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  1. #1
    RGA is offline
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    RGA Reviews <$2000.00 Page 2, Epos, Audio Note, Paradigm, B&W etc.

    See Page one for rating system. For some reason question marks come up when I converted this over from word - Odd so if you see them chances are they should be a -- not a ?

    Audio Note AX Two $700.00CDN - $550US
    2-way Stand-mount speaker ? 90db 8ohm (no further specs provided).


    Many Small speaker makers have a difficult time with entering into budget territory and the reasons should be obvious. Large companies can produce at much higher volume thus minimizing costs ? economies of scale ? while smaller manufacturers have a higher per unit cost. What this means is that generally speaking you would or should end up paying a higher cost relative to a bigger companies loudspeakers ? indeed, this issue is even harder on the smaller company when they have to ship their speakers from Europe. As such it is suprising that Audio Note has managed to enter into the sub 1k Cdn market with good success. Of course it is more than likely the speaker is made in China like their entry level AZ amplifiers.

    Audio Note is a listen to it product and I won?t go into much detail on how they are designed or what the specification are ? it is clear to listeners what is going on but most are more familiar with their J and or E Snell inspired designs. This AN speaker like the Absolute Zero line of floorstanders are not Snell inspired designs but nevertheless have been popular in their own rightsover the last several years. The AX Two manages a few very neat tricks like their bigger speakers in that the sound is very cohesive from top to bottom ? double basses are presented tunefully and full bodied ? of course they don?t extend too deep but what is presented is crisp clear and fast. The treble region is less refined than the bigger stand-mounts sounding thinner leaner and brighter but not excessively so. The soundstage is big ? of course the speaker being placed in a corner kind of helps in this regard and I would suggest not to toe them in too much. What is striking though is that these speakers are highly listenable in the mid-band and present female vocals exceptionally well.

    The Audio Note Stands are quite expensive and I and the dealer agreed that your best bet with these speakers as a cost saving alternative would be the Skylans built in Alberta Canada. I had had magnificent results with the Skyalns with my AN-K/Spe. When you consider that Sound-hounds is selling the lower cost Skylans with pretty picky speakers you can?t overlook the fact that you are saving well over half to go with Skylan especially to you US shoppers. Consider that a $200.00Candian funds 2 post stand or the $350.00 4 post version after currency conversion sure beats the $500.00US figure charged by Audio Note. Sonic differences at best are subtle here. Noel at Skylan will also custom build stands to meet your needs.

    The combo worked very well as Dianna Krall is appropriately separated from her Piano and there is a striking window of clarity here. The speaker is smaller than the AN K-Spe and while both are rated 90db into 8ohms the AX Two seems to be easier to drive. This is likely because the bass is less fully developed and sounds punchier. Cymbals are a tad forward along with vocals ? almost a reverse suck-out in the upper midrange where in that band you hear more presence than a lack of it. This a tricky issue because it remains a fatigue free presentation on violin ? the drivers are obviously well suited to one another without any sort of hick-up. Off axis response is solid as the soundstage remains reasonably consistent and high marks have to go to tonality. There is a thickening if you move well off axis which is why I suggest not to toe them in too much. They are meant for near wall placement and I would suggest they are better suited to smaller rooms.

    For small speakers, the Piano was highly realistic and fuller bodied than speakers at this price have any right to be. Few speakers I have heard under $1k manage the piano anywhere near as well and that alone along with exceptional female vocals deserve some serious attention.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz______________________0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz___________________________4/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)______________________6.5/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________ 7.5 /10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)___________________7.5/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)_____________7/10
    Decay____________________________________ 7.5/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)__________ 7/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage_____________________ 7/10
    Tonality___________________________________ 7.5/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)_____ 7.5/10 X4

