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Thread: Tower Speaker Selection

  1. #1
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    Tower Speaker Selection

    Purchased a pair of Jamo 68 three way bookshelf speakers a while back to tide me over while I find a suitable tower to use in the future.

    At this point I am planning to have two stereo systems and will build a new system around the new towers and a new Tube Amp (see post in the amp forum).

    Budget is $500 or less. I think I've found a way around the rear port problem I had previously and now I can consider rear ported speakers in addition to front ported or sealed enclosures. Have a different room in mind.

    Looking for something that won't weigh more than about 35 lbs. Tired of moving heavy speakers. Can't be a complete grill covered front otherwise the cat I have will claw the speakers. Can't use the Mirage OM 10 towers for that reason. Picture a speaker like the following. For illustration purposes only, found the first photo on Amazon that fits the bill:

    Note the grill starts at a foot off the floor. That level or higher will work.

    Also want something that won't have to stick out more than two feet off the rear wall to sound good. Prefer a neutral sound though a slightly warm mid range is acceptable. Prefer clear but not bright high end. I can still hear sounds above 20khz and for that reason sometimes highs can come off as shrill to my ears. Need a subdued high end like I have with the MIrage OM 10's which reach to 25khz.

    That being said I would like to get some opinions at least to start on the following speakers.

    Home Theater Direct Level 2 Towers.

    Boston Acoustics A 250

    Any other towers in my price range suggested will be considered.

    Thanks again. As always, I know I will get some decent, unbiased information on this forum.
    Last edited by Billiam62; 02-13-2016 at 01:42 PM.

  2. #2
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    I've spent a air amount of time looking into tower speakers in my price range that don't have a full front grill. Virtually none except for the two mentioned and some cheap Polk which is not likely to offer the sound I want.


    Would a pair of bookshelf speakers combined with a sub woofer give me the same kind of sound stage that tower speakers can give?

  3. #3
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    You might look at Wharfedale, Polk does have a new line of affordable speakers that are supposed to be good for the money, possibly Infinity, or Elac.

    You sub suggestion will work and give you more flexibility as far as adjusting bass for taste, but the down side it's sometimes tricky to get the sub to blend, or sound seamless with the satelites.

    On your amp thread Blackraven brought up a good point, tube amps with low wattage need an efficient and/or easy load to drive. So put some thought into your purchase, not any amp and speakers thrown together are a optimum match.

    I'm not sure what your integrated budget is but Jolida did have a respectable 100 wpc hybrid for around $550.00.

  4. #4
    Forum Regular blackraven's Avatar
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    About the best buy in your price range are the new Elac F5 towers. Read the reviews on the B5. B6 and F5 Elac speakers. The only down side is that they are not very efficient at 85db sensitivity.

    ELAC Debut F5 Tower Speakers (Pr) at Music Direct

    speakers ? Welcome to ELAC Americas

    Music direct also has a pair of Wharfedale towers for sale. But they are rated at 86dB.

    If you go with low power tube amps then you will need a speaker rated above 90dB. Give Klipsch a look. The one below is rated at 96dB and will play ear bleeding loud at 10wpc.

    Klipsch Reference Premiere RP-250F (Cherry) Floor-standing speaker at
    Pass Labs X250 amp, BAT Vk-51se Preamp,
    Thorens TD-145 TT, Bellari phono preamp, Nagaoka MP-200 Cartridge
    Magnepan QR1.6 speakers
    Luxman DA-06 DAC
    Van Alstine Ultra Plus Hybrid Tube DAC
    Dual Martin Logan Original Dynamo Subs
    Parasound A21 amp
    Vintage Luxman T-110 tuner
    Magnepan MMG's, Grant Fidelity DAC-11, Class D CDA254 amp
    Monitor Audio S1 speakers, PSB B6 speakers
    Vintage Technic's Integrated amp
    Music Hall 25.2 CDP
    Adcom GFR 700 AVR
    Cables- Cardas, Silnote, BJC
    Velodyne CHT 8 sub

