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  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Dec 2003

    speakers for rock- suggestions pls

    Hi. Am looking to set up a stereo system.
    I will be getting the C320 BEE NAD amp. It totally knocked me out.
    I am looking for speakers to go with this. I listen to primarily classic rock. I want something that'll make deep purple sound like the gods they are.
    Am looking to spend $ 400-500. Was considering towers but i doubt i'll get the bass i want in my budget. I guess i will have to take good bookshelves now and then add a woofer a couple of months down the line.
    Would really appreciate suggestions on what I should do- towers / bookshelves (i'll add a woofer here for sure). Is only for music.
    Thanks, Babitha

  2. #2
    Audiophile Wireworm5's Avatar
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    Rupert's Land, Canada
    Great a Deep Purple fan. They knew how to rock.
    I suggest Paradigm Monitor 9's for your budget. They lack a little edge on the treble for Ritchie's guitar. I would also look at the Klispch RF-3's.
    If you go with bookshelves sub combo, the B&W Dm 601 s3 will deliver a satifying treble.
    Good Luck

  3. #3
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Troy, New York

    I'd recommend going with....

    one of the Cambridge Soundworks bookshelf packages (you can find em factory refurbed on ebay pretty cheap) and one of their subs. I'll think you'll be pleasently surprised at the sound quality and the price fits your budget.

    Da Worfster

  4. #4
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications
    Do you want them to sound very good, or very loud? Whatever happened to the days Cerwin-Vega was mentioned every time the words Classic Rock were used?

  5. #5
    Forum Regular
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    Athena AS-F2. You can get them on sale at Best Buy for about $550...quite a steal. The bass is won't need a sub to help them out.

  6. #6
    Forum Regular
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    Feb 2002
    Why not get a good pair of headphones. You can play your music as loud as you like without annoying anyone else.

  7. #7
    Forum Regular
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    Dec 2003


    hey thanks for all the suggestions people....yeah the B&W 601s were first on my list too...will definitely check out athena, cambridge, etc.
    but am in bombay, india so access tends to be a minor problem at times....
    and its not just abt the volume...i dont really turn it up all the headphones are not my style really....
    and hey deep purple just happens to be my all time faves. not counting any of the other greats out of qualifying for classic rock :-))
    thanks again...hoping to get it all together soon. but then for someone barely out of college, i guess it all ends up being abt the money:-((

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