    Overall____________________________________135/200 = 67.5%

    Epos M-5 - $850.00CDN $650.00US
    2-Way Stand-Mount -- 60hz-20khz ? 87db 4ohm

    Not Recommended

    Epos has been around a long while and when my dealer happened to have this speaker in because an order fell through I was delighted to have a chance to hear them. $850.00Cdn looked steeped while looking at how small these speakers were but after being so impressed with a similar sized and more expensive speaker in the Dane 42 I was not about to be put off by their size. Unfortunately it did not take long before I was put off by their sound. There is simply a certain amount of bass required from a speaker that needs to be there to sound tonally correct that no amount of subwoofer adding can fix. The bottom half of the midrange is structured buy the speaker?s ability to produce bass response. The Epos sounded very much like the Audio Note AX-One and that is not a compliment since the AX One performed only marginally but at least competently given its price. The Epos clocks in at almost double the price and while it is a better speaker it needs to be a lot better than this for a hearty recommendation. The midrange is acceptable though and the top end relatively smooth if shut in and overly polite. Bass and Mid-bass are virtually non-existent.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.

    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 1/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 2.5/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________6/10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 6/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 5.5/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)_________ 4.5/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage____________________ 6.5/10
    Tonality__________________________________ 5/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)___ 5/10 X4

    Overall____________________________________92/200 = 46%

    Audio Note AX One $500.00 CDN - $375.00US
    2-way Stand-mount speaker. (No further specs supplied)

    Not Recommended

    Up until this speaker Audio Note had been on a great run for me continuously making superior speakers remarkably bettering speakers in its own price range and well beyond. Largely this has to do with te premium I place on the total event and because the tonal structure and musical integrity on offer from their other speakers are of exceptional class regardless of cost.

    But Alas no one is perfect and the AX One unfortunately is not up to the companies usual standards or the standards of a lot of competitors. Attempting to bring out an entry level product to allow those on a budget to get into Audio Note is commendable; however, there is a fine line between getting something resembling the house sound or higher models and making a very ordinary unremarkable product. The AX Two falls into the first camp while the AX-One falls into the latter. Gone is the paper woofer foam surround, and this speaker uses a front port. Basically there is nothing about the speaker that even hints at the bigger models. That in itself would not be too bad if what was left was at least reasonable for what the money.

    Listening to Deodato?s Jazz take on the 2001: A Space Oddysey, it is clear that the speaker is attempting the exemplary dynamics of the larger AX Two, but here it becomes shouty and hard. Sure it isn't necessarily nasal like some others but it seems too open and flailing for cohesion. The bass lacks power and drive so the bottom end is stifled and sluggish. To be fair the listening session was directly compared against other Audio Note speakers and comparing them to similarly priced speakers from Paradigm, Wharfedale and Epos, the AX One falls into line alongside some of those speakers. But the last thing Audio Note wants to be is anything less than breathtaking and the AX ONE is a far cry from their superior products. Now this speaker does have some attributes which are more than acceptable - it is clear in the midrange where much of the music resides, but it's not up to the mark against cheaper and stiff competition that has been doing the budget game for a while.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.

    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 2/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 2.5/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________5.5 /10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 5/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 5/10
    Decay____________________________________ 5/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)__________ 4.5/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage_____________________ 5/10
    Tonality___________________________________ 5/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)_____ 4.5/10 X4

    Overall____________________________________85.5/200 = 42.75%
    Note: Speaker is no longer made but dealers still carry the model ? do not allow them to flog this off on you.

    Dynaudio Audience 42 ~$950.00Cdn - $700US
    2 way bookshelf 53hz ? 23khz ---- 86db 4ohms


    My first listen to this Dynaudio and I knew I was going to be happy. The speaker had a tangible full bodied feel even in the rather large room I was in. Female vocals is a nice first test and the Dane acquitted itself very well on the Krall work with tight timing and remarkable coherency both in the soundstage and from top to bottom given its price. The speaker requires significant power and seems to go lower than the spec would indicate. I suspect there is a pronouncement in the lower mid-bass to give this impression but musically that is a good choice rather than being anemic in the lower registers. The speaker was quite dynamic and had a lot of punch but luckily it didn?t become aggressive into the treble. It was bit less open than I would like and perhaps a bit discordant in the upper mid-range but considering the price I don?t think you?ll do too much better than Dynaudio Audience 42. Keep a watch out though that you use a good quality amplifier that will be up to this speaker?s impedance and relatively low sensitivity.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 4.5/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 6/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________7/10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 7/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 8/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)_________ 6.5/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage____________________ 8/10
    Tonality__________________________________ 7.5/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)____ 7/10 X4