  5. #5
    I put the Gee in Gear.... thekid's Avatar
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    As the resident cheap bast@#rd here its my civic duty to state that you may want to consider something used that might be available locally on Craigslist or thrifts. All of my speakers have been obtained that way for well well below your budget. Yeah you will see a fair amount of home theater and boom box speakers but depending on where you live I'd be willing to bet there are some hidden gems out there that beat anything in your price range that Best Buy offers.
    NAD D3020
    Denon 2910
    Denon DMD 1000
    MSB Link DAC III
    Von Schweikert VR2
    NAD 7240PE
    NAD 5240
    Hughes AK 100
    Tascam 122
    Technics SL 1700
    Rogers BBC Monitors LS3/6

  6. #6
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    I've actually tried purchasing via Craigslist in the past. Three times. Each inquiry was ignored! Not sure why but I will at least take a look to see what is available and perhaps will try contacting someone one more time. But I figure if my inquiries were ignored three times by three different people, no point in wasting my time there again.

  7. #7
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    Sensitivity looks too low on the Elac and Wharfedale's I did look at both but balked at the idea even for my current amps since they are not efficient. The Jamo C 601's that I still have but boxed up when I purchased the Jamo 68's are only 86 db too. Maybe I could do a test with them to see if they can adequately drive the tubes before deciding what to do.

    Klipsch. Does this particular speaker sound as shrill (high end) as the Heresy's? If so, would the tubes tame it some? I need a more mellow high end. Aside from that issue they might be adequate. A little more money than I would like to spend but I can always wait a couple more months to purchase.

  8. #8
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    Mr. Peabody.

    I think you may be referring to the newer Polk TsX series. Yes, apparently they have a different sound than the typical Polks. Based upon dozens of reviews I've read they apparently do have a more mellow high end than most Polks. One problem though. It appears as though the Grill cover does cover the entire front speaker. Not sure if leaving it off is wise since that will change the sound.

    TSx 330T - Polk Audio

    Does anyone know if a grill can be custom made anywhere? I could purchase a pair of speakers that currently have a full front grill but then have the grill modified or even a new one made to cover just the speakers leaving the bottom exposed.

  9. #9
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    Have you looked at the new Emotiva Airmotive speakers? They have many of the same components of their powered Airmotive speakers (ATM tweeters, carbon fiber woofers) at very reasonable prices. The towers have an ATM tweeter, 2 6.5" CF woofers and a 5.25" CF mid for $349/ea. Bookshelfs are $299. They look very interesting for the price.

  10. #10
    I put the Gee in Gear.... thekid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billiam62 View Post

    I've actually tried purchasing via Craigslist in the past. Three times. Each inquiry was ignored! Not sure why but I will at least take a look to see what is available and perhaps will try contacting someone one more time. But I figure if my inquiries were ignored three times by three different people, no point in wasting my time there again.
    You have to understand that there are lot more people who are into audio than you might think and a lot of them are watching Craigslist. If it's quality gear then the seller probably gets a lot of interest and most will not follow up with everyone once they have a buyer.

    I have plenty of gear and am happy with what I have but I still check CL several times a day because usually the first responder gets the item. Patience does payoff. Good hunting and I hope whatever way you go you find something that works for you!
    NAD D3020
    Denon 2910
    Denon DMD 1000
    MSB Link DAC III
    Von Schweikert VR2
    NAD 7240PE
    NAD 5240
    Hughes AK 100
    Tascam 122
    Technics SL 1700
    Rogers BBC Monitors LS3/6

  11. #11
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    For the record, removing the grill typically does change the sound, it varies how much from model to model, however, removing the grill is typically an improvement in sound.

  12. #12
    Forum Regular blackraven's Avatar
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    The Polks may be you best bet. But also consider the Boston Acoustics CS260 II's. I helped put together a very nice budget system for a friend with the BA CS26 bookshelfs. I have always liked the sound of these bookshelf's as they have a slightly warmer rich and smooth sound. Their midrange is excellent and the tweeters are laid back. They perform way above their price range. Here is a review on the towers.

