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Thread: Tower Speaker Selection

  1. #26
    Forum Regular
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    Apr 2013
    Fluance speakers get mixed reviews. Some speakers people rate highly while others are not viewed as being good. The two you've mentioned recoveryon do seem to be liked by people that use them. Will at least consider the bookshelf model at this point. Tower is too large and heavy for my taste now. My OM 10's weigh something like 45 lbs. and I don't want to move more than one set of heavy speakers these days. In fact I would prefer not to move any heavy speakers these days. LOL But the OM 10's are so damn good and are irreplaceable that I am hanging onto them with the hope that someday I can use them again.

  2. #27
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    Apr 2013
    Pulled the Mirage OM 10 Towers out of storage again and have them up and running. Still just as good as they were when I purchased them over 15 years ago.

    Bought something called Nature's Miracle Pet Block. Smells a lot like something like Lemon Pledge or a similar furniture polish. Sprayed a little on the floor around the base of each speaker. So far the cat does not seem too inclined to want to be near them. Put some in her face and she backed off a good foot!

    If anyone else has a similar problem with a cat that likes to scratch speakers or furniture for that matter, this stuff may be the ticket. Some reviews I read indicated it works with some cats but not others. But it costs less than $10 and is worth a try especially since I may be able to avoid having to buy another pair of tower speakers again and can concentrate on bookshelf speakers again but later in the year when my financial picture improves. Car issue comes first.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackraven View Post
    The issue is that the OP needs efficient speaker to run with a low wattage tube integrated amp. The Elac's or PSB's would be my choice but they are not efficient with Elac's having a sensitivity of 85-86dB. I really like the PSB house sound. 10wpc is a stretch. Although I believe the T6's are some where in the 88-89 range, but PSB's like power to sound their best. I have a pair of B6's. and a friend of mine has a pair of the Synchrony One's and they (the Synchrony's) sound best with 200wpc or more.
    I've read enough reviews on the Elac speakers now to note they need a powerful amp to sound right. Won't work well with the amps I have.

  4. #29
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    Apr 2013
    Problem solved. Found something that keeps the cat away from the Mirage OM 10 Towers. "Nature's Miracle Pet Block for Cats". Sprayed it around the floor around each speaker for a week and she quickly learned to stay away from them. No more problems. Don't have to look for new speakers any time soon. Thanks to the new cables and power cords and a new CD player the speakers sound better than they did when I bought them 16 years ago!
    Mr Peabody likes this.

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