    Overall____________________________________130/200 = 65%

    Energy C3 $650CDN - $500.00US
    2 way stand-mount speakers ? 46hz ? 23khz (40hz -10db) ? 92db 8ohm


    Energy I was never really fond of until their new series arrived and I could see some appeal. I first heard the flagship Veritas floor-standers which were quite impressive but a touch fatiguing as well. Given the princely 8k price point ? I was impressed by them technically but not so musically. I don?t want music dissected I wanted it to sound realistic. Still it was and is a fine speaker. Enter the new Connoisseur range. Taking into account the most speaker brands in this price range appear to be focusing on home theater there does seem to be a trend of whacking you in the head with mid-bass and what is supposedly treble detail. The latter I can live with more than latter and this speaker is not free from the problems of treble graininess. It sounds like you?re getting more treble ? and you are ? but it?s not on the recording. My gripe aside it seems to be commonplace so I am here to focus on what the speaker does well. Firstly it sounds pretty coherent top to bottom which at first gets me interested. The mid-bass and mid-range are crisp clear and tight with overemphasis on that treble and a bit of un-refinement. There is solid attack ? the speaker is punchy and clear with tight dynamics and seems to resolve better than most in the price range as well. Once again the speaker acquits itself nicely and other than a few issues with the treble and a bit of lack in the decay you could do a lot worse than this speaker?and probably not a whole lot better. It?s more at home in a home theater system perhaps but if you want both on the cheap this is one to look at.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 3/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 6.5/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________6.5 /10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 5/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 7/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics) 6/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage____________________ 7/10
    Tonality__________________________________ 6/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)___ 6/10 X4

    Overall___________________________________113/200 = 56.5%

    B&W DM 303 $450.00Cdn - $350.00US
    2 way stand-mount speakers ? 72Hz - 20kHz ? 3dB on reference axis (-6dB at 52Hz and 30kHz). 88db 8ohm


    The B&W DM 303 is the baby in the Bowers and Wilkens line-up replacingt he award winning and deservedly so B&W DM 302. B&W has dumped the silk dome and rather crude woofer and cheapish cabinets for a Nautilus inspired tweeter and glass fibre woven mid/woofer. As an owner of the DM 302, I found the change mildly disconcerting. There is no question that the 303 is more open and more dynamic than its predecessor but it is also true that the 302 is a smoother sounding product in the treble and upper midrange. The 303 perhaps is better suited for slam and home theater than the 302 and with the market moving in this direction it makes sense for B&W to shift as well. The speaker handles itself with deftness for such a low price really not offending in any area. Basically it?s a terrific all-rounder. I would recommend a good stand perhaps from Skylan to aid the speaker?s bottom end as much as possible to keep it from getting a tad boomy. The 303 still manages to be a high value speaker for low money and deserves a hearty Best Buy.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 2/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 6/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________7/10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 6/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 6.5/10
    Decay___________________________________ 5.5/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)_________ 6/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage____________________ 7/10
    Tonality__________________________________ 6/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)____ 6/10 X4

    Overall_____________________________________114/200 = 57%

    B&W DM 602S3 $850.00CDN - $650.00US
    2 way two drive stand-mount. 49Hz - 22kHz ? 3dB on reference axis (-6dB at 40Hz and 42kHz) ? 90db 8 ohm min 3ohm


