It appears we have another excellent choice this week, and something tells me we'll agree on the one for next week to make it three-in-a-row. And the selection is The Ramones - The Ramones (1976).

'Fun disappeared from music in 1974', claimed singer Joey Ramone. To restore it, it took he and his three 'brothers' just one album and 16 tracks, all under three minutes. Brevity was the New York punk rockers' first lesson to the world, along with speed, a distorted guitar thrash and a knowing line in faux-dumb lyrics. In an era of 'progressive' rock pomposity and 12-minute tracks, the Ramones' back-to-basics approach was rousing and confrontational. Without fun.

I'm sure J and Jimbo Clark will be commenting as soon as they see this. I think they're the two biggest Ramones fan on RR, not like that's a bad thing.