    Boston Acoustics CS 260 II Review | Digital Trends

    Too bad you are set on Towers, there are more options and better sound to be had with Bookshelf's.
    Pass Labs X250 amp, BAT Vk-51se Preamp,
    Thorens TD-145 TT, Bellari phono preamp, Nagaoka MP-200 Cartridge
    Magnepan QR1.6 speakers
    Luxman DA-06 DAC
    Van Alstine Ultra Plus Hybrid Tube DAC
    Dual Martin Logan Original Dynamo Subs
    Parasound A21 amp
    Vintage Luxman T-110 tuner
    Magnepan MMG's, Grant Fidelity DAC-11, Class D CDA254 amp
    Monitor Audio S1 speakers, PSB B6 speakers
    Vintage Technic's Integrated amp
    Music Hall 25.2 CDP
    Adcom GFR 700 AVR
    Cables- Cardas, Silnote, BJC
    Velodyne CHT 8 sub

  13. #13
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    I gave up my Castle Conway 3 Towers to my brother because I felt I did not need a second pair of towers. Got bookshelves instead. I've found that you get two different sound stages and types of sound with each style of speaker. For that reason I most definitely want another pair of towers.

    Considered the CS 260ii's at the start. They look perfect and likely will sound exactly the way I need them to. One problem. I think the entire front of the speaker is covered by a Grill Cloth. My cat will try to claw them. When I had a few of the little furry fellows scurrying around the house after their mother had a litter, they would jump onto my OM 10's and hang on the cloth or claw the front of the speaker. The one cat I kept I noted recently still claws the OM 10's. Had them out for a couple of days to see how the cat would react to them.

    If there is a way to change the color of the Grill Cloth that may be the only way I can use any speaker that has a Grill Cloth covering the speaker right down to the floor. Cats seem to like the fabric. Otherwise, no go on this idea. Polks have the same problem. Grill Cloth covers the entire front of the speaker.

    Is there a way to change the color of the Grill Cloth? Something like Brown or God forbid, ugh, white would likely deter the cat from jumping on the speaker since she ignores those colors otherwise.

    Unless I can buy another house that is larger than the one I own presently and it has a second bedroom or three, I won't be able to lock up a room and use it as a dedicated listening area, free from four legged critters. That leaves me few options.

    Do you know of any Bookshelf Speakers that offer a sound stage like Towers?

  14. #14
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    Just found this.

    Speaker Grill Cloth, Speaker Parts, Speaker Grills

    Looks like it will be possible to change the color of the Grill Cloth of my next pair of speakers. Can't do it with the OM 10's since they seem to have a proprietary sock that literally covers the entire speaker. Impossible to recreate without some kind of machinery.

  15. #15
    Forum Regular blackraven's Avatar
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    Why not leave the grill off?

    The thing with bookshelf speakers is that they need proper stands and positioning. Do BS's give a big sound and others don't. My son's PSB B6's have a big sound while my Monitor Audio S1's have a smaller sound stage but a more refined sound. The electronics play a big part as well. I use a cheap Dayton Audio DTA-100a digital amp which produces a huge sound stage with the Monitor Audio's.

    I would look at larger bookshelfs with 6.5" bass drivers.

    These Epos 15 speakers have nice smooth and non fatiguing sound. They are large, efficient speakers with at 7.3" woofer. I almost bought a pair a few years ago. Here are a few reviews-

    Epos Elan 15's on the way! | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums

    Epos Elan loudspeakers | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

    Music Direct has a demo pair for more than half off.

    Epos Elan 15 Bookshelf Speakers (Black) **DEMO** at Music Direct
    Pass Labs X250 amp, BAT Vk-51se Preamp,
    Thorens TD-145 TT, Bellari phono preamp, Nagaoka MP-200 Cartridge
    Magnepan QR1.6 speakers
    Luxman DA-06 DAC
    Van Alstine Ultra Plus Hybrid Tube DAC
    Dual Martin Logan Original Dynamo Subs
    Parasound A21 amp
    Vintage Luxman T-110 tuner
    Magnepan MMG's, Grant Fidelity DAC-11, Class D CDA254 amp
    Monitor Audio S1 speakers, PSB B6 speakers
    Vintage Technic's Integrated amp
    Music Hall 25.2 CDP
    Adcom GFR 700 AVR
    Cables- Cardas, Silnote, BJC
    Velodyne CHT 8 sub

  16. #16
    Forum Regular harley .guy07's Avatar
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    I second looking at the new ELAC speakers. Andrew Jones is designing them for ELAC and he is a killer speaker designer.

    speakers ? Welcome to ELAC Americas

    ELAC Uni-Fi UB5 Release Date, Price and Specs - CNET

    I would definitely look at the new Unifi series they are coming out with. I have heard that for the money they sound amazing.

