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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Budget bookshelf speakers

    Hi all,
    Looks like these fit the price range I am looking at and have great reviews. With my budget, some of them would need to be used. I will be using them for 2 channel listening. I could only audition 1, 6 & 7 and that too in different shops. I liked the 601S3 but then it could be because I listened to them in a very high end shop.
    1) B&W 601S3
    2) B&W 303
    3) Triangle Titus 202
    4) Axiom M3ti
    5) Axiom M22ti
    6) Monitor Audio Bronze 2
    7) Energy C3

    Any help in narrowing this down to 1 or 2 would be greatly appreciated. In case do go with the 601S3, any idea where I can pick them up for a good discount in the San Francisco bay area?

  2. #2
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    Only buy speakers that you can audition, or buy and return if you don't like them. Speakers are a very personal choice, it does have some to do with price, but I know people that prefer $150 dollar Infinity’s over my $2000 dollar Martin Logan’s. Don’t be afraid to try a bunch of stuff, and have fun doing it!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by priyo
    Hi all,
    Looks like these fit the price range I am looking at and have great reviews. With my budget, some of them would need to be used. I will be using them for 2 channel listening. I could only audition 1, 6 & 7 and that too in different shops. I liked the 601S3 but then it could be because I listened to them in a very high end shop.
    1) B&W 601S3
    2) B&W 303
    3) Triangle Titus 202
    4) Axiom M3ti
    5) Axiom M22ti
    6) Monitor Audio Bronze 2
    7) Energy C3

    Any help in narrowing this down to 1 or 2 would be greatly appreciated. In case do go with the 601S3, any idea where I can pick them up for a good discount in the San Francisco bay area?
    EPOS ELS-3 are great sounding speakers you should try and audition as well

    Also the Ascend Acoutics CBM-170 which are internet only are another option. They get great reviews and are highly recommended.

    Both are in the low $300 range.

  4. #4
    Listener MikeyBC's Avatar
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    I personally like the Paradigm mini monitors and would not hesitate to buy them if I needed inexpensive bookshelve speakers.
    Musical Fidelity A3.2 Integrated amp
    Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD
    Teac DS-H01 Dock
    Energy 22 Reference Connoisseur Speakers
    Cardas Cross and Cardas Hexlink Golden 5C
    Tara Labs RSC Reference Gen2

  5. #5
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    I think the B&W 601S3 are amazing, but I'm also biased. Like others mentioned only buy speakers you can audition yourself.

    That being said, it seems like there are a ton of B&W 602 (S1,S2 or S3) pairs being sold for around $350 (used) these days.

    That would be my choice, but those 601s are pretty darn nice.

  6. #6
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    I agree about choosing speakers you can audition first. I have heard the B&W and Energy speakers and I felt the B&W's were good but they didn't really make me say wow. The Energy speakers seemed to have too much treble for my taste. I haven't heard the Monitor B2's but they seem to be considered excellent by everyone who has publicly expressed an opinion. What did you think? In the end I would narrow it down to the 601's or the B2's and let my ears decide. I don't think that you will find large discounts given on either speaker, possibly 10% or so at a sale. If you are patient and willing, you might be able to save some money by buying used. Regardless of your choice, make sure of your return options in case you don't like them after you play them at home. Good luck.

  7. #7
    RGA is offline
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    Really like the others have said you will need to audition and buy the ones you like the best and try as best you can to ignore what the dealer says - unless you trust them. I have trusted two in a decade.

    Frankly I'd be surprised if you found a bad review? Think. Read. Have you? Personally I liked the B&W 302 better than the 303 (the 302 you could buy used very cheap).

    I reviewed several inexpensive speakers under $1kCdn not that long ago here - I am biased but then so is any critic.

    3 threads
    RGA reviews <$1,000.00 Loudspeakers - Wharfedale, Athena Technologies etc., page 1.
    RGA Reviews <$2000.00 Page 2, Epos, Audio Note, Paradigm, B&W etc.
    RGA Reviews Page 3 - yes still more.

    I'd also listen to the stuff in the store you've probably never heard of - if they're carrying it there may be a reason. I'm a very happy owner of a speaker that when I walked in I never really heard of before - i was there looking at some big name well reviewed stuff which I found to be outclassed easily. So don;t bypass that when you audition - listen and decide what you like best - even if you've never heard of the speaker - when you get home and do a search you may find a lot of information - names like Audio Note, ATC, Harbeth, Jean-Marie Reynaud, Green Mountain Audio among many others are companies that if I were shoppping I would really want to listen to - and that list doesn't exactly sound like your typical Paradigm, B&W, Energy, Klipsh, JBL and Polk you mostly see.

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