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  1. #1
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Anyone ever "heard" Usher brand speakers?

    I've been running across these on ebay lately. Never hoid of em so I said "hmmmmm" and took a look at their website. Any every used, bought, seen or heard of these Chinese made speakers? Enquiring minds wanna know.

    Usher Audio

    Da Worfster

  2. #2
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    May 2003
    I am getting a pair of CP-8872 in March.
    They are beautiful and get good tests, I believe they are very good. By the way they are not Chinese, they are made in Taichung, Taiwan.

  3. #3
    Silence of the spam Site Moderator Geoffcin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101
    I've been running across these on ebay lately. Never hoid of em so I said "hmmmmm" and took a look at their website. Any every used, bought, seen or heard of these Chinese made speakers? Enquiring minds wanna know.

    Usher Audio

    Da Worfster
    I like a lot of what I saw on the website, especially the "horn series" D2 but I'm a bit confused. They show a bio of Dr. D'Appolito, but nowhere does it say that he is their chief designer. If it is then they should say so.
    Ming Da MC34-AB 75wpc
    PS Audio Classic 250. 500wpc into 4 ohms.
    PS Audio 4.5 preamp,
    Marantz 6170 TT Shure M97e cart.
    Arcam Alpha 9 CD.- 24 bit dCS Ring DAC.
    Magnepan 3.6r speakers Oak/black,

  4. #4
    F1 is offline
    Forum Regular F1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoffcin
    I like a lot of what I saw on the website, especially the "horn series" D2 but I'm a bit confused. They show a bio of Dr. D'Appolito, but nowhere does it say that he is their chief designer. If it is then they should say so.
    Yes it is there in the introduction page of the website. I saw their ad in some British magazines so my guess is that they are more popular in UK.

  5. #5
    Silence of the spam Site Moderator Geoffcin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F1
    Yes it is there in the introduction page of the website. I saw their ad in some British magazines so my guess is that they are more popular in UK.
    Wow, I just saw some for sale on They command some pretty steep prices, on the order of Sonus Faber, Dynaudio, and other premium boxes.
    Ming Da MC34-AB 75wpc
    PS Audio Classic 250. 500wpc into 4 ohms.
    PS Audio 4.5 preamp,
    Marantz 6170 TT Shure M97e cart.
    Arcam Alpha 9 CD.- 24 bit dCS Ring DAC.
    Magnepan 3.6r speakers Oak/black,

  6. #6
    Forum Regular
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    Yes, they are very good speakers. Their drivers are also often used in DIY projects.

  7. #7
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Troy, New York

    Wink Took a few months but thanks for the answers!!!

    Thanks for the love and information folks.

    Da Worfster

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