the tip of the iceberg.
    Hey, we don't have to wait a couple of years, your comments are BS TODAY. No proof of trends, no nothing. You discount what is out there, and provide nothing but "that was last years sales, and does not provide the whole picture. You have had 5 freakin pages to present your "whole picture" to counter mine, and yet you have not done so. Prove your point or STFU!

    Take your flights of fancy BS, and stuff that silly $hit in the toilet, because that is all it is worth without proof or evidence.
    Last edited by Sir Terrence the Terrible; 01-25-2010 at 07:09 PM.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  8. #133
    I said I was done here, but I guess you'll also need to have the last word. How childish.

  9. #134
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    You two enjoy this don't you?
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  10. #135
    Sure, sure... Auricauricle's Avatar
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    <Pokes head through crack of the door> to come in, yet? Who wants a beer?
    "The great tragedy of science--the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact."--T. Huxley

  11. #136
    3LB is offline
    cunning linguist 3LB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMichael
    You two enjoy this don't you?
    You mean you aren't? I am. This is like accidentally landing on a TV station showing the Westminster Dog Show and a huge dogfight breaks out.

    The righteous indignation and haughtiness in this thread is so thick it just oozes from the screen, just like their smarmy personalities. Finally, the two most self-aggrandizing, name calling, keyboard commandos in this place are having a go at each other.

    Its like the Iraq/Iran war all over again.

    Perhaps they could settle their differences with a duel...might I suggest nukes at 20 paces.
    Repost this on your wall if you love Jesus.

  12. #137
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3LB
    You mean you aren't? I am. This is like accidentally landing on a TV station showing the Westminster Dog Show and a huge dogfight breaks out.

    The righteous indignation and haughtiness in this thread is so thick it just oozes from the screen, just like their smarmy personalities. Finally, the two most self-aggrandizing, name calling, keyboard commandos in this place are having a go at each other.

    Its like the Iraq/Iran war all over again.

    Perhaps they could settle their differences with a duel...might I suggest nukes at 20 paces.
    I learn a lot from these bouts. You just have to peel back the insults and speculation to find the facts hidden at the bottom.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  13. #138
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightflier
    I said I was done here, but I guess you'll also need to have the last word. How childish.
    If you said you were done, then why continue? It is obvious you are not done isn't it?

    Say one thing, do least you are consistent.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  14. #139
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by 3LB
    You mean you aren't? I am. This is like accidentally landing on a TV station showing the Westminster Dog Show and a huge dogfight breaks out.

    The righteous indignation and haughtiness in this thread is so thick it just oozes from the screen, just like their smarmy personalities. Finally, the two most self-aggrandizing, name calling, keyboard commandos in this place are having a go at each other.

    Its like the Iraq/Iran war all over again.

    Perhaps they could settle their differences with a duel...might I suggest nukes at 20 paces.
    3LB you need to check yourself. Just because you are one idiot that has not decided to participate, does not mean you're not an idiot. Comments like this show just want gutter snipe you are, so mind your business, read, but keep your big fat snoze out of it. Another words, kindly note the mistletoe located at my coattails.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  15. #140

    The last word....

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Terrence the Terrible
    If you said you were done, then why continue? It is obvious you are not done isn't it?
    Boy you are predictable, lil't.

  16. #141
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    down there
    I wonder, is the whole nation of Germany permanently and irrevocably tainted by the Nazi legacy?
    So, I broke into the palace
    With a sponge and a rusty spanner
    She said : "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
    I said : "That's nothing - you should hear me play piano"

  17. #142
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Louis, MO, USA
    Sir T, why you want 3LB to kiss your feet?

    NF, you should write a book, most of us who watch Disney do so just for entertainment and totally miss all the evil you pointed out. Most minorities must as well as I don't see any up in arms over any particular Disney flick.

  18. #143
    3LB is offline
    cunning linguist 3LB's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    hiding out in treetops, shouting out rude names
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
    Sir T, why you want 3LB to kiss your feet?

    make no mistake Mr P, Sir Tantrum thinks everyone should kiss his feet.
    Repost this on your wall if you love Jesus.

  19. #144
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by nightflier
    Boy you are predictable, lil't.
    And so are you nightliar......
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  20. #145
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by 3LB
    make no mistake Mr P, Sir Tantrum thinks everyone should kiss his feet.
    Don't bother with the feet 3 brain cells.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  21. #146
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bobsticks
    I wonder, is the whole nation of Germany permanently and irrevocably tainted by the Nazi legacy?
    According to nighliar it is.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  22. #147
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
    Sir T, why you want 3LB to kiss your feet?
    My coattails are just a little higher than my feet.

    NF, you should write a book, most of us who watch Disney do so just for entertainment and totally miss all the evil you pointed out. Most minorities must as well as I don't see any up in arms over any particular Disney flick.
    I think there are enough books on unproven theories out there. Besides what would he cite as his reference material his gut?

    A tainted mind can taint anything.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
    200" SI Black Diamond II screen
    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

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