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  1. #26
    42 Regular
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    Jan 2003
    West of the fields, long gone
    You've had that bottled up for a while now, huh? Go ahead, man... vent!

    (Go Sixers, btw. Fark the Celtics.)
    Mr. MidFi
    Master of the Obvious

  2. #27
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    down there
    I love the fact that you'll pick a fight for something that was said months ago...I respect the current spouse more and more each day...
    So, I broke into the palace
    With a sponge and a rusty spanner
    She said : "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
    I said : "That's nothing - you should hear me play piano"

  3. #28
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    on some faraway beach...
    Quote Originally Posted by Swish View Post
    Since Yuck is categorized as a 'low-fi' band, a genre which typically records with technical flaws and limited frequency response, would you tend to say your criticism may be a tad heavy-handed?
    Uh, sure, maybe... neither of us should be taken seriously most of the time, I'm pretty sure that's well understood here .... but seriously, a tad heavy-handed? Only if we were all kids with no memory of when even the bands characterized as lo-fi put out some pretty decent sounding (in retrospect) records and CDs. Admittedly, I didn't know at the time I would be saying 20 years down the tunnel that the mid 90s were already heading down from the peak of modern pop/rock recording, but there it is. If you don't hear it, I'll draw you some pictures ...

    Pavement from Crooked Rain (1994)

    Sparklehorse from Vivadixie... (1995)

    Silver Jews from America Water (1998)

    Yuck from Yuck (2011)

  4. #29
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Not really.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr MidFi View Post
    You've had that bottled up for a while now, huh? Go ahead, man... vent!

    (Go Sixers, btw. Fark the Celtics.)
    I was listening to Yuck the other day and remembered those comments, so I did a quick search and thought I'd reply.
    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  5. #30
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    on some faraway beach...
    Quote Originally Posted by Davey View Post
    9. Richard Buckner - Our Blood
    This can't possibly live up to my expectations, with his legacy of records from the mid-90s that is one of my favorite runs from any artist of any period, and it doesn't, but I still like it a lot. It's mostly just Richard by himself, doing it all, and does suffer some from the artist alone syndrome, I think his best music came working with the likes of Lloyd Maines and the Giant Sand/Calexico guys and Marc Ribot. But he is one of my favorites, and it is a good set of songs, just not great. Bloomed, Devotion + Doubt, Since, The Hill, those are all great.
    As usual, with time on my side the view becomes much clearer. I've been listening to Our Blood a lot lately, and it really is such a great record, not sure what was wrong with that guy above. It's audio film noir, each song part of a bigger picture, some gauzy crime drama hinted at in the song titles, dark lyrics, dark music, beautifully sung and performed and arranged. Easily fits in with his best work and I love it now, just took a few years for me to catch up.

    Windows were opened,
    up just enough, weren't you looking out
    with nowhere to go to?

    Someone should've told you,
    I guess I'm the one they warned you about,
    within, without...

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