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  1. #26
    Forum Regular Florian's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by audio amateur
    Didn't you tell me you moved them to London shortly after you had agreed to sell them in summer '06?
    (I liked your Diva)
    That was the plan, but the buyer reconsidered and left them until i had another pair of speakers set up. ^^ He is a nice buyer!
    Lots of music but not enough time for it all

  2. #27
    Forum Regular audio amateur's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    If that's the case he's very patient. Let me know if you're in London

  3. #28
    Forum Regular Florian's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by audio amateur
    If that's the case he's very patient. Let me know if you're in London
    He is picking them on the 28th of march. Too bad really, i like the DIVA.
    Lots of music but not enough time for it all

  4. #29
    I took a headstart... basite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florian
    Suprisingly the DIVA player louder and lower in this big room then in my small room.....

    Wow flo, those pics just made me realize how friggin HUGE your listening room (or should I say concert hall) is...

    the fact that they play lower in your room is normal, you could say that the bass actually 'fits' in the room now. the bass response is also more even, I presume...

    the louder fact does slightly surprise me though...

    Keep them spinning,
    Life is music!

    Mcintosh MA6400 Integrated
    Double Advent speakers
    Thiel CS2.3's
    *DIY Lenco L75 TT
    * SME 3012 S2
    * Rega RB-301
    *Denon DL-103 in midas body
    *Denon DL-304
    *Graham slee elevator EXP & revelation
    *Lehmann audio black cube SE
    Marantz CD5001 OSE
    MIT AVt 2 IC's
    Sonic link Black earth IC's
    Siltech MXT New york IC's
    Kimber 4VS speakercable
    Furutech powercord and plugs.

    I'm a happy 20 year old...

  5. #30
    Forum Regular Florian's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Well, this was my first room... Quite a difference :-)

    Lots of music but not enough time for it all

  6. #31
    Forum Regular audio amateur's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Florian
    Well, this was my first room... Quite a difference :-)

    Loved it

  7. #32
    AR Junior Member sgt bass08's Avatar
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    England, UK

    WOW just think of the toys you can play on that car park a nice 1/5th scale gas HPI baja would be fun.
    I Perfer To Feel Bass On My Chest Then Not To Feel It At All

  8. #33
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    Anywhere but here...
    Wow Flo. You couldn't find any better speakers so you changed the room? Nice. Very nice.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

  9. #34
    Big science. Hallelujah. noddin0ff's Avatar
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    Flo, I'm in awe.

    But somehow I can't help but think that a nice pair of Roland DS-30A digital monitors would pull that system together really well.

  10. #35
    _ Luvin Da Blues's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    What can I say Flo,

    Very nice place. I haven't received my house warming party invitation yet, I assume it's "in the mail".
    Back in my day, we had nine planets.

  11. #36
    Forum Regular Florian's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Thanks guys!

    Yep, cant find something i like better then the Grand. And this room is a good "middle" ground for my speakers. I think i should be done in 3 month when it all comes together nicely. But the best part is the "no neighbors" situation.... you can play as loud as you want to at 4am in the morning..... mmmh

    PS: I wish i could buy some of spankys studio monitors, but for now, ill stick to what i have... maybe when i throw the housewarming party..
    Lots of music but not enough time for it all

  12. #37
    AR Junior Member sgt bass08's Avatar
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    England, UK
    Hey flo you could get a nice air conidition system on the celling .Keep your room nice and humid and it will also keep your stereo system nice and cool.
    I Perfer To Feel Bass On My Chest Then Not To Feel It At All

  13. #38
    Forum Regular
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    Mar 2002
    I found this pics from 1 of my Mag ang I thought of you. Wondering if this pix really taking at your new place.

  14. #39
    Forum Regular Florian's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Thats so beautiful!

    I really love big spaces and big soundstages. Someday i will build a super Grand in a massive room. Maybe twice or three times the size of the Grand now. Aaah, one can only dream
    Lots of music but not enough time for it all

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