    Marantz SR5008(HT)
    Nu Force P8 Preamp (2 channel)
    Pass Labs X150.5(2 channel)
    Adcom 545 mk2 power amp(rear channel amp)
    Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S Mains Speakers
    Dayton 8" HO custom sealed subwoofer(2 channel)
    Yamaha NS-c444 center channel
    Emotiva ERD-1 surround speakers
    JBL e250p subwoofer highly modified
    Samsung 46" LED TV
    OPPO BDP-83 blue ray/multi format player
    ps-audio NuWave dac (2 channel)
    Dell I660 music server running fidelizer windows 8 audio optimizer
    PS Audio Quintet power center

  17. #17
    3db is offline
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    If you can find a used pair of PSB Image T6, you will have landed yourself one of hell of a great speaker...

    Tower Speaker Selection-510psb.2.jpg

    A quote from a review by Stereophile review of these..
    "I am not surprised that Kal Rubinson liked the PSB Image T6 as much as he did. Its measured performance is almost without peer in this price region. This is a speaker you must hear.—John Atkinson"
    Main System/Second System
    Receiver Yamaha RX-V1800/Yamaha RX-V1500
    Turntable ProJect Xpression III with Ortofon Red
    Display Samsung UN65KU6491 65"/
    Vizio SV-470M 47"
    BluRay/CD Yamaha BD-S681/Sony BDP-S360
    Media Player Iomega with 1TB internal drive/WDTV + 3TB drive
    Speakers PSB Image T-45/Alphas Front, PSB Image 8C/100C Center, PSB Image 1B/Alpha Mites Surrounds
    Subwoofer Rythmic LV12-R/PSB Subsonic 5
    Remotes: Logitech Harmony 650 for both systems

  18. #18
    Forum Regular Jack in Wilmington's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3db View Post
    If you can find a used pair of PSB Image T6, you will have landed yourself one of hell of a great speaker.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	510psb.2.jpg 
Views:	528 
Size:	27.5 KB 
ID:	9927

    A quote from a review by Stereophile review of these..
    "I am not surprised that Kal Rubinson liked the PSB Image T6 as much as he did. Its measured performance is almost without peer in this price region. This is a speaker you must hear.—John Atkinson"
    There are a nice pair on Audiogon for $700. They are close enough to me that I could go pick them up if I needed speakers
    2 Channel System
    Dynaudio Contour 1.8 Mk II
    Pass Labs X150.5 (Amp)
    Cary SLP-03 (Preamp)
    Music Hall MMF 5.1 (TT)
    Goldring 1012GX (Cart.)
    Pro-ject SE II (Phono Box)
    Rotel RCD-1072 (CD Player)
    Bryston BDA-1 ( DAC )
    Sennheiser HD-600 (Headphones)
    Musical Fidelity Xcan V3 (Headphone Amp) _

    HT System
    Usher X-719 (Mains)
    Usher X-616 (Center)
    Usher S-520 (Surrounds)
    Rel T2 (Subwoofer)
    Anthem MCA20 (Amp)
    Yamaha RX-A830 (Receiver)
    Panasonic TH-46PZ85U (Plasma TV)
    Denon DBT-1713UD (BluRay/SACD)

  19. #19
    Forum Regular blackraven's Avatar
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    The issue is that the OP needs efficient speaker to run with a low wattage tube integrated amp. The Elac's or PSB's would be my choice but they are not efficient with Elac's having a sensitivity of 85-86dB. I really like the PSB house sound. 10wpc is a stretch. Although I believe the T6's are some where in the 88-89 range, but PSB's like power to sound their best. I have a pair of B6's. and a friend of mine has a pair of the Synchrony One's and they (the Synchrony's) sound best with 200wpc or more.
    Pass Labs X250 amp, BAT Vk-51se Preamp,
    Thorens TD-145 TT, Bellari phono preamp, Nagaoka MP-200 Cartridge
    Magnepan QR1.6 speakers
    Luxman DA-06 DAC
    Van Alstine Ultra Plus Hybrid Tube DAC
    Dual Martin Logan Original Dynamo Subs
    Parasound A21 amp
    Vintage Luxman T-110 tuner
    Magnepan MMG's, Grant Fidelity DAC-11, Class D CDA254 amp
    Monitor Audio S1 speakers, PSB B6 speakers
    Vintage Technic's Integrated amp
    Music Hall 25.2 CDP
    Adcom GFR 700 AVR
    Cables- Cardas, Silnote, BJC
    Velodyne CHT 8 sub

  20. #20
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    Looks like the decision making process just got a whole lot easier. Found out my car needs a new transmission and catalytic converts plus a couple other things. Probably 5 grand. Most definitely won't be buying anything anytime soon. No disposable income. This could cost me my job and my car. Have to deal with this issue before I can even consider spending any money on new gear. The Money Pit effect continues.

