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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Out there
    Quote Originally Posted by Florian
    Thanks GM,

    but i am not really back. I skimp these forums, from time to time and if i find something interesting (very rarely), i make a comment. Seeing how "HighEnd-Bashing" is still the norm here, i don't feel like coming back more often.


    Uhh... You do realize Flo that RL's post is six months old right? And that he left what three or more months ago? So who in the past week or two has done any "HighEnd-Bashing?

  2. #27
    rockin' the mid-fi audio_dude's Avatar
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    I just pretty much stopped visiting this forum a while back...maybe i'll stay to reach my 1000 posts

    wierd how just a couple months ago Peru was celebrating 1000, now he's almost 5k.


    but anyways, I think all the bose bashing and such has been taken care of.

    Someday flo, i'll make it out there to listen to your system, someday : )

    oh, and I would also put my meager stereo against any bose system ever made
    Jeeze... people still use sigs?!

  3. #28
    Aging Smartass
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    Bose does indeed make mediocre, grossly over-priced stuff, but no company anywhere, ever, did, or still does, a better job of marketing and merchandising. As salespeople in places like Circuit City and Best Buy are about as useless as a pimple on one's ass, it's then left up to the manufacturer to sell his product, and no one does it better than Bose. Just walk into any CC or BB store, and look at the impressive Point of Purchase (POP) stuff Bose has all over the place that "self-sells" their products better than any of the cretins working there ever could.

    Also, at least in the past, Bose was a "lawsuit-happy" company. When ESS launched its "ESS Wins on Campus" ad campaign, in which double-blind listening tests at various colleges around the U.S. resulted in low priced ESS speakers outscoring the Bose 901, Amar Bose went all but ballistic. Also, when dbx introduced its "Soundfield Imaging" line of loudspeakers, the company received numerous threats of lawsuits from Bose claiming copywright infringement, when nothing of the sort was true.

    But the most famous Bose lawsuit was one launched against Consumer Reports for giving the 901 a mediocre rating. Bose actually won that one after years and years of litigation.

  4. #29
    The Bargain Hunter
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    Sticking my neck out

    I had to read all the posts in this thread before admitting I own a pair of 501s and 901s,I've read much more on forums than i have ever posted and the bashers are everywhere and quick to criticize anyone who even mentions bose without hating them.I was actually suprised that wasn't really happening here.I'm not here to defend them,I happen to agree that they are waaay over priced for what you get(I've never bought them new).In the past few years I given away three pair of 301s and have the last 2 pair on CL,hopefully the 901s will be gone tomorrow,got a real persistant buyer emailing me.My wife likes the 501s up in the living room and thats fine by me since my listening room is here in the basement.I may get crucified for this but I think maybe had they put a woofer and a couple tweeters in the 901s they would have sounded much better.

  5. #30
    I put the Gee in Gear.... thekid's Avatar
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    Well I have somewhat defended Bose here in past threads more because of the nature of the "cookie cutter" attacks that rerun the old criticisms such as they are mass marketer, sue everyone and their poor build quality i.e. those damn paper cones that they use in their speakers. The other thing I find amusing about a lot of the Bose basher threads is the number of posts that are almost like a "Penthouse Forum" letter...... I went to do laundry one night and there was a pair of 201's just laying on the folding table so I hooked them up and.....

    I do not think any speaker maker has had so many people "not own" their products but have seemingly millions who have had the opportunity to run them on their systems and do comparison tests against another speaker. I guess it could reflect the popularity of Bose or more likely it is because most of those stories are just made up to make the anti-Bose criticism seem more legitimate. To see what I am talking about take your brand and substitute it in the typical anti- bose thread and you will get a feel for what I am talking about.

    I think the Bose bashers would be better served talking about the SQ of Bose versus other brands they are familar with rather than jumping on the bandwagon whenever anyone posts anything about Bose. I know many Bose owners make it difficult because they dig in their heels and starting spouting the sales pitch they heard from the infomercial but hey it is human nature that if you just paid $2500 for what amounts to a mediocre HTIB from Bose you are going to get a bit upset when someone comes along and tells you that you just wasted your money.

    I always contended and still will somewhat that the stand alone Bose products like the 201 and 301 for the money are decent sounding speakers if set up correctly and matched with the right reciever. Having now finally experienced/owned some other brands it is clear to me that for listening to music that the Bose 201's that I have just miss the boat. They are fine for HT and again going back to price you can get a pretty good HT set-up for a relatively cheap price going with their stand alone speakers and a decent sub.

    I think the better approach with dealing with Bose owners like the ones in the initial post is to encourage their interest in audio and hopefully as that interest grows they become better informed. Perhaps they will be fortunate like I was to stumble across some other speakers, give them a listen and then they will understand why Bose is not the best speaker maker in the world.

  6. #31
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    As a business plan, Bose has done it right. They've done a great job of convincing the public that they have top of the line speakers and getting John Q to pay a hefty premium to purchase them. I mean really, the Wave system sells for about $600. Its a clock radio for Pete's sake! But the people who buy these speakers are not audiophiles by a long shot. These are probably the same people who buy their speakers to listen to top 40 radio. They don't really care. If they did, they would do some research first and make better purchasing decisions. But Bose has made them believe that owning their speakers is prestigious. And in that person's circle of friends, it probably is.

    Personally, I own a Bose computer speaker system. Two little tiny speakers and a sub-woofer. I use it in my home office to hook up a portable CD player and my iPod. For the size of the room and what I use it for it sounds pretty damn good for the price.

    Oh the other hand, I was recently looking at boxed HT systems. I listened to the Bose system for $1500 and was shocked at how tinny it sounded. There was a Yamaha system on sale for less than half the price that sounded a thousand times better.

    Why is Bose so successful then? Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.

  7. #32
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    I found out the other day during a business unit strategy meeting that a Texas Instruments device will be used in the Bose wave radio. Good for Bose, good for TI (my employer)

    Now get me out of this Bose blunder thread before someone sees me!

  8. #33
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
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    You've nailed it, FA

    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn

    Why is Bose so successful then? Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.
    Time and again I've been appauled by the awe in voice of Joe Avereage when the Bose name is mention. Really sad stuff: if you sound a little cynical about Bose, he'll say, "Well, certainly the best system I've ever heard was Bose". Maybe so, pal, too bad.

  9. #34
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    I remember this thread. Those guys were so mad at me for laughing when they said Bose was the best. I didn't mean to laugh. I just slipped out.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

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