    The B&W 602 has been through a few variants over the years and this new version is a step up over the previous model. The S2 was a little polite leaning while this one picks up the jump and dynamics a fair bit. Think 303 but with more rockem and sockem capability with very solid bass for the money. The treble is a tad sibilant from time to time but about what you?d expect for the price given that B&W is clearly aiming for home theater shoppers with a little added emphasis isn?t always a bad thing. The 602 is a bigger than usual stand-mount these days even a little old school. It hangs in at louder levels even preferring them to softer levels. Bass seemingly hits a lower level than specked and seems to even add a touch in the deeper bass territory no doubt the room is providing much of this. Still the speaker is fast and quite coherent in the mid-band if a little unrefined. The upper mid-bass can be a bit lacking and the highs can get a bit shouty when pushed with brass. Low level dynamics are uninspiring here as well but I can say that about virtually all speakers in this price range. The 602S3 is a do it all well speaker ? no one area is overly impressive but that in itself might be the most impressive thing I can say about the speaker. Sure it lacks the refinement of the bigger 705, the treble isn?t as smooth but it?s more fun. And that sadly seems to have left the industry a bit, Luckily the B&W 602S3 brings some of it back ? and that warrants a solid Best Buy.
    Note look at the Skylan stands before you spend on the B&W stands. The Skylans are better for considerably less money. B&W stands are just insane to basically get a cheap stand with the B&W logo.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 1/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 6/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 7/10X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________7/10X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 6.5/10X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 7.5/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)_________ 6/10X2
    Imaging and Soundstage____________________ 7/10
    Tonality__________________________________ 6.5/10X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)_____6.5/10X4

    Overall____________________________________127/200 = 63.5%

    Wharfedale Diamond 8.1 $299.00Cdn $225.00US
    2 way stand-mount. 56hz ? 20khz -- 86db 6ohm


    See the review of the Diamond 8.2. This speaker is a scaled down version offering less bass depth but a faster more lively sound in that area. The mid-bass take a hit here as well sounding rather thin and less dynamic than I would like. However it hangs in there pretty good and given the low price of entry this would make a great little starter speaker or bedroom speaker on the cheap. Definitely deserves an audition ? just watch out that it may need a bit more juice than some competitors.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 2/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 2.5/10X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________5.5 /10X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 5.5/10X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 3/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)__________4/10X2
    Imaging and Soundstage_____________________6/10
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)____ 5.5/10X4

    Overall____________________________________90.5/200 = 45.25%

    Paradigm Monitor 5V3 $599.00Cdn $475.00US.
    21/2 way 3 driver Stand-Mount speaker ? 58hz-20khz +/-2db (on axis) 92db 8 ohm

    The Paradigm Monitor 5 is into incarnation 3 and sounds largely similar to its predecessor. That to me is not necessarily horrible but nor is it something to be overly proud of. It sounds rather thin throughout the mid-band not resenting the overtones of instruments very well. What you get instead is a narrow very punchy presentation while subtlety of harmonics gets hacked off. The speaker produces a fair bit of bass but not the shadings in that area. The Mid-bass is tight and punchy but not as rich I would want. The speaker becomes fatiguing on acoustic guitar rather quickly and I think it is generally suited to amplified rock and home theater. The sound-staging of the speaker is strong, and, it does have a bit of boogey to it which makes it a reasonable rocker for a stand-mount. While I haven?t listened long enough for a review I think the Monitor 3 may provide virtually the same thing this speaker offers for a fair bit less money.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz______________________0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz___________________________4/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)______________________5.5/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________ 6/10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)___________________5/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)_____________7/10
    Decay____________________________________ 4/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)__________ 5/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage_____________________ 7/10
    Tonality___________________________________ 5/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)_____ 5/10 X4

    Overall_____________________________________100/200 = 50%

    Paradigm AtomV3 $180CDN $140.00US.
    2 way 2 driver stand-mount 70hz ? 20khz +/-2db ? 89db 8ohm

    BEST BUY!!

