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  1. #1
    Forum Regular TheAmazingJosh's Avatar
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    speaker recommendations for a budget

    I want to get some sounds going on for my bedroom. My main gear for listening consists of B&W and Rotel and hangs out in the living room. I'm used to good sound, so it's tough to think "cheap." However for just the bedroom I think I'm going to have a hard time getting my woman to want to spend more than $200 on some bookshelves. Anyone have recommendations?

  2. #2
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    If your amp/receiver can handle a 4 ohm load, "stretch" your budget to $300 for the Epos ELS3. You will not be disappointed. If you need an 8 ohm speaker, try the Athena Audition AS-B1 at $180/pair.

  3. #3
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    B&W also makes bookshelfs for $300 a pair. If you like the sound of B&W I would still audition other bookshelfs in the price range though. You may find something you like better. In terms of purchasing bookshelfs for $200.. I would just tell her there is no point in purchasing something that you will regret owning the moment you get the receipt (that is of course if you can't find anything you like for $200/pair). $300 in the long run, should you actually like the B&W bookshelfs, will not be much of a difference over $200 but it will be a big difference to your ears.
    Definitive Technology Fan, Owner and Advocate!!!!! never paying retail IS half the fun of buying audio products!!!! Good shopping!

  4. #4
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    Paradigm Atoms - $199/pr or BIC Venturi DV52si - $199/pr

  5. #5
    What, me worry? piece-it pete's Avatar
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    I've heard (but not "heard" ) that Spica TC-50s are pretty darn good for the money, ditto for the Boston Acoustics A60s' and the like.

    What I do is check eBay and Audiogon and see what looks interesting, then go hunting for reviews and comments.

    I don't often get to hear the stuff first so life is an adventure!! And as long as you pay fair market value or less you can always sell them if not liked.

    I fear explanations explanatory of things explained.
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  6. #6
    Forum Regular TheAmazingJosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickWH
    If your amp/receiver can handle a 4 ohm load, "stretch" your budget to $300 for the Epos ELS3. You will not be disappointed. If you need an 8 ohm speaker, try the Athena Audition AS-B1 at $180/pair.
    I don't have a receiver yet, but I am likely looking towards a vintage pioneer or kendwood, something I can pick up for a steal. I do like Epos, I almost went with their M15 (I think that's the model) floorstander when I was in the market for my main system. Thanks for the suggestions.

  7. #7
    Forum Regular TheAmazingJosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chimera128
    B&W also makes bookshelfs for $300 a pair. If you like the sound of B&W I would still audition other bookshelfs in the price range though. You may find something you like better. In terms of purchasing bookshelfs for $200.. I would just tell her there is no point in purchasing something that you will regret owning the moment you get the receipt (that is of course if you can't find anything you like for $200/pair). $300 in the long run, should you actually like the B&W bookshelfs, will not be much of a difference over $200 but it will be a big difference to your ears.
    Everything I've got is B&W, so I think for this system I'm going to switch gears a little for a different sound. Thanks for the suggestions though.

  8. #8
    Suspended topspeed's Avatar
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    I did exactly what you are trying to do right now when I put my br rig together. Also like you, I use B&W's for my main system and wanted to do something different just for fun. For vintage receivers, it's tough to beat Marantz models like the 2275b for pure sound quality so I recommend you audition them if possible. Very high quality construction along with retro cool good looks. Check 'em out.

    I second the Epos as they are great little speakers. You might also like Whardale's Diamond 8.2 as they are right in your price range. Don't forget to allocate funds for stands while you're at it. When you put the price of the speaks and stands together, you might be able to swing the Castle Pembroke's. I don't know how they sound but they sure are purdy!

    Good luck and buy what moves you

  9. #9
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    I saw a pair of Athena AS-B2 speakers on e-bay for 139.99. Good luck with whatever you decide. Not sure if you dig Paradigm, but I saw a pair of Monitor 3v.2's on ebay for $200 as well.

  10. #10
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
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    Know what I hate? When people give recomendations that fall outside the clearly stated budget.

    Know what else I hate? When someone says I bought these and they are great so you should buy them too.

    Uhh, that said I would recomend the AR DIYs for about 320.00 I use them for my bedroom speakers and they are great!

    Know what I hate even more? Crappy sounding speakers!

    Have fun regardless of the route you chose.

