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  1. #26
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
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    down there
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyfi
    I'm working from home again today. i was supposed to have a 7am Webex with a European customer but after losing power from 3pm yesterday till 630am this morning i didn't know it was canceled.

    We got 17 inches of snow, 1.5 inches of ice on top of last weeks 14inches.

    I can't remember a winter like this in 35-40 years
    Wow. I guess I shouldn't be surprise really. I'd heard that there were some bad circumstances going down on the Right Coast and you're in the thick of it, eh?

    In these parts it' just ridiculous how a lil' dusting, mild wind and cold temperatures has folks scrambling as if the end were near...

    So, I broke into the palace
    With a sponge and a rusty spanner
    She said : "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
    I said : "That's nothing - you should hear me play piano"

  2. #27
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyfi
    We got 17 inches of snow, 1.5 inches of ice on top of last weeks 14inches.

    I can't remember a winter like this in 35-40 years
    You have my sympathy. We've had a few winters like that in the last decade. Last year was one of them. After a while you just run out of room. You can't shovel your drive, because there's just no place to put it! This was our house two years ago (the old house). And we had a couple more nice storms after that!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Listening to tunes as the snow falls...and falls...and falls...-one-escape-high.jpg  

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    You have my sympathy. We've had a few winters like that in the last decade. Last year was one of them. After a while you just run out of room. You can't shovel your drive, because there's just no place to put it! This was our house two years ago (the old house). And we had a couple more nice storms after that!
    Yeah, i am at thet height now and it's killing me to toss it any higher. I may only get 1 vehicle out of it by tonight and the 4 foot of boulders from the plows

  4. #29
    3LB is offline
    cunning linguist 3LB's Avatar
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    hiding out in treetops, shouting out rude names
    geez, two pages about the weather?

    wanna tell us about yer aches and pains too guys or is that a seperate thread?

    the adverts at the side of the page are gonna turn into ones for Geritol, Depends and AARP

    whata buncha geezers!

    Repost this on your wall if you love Jesus.

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 3LB
    geez, two pages about the weather?

    wanna tell us about yer aches and pains too guys or is that a seperate thread?

    the adverts at the side of the page are gonna turn into ones for Geritol, Depends and AARP

    whata buncha geezers!

    Hurting aint the word for this crap

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Listening to tunes as the snow falls...and falls...and falls...-snow3.jpg  

  6. #31
    42 Regular
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    West of the fields, long gone
    Weather, schmeather. A few days ago, I was awakened at 4 am by a dang earthquake!

    That was a first for me. This area really isn't quake country. Freaked me out a bit. Freaked the cat out more.

    Oh yeah... and we've got a lot of snow, too. But nothing like back east.
    Mr. MidFi
    Master of the Obvious

  7. #32
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr MidFi
    Weather, schmeather. A few days ago, I was awakened at 4 am by a dang earthquake!

    That was a first for me. This area really isn't quake country. Freaked me out a bit. Freaked the cat out more.

    Oh yeah... and we've got a lot of snow, too. But nothing like back east.
    Okay, you win.

    In Canada we call it "down east". I don't know why, we just do.

  8. #33
    Musicaholic Forums Moderator ForeverAutumn's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyfi
    Hurting aint the word for this crap
    Is your driveway heated?

  9. #34
    3LB is offline
    cunning linguist 3LB's Avatar
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    hiding out in treetops, shouting out rude names
    Hey Midi, are you in so. Illinois? if so, I think its called the new madrid fault line. google Reelfoot Lake.
    Repost this on your wall if you love Jesus.

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverAutumn
    Is your driveway heated?
    No, the sun was out pretty good and i had thrown the chemical ice melt after shoveling. My neighbor across the street gets all the morning sun and always dries up while i get the afternoon melt and nightly refreeze.

  11. #36
    42 Regular
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    West of the fields, long gone
    Quote Originally Posted by 3LB
    Hey Midi, are you in so. Illinois? if so, I think its called the new madrid fault line. google Reelfoot Lake.
    We are actually a long way away from the New Madrid fault... or the Wabash Valley fault, for that matter. I'm way up north in the Fox River Valley, about 40 miles west of Chicago. It really isn't a very active region in terms of seismic activity. (Or any other kind of activity, for that matter.)

    Like I said, that was my first quake. My wife's from out west, so she's felt the earth move many times before (insert sexual prowess joke here).
    Mr. MidFi
    Master of the Obvious

  12. #37
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    That could be my driveway...and more is on the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyfi
    Hurting aint the word for this crap

    They are predicting 4 to 8" more starting on Tuesday and ending Wednesday. This is really getting old. I guess I should enjoy the fact that, for the first time in the history of the U.S., every state has snow on the ground (some reports omit Hawaii, but they do have some snow on the mountain tops). A foot in TX? Are you kidding me? That's like us getting 4 feet at once, or I would imagine.
    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  13. #38
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Yeah, you do sound an awful lot like Finch.

    Quote Originally Posted by bobsticks
    Geeez, I'm sounding like a particularly old, resident geezer from this very place...
    You need to stop that.
    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

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