    I have to say I have loathed the previous incarnations of this speaker which sounded more like a screech box with an over-inflated mid-bass and atrociously obnoxious and un-listenable treble. Well the mid-bass is still pronounced, but the treble has been markedly restrained, so much so that this new incarnation of the speaker given the price is actually quite fun to listen to and one of the best you will likely find under $200.00. It?s amazing what a subtle change in one area can do to the whole presentation. It?s still not as coherent as I would like seeming to lack in the micro-dynamics and resolution departments. You know there is more brush work going on and you want to hear more of what is going on your recordings. But you have to look at the price. What is on offer is quite a lot considering it is a sub $200.00. Let?s be realistic ? it isn?t perfect by any stretch of the imagination but the fact is you could pay a fair chunk more and not get as much. The treble has been toned down I suspect a bit rolled off from the last model and that loses some crispness. However I would gladly give that up for a smoother balance. The speaker presents a wall of sound rather than get into the inner resolution so I sort of feel detached to what I?m listening to. Nevertheless it?s a good rocker surprisingly and will serve home theater fairly well no doubt. For under $200.00 and many place here are discounting them even more I can recommend this model with a solid Best Buy. Watch out they don?t try and serve up the V2 ? that to me is a mess.

    Ratings are in absolute terms rated against all speakers of all price ranges and ratings are not inflated because they are deemed budget speakers.
    Deep Bass 10hz ? 30hz_____________________ 0/10
    Bass 30hz ? 80hz__________________________ 3/10
    Midbass (80hz ? 200hz)_____________________ 5/10 X2
    Midrange (200hz ? 3khz)_____________________5/10 X3
    High Frequency (3khz ? up)__________________ 4.5/10 X2
    Attack (including macro-dynamics)____________ 5/10
    Resolution (including micro-dynamics)_________ 2.5/10 X2
    Imaging and Soundstage____________________ 5/10
    Tonality__________________________________ 5/10 X2
    Cohesiveness (integrity of the musical event)___ 4.5/10 X4

    Overall____________________________________83/200 = 41.5%
    Last edited by RGA; 09-03-2004 at 08:57 PM.

  2. #2
    RGA is offline
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    Correction note:

    AX Two uses Custom VIFA drivers and the speaker is built in Denmark. The speaker is more position friendly and will work like normal standmounts but will also work well close to walls or in corners. So what worksbest will depend on the listener.

    If you see other mistakes like frequency response figures etc let me know.

  3. #3
    My custom user title This Guy's Avatar
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    no offense RGA, but you really need to get out more, I'm starting to worry about ya


  4. #4
    RGA is offline
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    For my reference only so I know where to find it again.

    Addition to AN AX Two.

    Yes This Guy - worry - I do need to get out more.

  5. #5
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    any info to share on JMLab chorus 706?

    very useful reviews! i was hoping to see a review here on the JMLab chorus 706 S. i auditioned them a couple of weeks ago with a hybrid Unico integrated amplifier but found the overall sound a bit thin. then just yesterday i listened to the same 706 speakers but this time driven by a 10 watt tube amp (sorry can't recall brand) and the sound came alive! in contrast i auditioned the B&W 602s just before the chorus 706s and i found the 602s a bit bland although i liked the deep bass. could be the room or the amp but the 602s fell short of what i heard from the JMLab 706 and Audience 42/52. yes, these were 3 different listening rooms with 3 different amp systems.

    actually the audience 52 sounded a bit shrill during my last visit because a Yamaha H/T receiver was used to drive it. it sounded way better when a Yamaha AX-596 integrated amplifier was used.

    any thoughts on the JMLab chorus 706 would be appreciated. thanks.

  6. #6
    RGA is offline
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    I like the Audience speakers more than the 602S3.

    Interestingly I heard the 604S3 in another location - Hi FI Center and was not impressed at all - lesser positioning )too far apart perhaps) and too far out from the back wall and too close to the side walls made them sound rather dull and lifeless.

    I liked the Chorus speakers I heard and the Mezza Utopia but didn't spend enough time nor did I make notes there or when I went home to be able to give them any sort of credible review.