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  11. #11
    Forum Regular filecat13's Avatar
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    Cool Jbl

    For BR use a good used pair of JBL bookshelf speakers is hard to beat in the $200 dollar range. While you may not be able to get the very good sounding L100 Centuries or 4312 Studio Monitors for $200 due to their inflated historical value, you can get many other models for terrific prices.

  12. #12
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
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    Consider a Panasonic digital

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmazingJosh
    I don't have a receiver yet, ...
    The Panasonic digitals, i.e. models labeled SA-XRxx, are extremely good, pretty cheap, and will almost certainly beat vintage mainstream receivers.

    The latest XR50 goes for around US$300, but you might find the predeceasor model, the XR25, for maybe $175.

  13. #13
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    I'll once again...

    ...plug my Dayton BR1 kit. They are only $139, but you must assemble them.

    Good bass considering size (and cost) and a fabric tweeter that is always easy on the ears. Inexpensive speakers often sound "small", but these put up a pretty good stage.

    Certainly not perfect, but W-A-Y worth the money - they are positively better than my Titans, and I can't think of a sub-$300 speaker that "blows them away".

    A fun project, and good sound to boot. I think you would be suprised...

  14. #14
    What, me worry? piece-it pete's Avatar
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    For an old receiver I'll plug the Marantz 1060 or 1030, heck or 1070, etc, they go quite inexpensively, with underrated power, and are decent sounding (I've heard the 1030 and the 1060 - 1060s' better IMO but the 1030 ain't bad) and IMO attractive.

    My experience with bedroom systems is clarity and realism at low levels is far more important than power. This has been driven home to me with the recent death of my wonderful little Kyocera receiver, I've gone through a Pioneer QX-949, a Marantz SR-1000 (crap), an old Sherwood, an old Scott 387, a Magnavox (!) 1500 rec'r, all this stuff and more and NOTHING that gives the low level performance needed to give that sweetness! I'll be looking for the "good" Marantzs' myself shortly.

    With the price of the above-mentioned Marantzs one could easily get two and biamp, maybe a more realistic sound and definitely a cool look!

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  15. #15
    RGA is offline
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    On the cheap Wharfedale or Mission I wuld be looking at mainly - or if you can try and find a demo or slightly used B&W 302 - I think it's better sounding than the 303 or the 600 series in many ways. IMO they should not have shifted to a more impressive looking speaker and kept this great little number in their line-up -- for some reason many companies change speakers every four years regardless of whether they need to or not - and with the 302 they didn't need to and shouldn't have.

  16. #16
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    Thanks RGA, it is pretty well documented here that you prefer the B&W 302 to the 303. To this I say, "get over it already!"

  17. #17
    Silence of the spam Site Moderator Geoffcin's Avatar
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    Why not go all the way?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmazingJosh
    I don't have a receiver yet, but I am likely looking towards a vintage pioneer or kendwood, something I can pick up for a steal. I do like Epos, I almost went with their M15 (I think that's the model) floorstander when I was in the market for my main system. Thanks for the suggestions.
    And get a vintage pair of speakers to go with the receiver. I just saw these on Ebay;

    These appear to be totally mint, and if you've never heard large advents before your in for a treat.
    Ming Da MC34-AB 75wpc
    PS Audio Classic 250. 500wpc into 4 ohms.
    PS Audio 4.5 preamp,
    Marantz 6170 TT Shure M97e cart.
    Arcam Alpha 9 CD.- 24 bit dCS Ring DAC.
    Magnepan 3.6r speakers Oak/black,

  18. #18
    Suspended topspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoffcin
    And get a vintage pair of speakers to go with the receiver. I just saw these on Ebay;

    These appear to be totally mint, and if you've never heard large advents before your in for a treat.
    That is one beautiful pair of speakers! Whoever is selling them knows a thing or two about presentation, I'll give 'em that. I wonder what those tweeters are? They almost look like an early version of today's Vifa ring radiator.

    Cool stuff.

  19. #19
    Forum Regular psonic's Avatar
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    A recent stereophile review raved about the small Infinity PRIMUS 150 bookshelf.. I have the magazine, from what they say about it, it should be worth a listen, retails for $199.

  20. #20
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    Hi Josh,

    I think you have had some pretty good suggestions, particularly the Paradigm and Athena Technology models. Since you are looking for something a little different than B&W I would suggest you check out the Acoustic Energy Aegis Evo 1. You'd have to stretch the budget to 300 but they are nicely styled and sound great. I did an internet search and you have a couple dealers listed in the Seattle area so you should be able to audition them. Good luck.

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