  21. #21
    Charm Thai™
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billiam62 View Post
    Looks like the decision making process just got a whole lot easier. Found out my car needs a new transmission and catalytic converts plus a couple other things. Probably 5 grand. Most definitely won't be buying anything anytime soon. No disposable income. This could cost me my job and my car. Have to deal with this issue before I can even consider spending any money on new gear. The Money Pit effect continues.
    I hear ya Billiam. This type of thing always happens when I'm about to make a big purchase. Something else always comes up and demands attention elsewhere.

  22. #22
    Forum Regular Jack in Wilmington's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billiam62 View Post
    Looks like the decision making process just got a whole lot easier. Found out my car needs a new transmission and catalytic converts plus a couple other things. Probably 5 grand. Most definitely won't be buying anything anytime soon. No disposable income. This could cost me my job and my car. Have to deal with this issue before I can even consider spending any money on new gear. The Money Pit effect continues.
    Now you have to ask yourself the question, is my car worth putting 5 grand into, or do you look to cut your losses and get another car?
    2 Channel System
    Dynaudio Contour 1.8 Mk II
    Pass Labs X150.5 (Amp)
    Cary SLP-03 (Preamp)
    Music Hall MMF 5.1 (TT)
    Goldring 1012GX (Cart.)
    Pro-ject SE II (Phono Box)
    Rotel RCD-1072 (CD Player)
    Bryston BDA-1 ( DAC )
    Sennheiser HD-600 (Headphones)
    Musical Fidelity Xcan V3 (Headphone Amp) _

    HT System
    Usher X-719 (Mains)
    Usher X-616 (Center)
    Usher S-520 (Surrounds)
    Rel T2 (Subwoofer)
    Anthem MCA20 (Amp)
    Yamaha RX-A830 (Receiver)
    Panasonic TH-46PZ85U (Plasma TV)
    Denon DBT-1713UD (BluRay/SACD)

  23. #23
    I put the Gee in Gear.... thekid's Avatar
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    Depending on the mileage on your car you might want to think about a used transmission from a reputable source (you can usually get one with various mileage and with a warranty) or a remanufactured one. The used transmission might even outlast your car.
    NAD D3020
    Denon 2910
    Denon DMD 1000
    MSB Link DAC III
    Von Schweikert VR2
    NAD 7240PE
    NAD 5240
    Hughes AK 100
    Tascam 122
    Technics SL 1700
    Rogers BBC Monitors LS3/6

  24. #24
    Oldest join date recoveryone's Avatar
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    Well let me jump on my Fluance soapbox for a minute $299 for the SX and $399 pair for the XL7F
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tower Speaker Selection-livingroom.jpg   Tower Speaker Selection-sxfr_web.jpg  
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Pioneer Elite SC lx502
    Pioneer Elite N50
    Pioneer Cassette CTM66R
    Pioneer Elite BDP 85FD

    Vizio P series 2160p
    Panamax 5300 EX

  25. #25
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    Most definitely will either trade in the car with one of those Push, Pull or Tow trade in deals or scrap it. First have to get it paid off or paid down to where I can roll over the remaining balance to a new loan on a new car. Won't be putting any more money into it at this point. Not worth the time, effort, money or space at this point.

    I will revisit the speaker issue later in the year. I am going to do more research on potential repellants for cats. Mothballs work but I can't use them around my OM 10 speakers because it stinks up the entire place. If I can find something else to put around the speakers that smells acceptable to people but repels cats then I may be able to use the Mirage speakers again and will shop for bookshelf speakers later in the year to replace the Jamo 68's. Nice speakers for sure but I figure that a decent new pair of bookshelf speakers will likely outshine the 15 year old Jamo's.

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