    The B&W's might lose in a head to head for me as well. I have had much time listening to B&W over the years and perhaps their lack of that Punch is what some find a bit dull.

  7. #7
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
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    Hey RGA,

    Could you please audition every bookshelf speakers available on Audiogon from $2000 to $5000? I would appreciate a new list of reviews every week as well.

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


  8. #8
    Super Moderator Site Moderator JohnMichael's Avatar
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    JRA nice thread revival. Whatever happened to RGA? Any way sounds like you are looking for new speakers? Which speakers are you considering? By the way am I correct that you have the SA8001 and if so what is your opinion of it?
    Vinyl Rega Planar 2, Incognito rewire, Deepgroove subplatter, ceramic bearing, Michell Technoweight, Rega 24V motor, TTPSU, FunkFirm Achroplat platter, Michael Lim top and bottom braces, 2 Rega feet and one RDC cones. Grado Sonata, Moon 110 LP phono.
    Sony SCD-XA5400ES SACD/cd SID mat, Marantz SA 8001
    Int. Amp Krell S-300i
    Monitor Audio RS6
    AQ SPKR and AQ XLR and IC

  9. #9
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnMichael
    JRA nice thread revival. Whatever happened to RGA? Any way sounds like you are looking for new speakers? Which speakers are you considering? By the way am I correct that you have the SA8001 and if so what is your opinion of it?
    I'm considering a pair from Audiogon, unless Ty is willing to accept a trade for a pair of Linbrook.

    As for the SA-8001, I dont think I should comment because my system isnt sounding to my preference.
    Sounds great on classical/jazz, but Maggot Brain sounded "Twaaaang!!"

    I hope to tell you more about SA8001 soon, but I can tell you it's not analyrical. But makes incredible music when I'm playing CD-R I received of Jörgen van Rijen.

    Makes me wonder how he sounds on SACD.

    Hey bobsticks, you got this one?


  10. #10
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
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    down there
    Yeah, you need to buy that on SACD. Really.

    Since I have the inside track on your considerations, may I suggest a little somethin' homegrown American-style...
    You still have that REL right? That's a combo that should make some lovely analytical sounds in contrast to your current much-maligned (by you) setup.

    Maggot Brain?

    Edit: Hey Jaykabuki why don't you play with these for a week:
    Last edited by bobsticks; 01-05-2008 at 05:31 PM.

  11. #11
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobsticks
    Maggot Brain?
    Funkadelic, my man.

    I think a used pair with Millenium tweets sound be interesting. I hear they take hundreds of hours to break-in, so no sense in buying new(especially me).

    Hey, which Jorgen did you send me? is it the same one? Even so, it's a great recording even on the CD Layer. SACD should be incredible.


    ps, REL is gone and am glad.

  12. #12
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    Has anyone of you out there listened to the new Bryston speakers, like the Middle T's? What are your impressions? Does the high price justify the sound? Thanks for all your opinions?

  13. #13
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    Some speakers like the Totem Sttaf, Hawks & Forests don't have separate midrange drivers. Does that mean the sound quality is inferior compared to speakers that have separate tweeters and midrange drivers? Thanks.

  14. #14
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ken88 View Post
    Some speakers like the Totem Sttaf, Hawks & Forests don't have separate midrange drivers. Does that mean the sound quality is inferior compared to speakers that have separate tweeters and midrange drivers? Thanks.
    Basically, no, they aren't inferior in sound quality.

    However mid-range drivers do provide some advantages to speaker designers. First, they permit larger woofers. That is, woofers larger than 7 inch can provide more and usually deeper bass, but can't provide wide enough dispersion to complement typical tweeters; in this case, a mid-range can fill in the provide the wider dispersion due to its smaller diameter. Secondly, a mid-range provide more power handling for the speaker as a whole, mainly because it will carry some of the power that would otherwise have to be carried by the tweeter and/or the mid/woofer.

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