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  1. #1
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    OK Windows Experts...give me some help...

    A relative of mine took her computer in for some repairs and when she got it back, the guy had installed some weird religious start up screen on it. She asked me if I could try to get it off for her. I have come across some freeware programs to change the startup screens that I can use if nothing else. But, I'd prefer to figure out how to just get thing back to normal without adding a new softwarte program to the machine. Anyone wanna give me some instructions on how to do that? I'd really aoppreciate it. Thanks.

    Oh yeah, and if you think it would be better to just install a program, which is best?

  2. #2
    Dubgazer -Jar-'s Avatar
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    Cleveland, Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by nobody
    A relative of mine took her computer in for some repairs and when she got it back, the guy had installed some weird religious start up screen on it. She asked me if I could try to get it off for her. I have come across some freeware programs to change the startup screens that I can use if nothing else. But, I'd prefer to figure out how to just get thing back to normal without adding a new softwarte program to the machine. Anyone wanna give me some instructions on how to do that? I'd really aoppreciate it. Thanks.

    Oh yeah, and if you think it would be better to just install a program, which is best?
    I can't offer too much advice right now, but I think it's fitting that this was your 666th post.
    If being afraid is a crime we'll hang side-by-side,
    at the swingin' party down the line..

    The Replacements

  3. #3
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Jar-
    I can't offer too much advice right now, but I think it's fitting that this was your 666th post.

    Now that was funny. LMAO.

    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  4. #4
    Close 'n PlayŽ user Troy's Avatar
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    Jesus CHRIST!

    Take the thing back and make them UNINSTALL it themselves. Act very angry when you do it too so they learn that their customers do NOT approve.

    Installing something like that on your computer at a repair shop is outrageous! Worse than a car repair shop sneeking their advertising licenseplate frame on your car when you bring it in for repair.

    That post 666 thing is hilarious.

  5. #5
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    I thought the same thing....

    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    Jesus CHRIST!

    Take the thing back and make them UNINSTALL it themselves. Act very angry when you do it too so they learn that their customers do NOT approve.

    Installing something like that on your computer at a repair shop is outrageous! Worse than a car repair shop sneeking their advertising licenseplate frame on your car when you bring it in for repair.

    That post 666 thing is hilarious.
    but I was laughing too hard at the 666 thing that I forgot to comment about that. I can't believe that dipweed would put that on someone's PC without their permission.

    It doesn't take all kinds, there just are all kinds.

    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  6. #6
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    Jesus CHRIST!

    Take the thing back and make them UNINSTALL it themselves. Act very angry when you do it too so they learn that their customers do NOT approve.

    Installing something like that on your computer at a repair shop is outrageous! Worse than a car repair shop sneeking their advertising licenseplate frame on your car when you bring it in for repair.

    That post 666 thing is hilarious.
    No kidding. I'd be furious if someone did that to my computer and would go back to their shop yelling as loud as I could. They would NEVER get any repeat business from me. And I'd make sure that everyone that I knew, heard about this so that they wouldn't get any business from my friends either. What nerve.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    I will try to help

    Couple things are important

    Was the PC worked on for a hardware issue or did they do anything Hard Drive or software related? If the repair was hardware only, she can do a system restore if is is Windows ME or XP Home/Pro.
    System Tools
    System Restore....Chose the date that they messed with it and anything installed after that point is useless.

    You can also run...Start...Run...msconfig
    Looka at the startup page and see what looks like what your talking about.

    Also you can right click the taskbar and choose Task Manager. Go to the process page and look at all the processes that are running. You can do a google search for any of them and you will find out in the mean time which ones belong and which are not needed and you should also find the startup screen.

    The oddball thing is that if this person reloaded the operating system, he can have this as part of his custom install. He just may be a christian PC Geek.

    Oh by the way, go back and friek the F out on them and then come home and remember how to find this crap on your own.

    Hope one of these suggestions helps.


  8. #8
    Forum Regular
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    Is it the 'splash screen' that pops up before you logon to windows? Or is it just the desktop wallpaper that they have changed. Either way, its bad business. Perhaps the vendor left teh program on your friends comp and you can change it back to the windows default screen, or put something cool on the splash screen. If the prog is not there, try one of the freeware ones. Just make sure it doesnt come with any spyware bundled with the program.
    "Flouridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face."
    --Gen. Jack D. Ripper

  9. #9
    it's about the music
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    there's a way to do it, but its a PAIN IN THE ASS and there's the risk of screwing up the windows kernel.
    Look for a little program called resource hack. You will also need a decent picture editor that supports importing palettes (photoshop kicks ass) and the specific palette. if you do a google search on changing the XP bootlogo this is bound to come up.
    u basically edit the windows kernel and swap the images. Slow, cumbersome, risky (but since i have issues, i think its fun)
    Take it to the guy and tell him to keep his crucifixes in his bedroom. Tell him to fix the mess also.
    I remember the days when I thought 128kbps sounded great and had never spent more than 10 bucks on cables...

  10. #10
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    Turns out she had Windows 98 after all, so it should have been easy, create a new Logo.sys file & logos.sys file. Except the guy had screwed around with something, and the original files were there where they should be, but on startup, some file pointed them to something else. I dowloaded a program that was supposed to make you able to switch startup screens, but it had no effect, I guess it just rotated files out of the location where they were supposed to be, and sicne that mode was screwed up, it screwed that up too. Even modified the msdos.sys file from some instructions I fould online that were supposed to make it go to the default embedded startup files on the io.sys file, and that still brought up the crap.

    After that, I just told her I didn't know what the fck he did, but she needed to take it back there and yell at the idiot for messing up her computer, since everything I read about messing with the io file was filled with way too many warning for me to wanna mess with it. Religious or not, I just think modifying someone's computer like that uinstead of just fixing it is a load of crap.

  11. #11
    Forum Regular BinFrog's Avatar
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    Man, what a crock. I agree with everything people have said so far. Bring it back to the shop and raise hell.

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