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  1. #26
    Forum Regular
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    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowbunny
    What's going on here? Poor grammar. Bad spelling. Questions about life in your 50's. Carrying bad monkey analogies just a little too far.

    This is Texas Dave posting as Davey, isn't it?

    Did you catch my funk, little Monkey? Turns out my musical funk is actually the flu. I had my shots but I guess they didn't cover the full influenza menu.

    No music for me today. Just lots of ginger-ale and crackers. And bad TV.


    Hey Funny Bunny. Altho I was once a Pig, I was NEVER a monkey altho swinging from your tail (not your tail, but my tail but it works in the sentence better as your tail) in trees sounds like fun eh? I turn 56 someting today and am going to a party Saturday night and hope to rock and roll aboot all evening. I think you quit rocking when yer 60. I'm pretty sure aboat that. I heard that Okenagan XXX Cider is great for flus and colds.

    Nasty's monthly drive by all done with. Everbuddy have a merry happy chistmas/hannukuh/holiday/kwanza/galafest bash.

    Ron Nasty, aka DLD, Arnold the Pig, Tibor Nagy

    "Do I have to spell it out,






  2. #27
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on some faraway beach...
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Nasty
    Nasty's monthly drive by all done with. Everbuddy have a merry happy chistmas/hannukuh/holiday/kwanza/galafest bash.
    Thanks for the holiday drive by Mr. Nasty. Hope Santa drops something that's not too stinky in your stocking this year too. Take care, and watch out for buxom blondes dressed as Santa's helpers and bearing gifts of margaritas. They weren't really sent by Santa.

  3. #28
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Wow! That was some hit and run.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Nasty
    Hey Funny Bunny. Altho I was once a Pig, I was NEVER a monkey altho swinging from your tail (not your tail, but my tail but it works in the sentence better as your tail) in trees sounds like fun eh? I turn 56 someting today and am going to a party Saturday night and hope to rock and roll aboot all evening. I think you quit rocking when yer 60. I'm pretty sure aboat that. I heard that Okenagan XXX Cider is great for flus and colds.
    Ron Nasty, aka DLD, Arnold the Pig, Tibor Nagy
    So you're also a doctor now and writing presciptions for the flu? I may have to make a change as my doctor keeps telling me to drink less alcohol, not more.

    What the heck is going on with this place anyway? I suppose I'm one of the semi-regulars who isn't regular any longer (and by regular I mean in visiting RR, so get your minds our of the gutter), so I suppose I'm part of the problem. I use the excuse that my job keeps me very busy, which is pretty much of the reason, but I guess I got kinda bored too. Not a whole lot to spark my interest most days, although it might be my problem. I remember a time when Rave Recs was the first site I visited when I booted up in the morning, and I would revisit several times each day. Now I sometimes don't visit for several days at a time. I still buy a lot of the stuff recommended by those with tastes similar to mine, and they know who they are, so I do enjoy that aspect. And my cd cases are over-stuffed with comps and the like from my years here, so it's been a lot of fun for the most part. I don't want to see this end though, so maybe I'll try making more of an effort in the coming months.

    Anyway, Good to see you're at least lurking here big Dave. I can't freaking believe you're 56! I would have though at least 58 or 59 by now.

    Keep in touch,
    Swish Baby
    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  4. #29
    Rocket Surgeon Swish's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Well, I'm not pushing 40....

    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey
    Can you still do it when you're in your 50s? What are your plans for old age and rock n roll? How old before you quit caring about any new rock music or trends? Are you already older than you ever thought possible? Do you ever get a realy bad itch right around the base of your tail that you just can't seem to scratch? Have you ever heard the Flaming Stars "Sunset & Void" CD? Nice one.
    ...I'm pulling it with a long rope. I fully expect to rock past 50, but I don't know about 60. I'm already leaning toward more mellow stuff, at least some of the time. I still love fresh music, although I have plenty of old favorites to pull out of my cd cases when the mood strikes. If faced with a decision, I usually choose fresh. But I still like some heavier stuff when I'm drinkin' and carryin' on. And then I have my Mesa Boogie with my new Line 6 Live XT that let's me sound like almost any guitarist I want, and all hell can break loose. I can rattle the foundation of my house when given the opportunity.

    As for that itch at the base of my tail, I just rub up against the nearest door or whatever and that seems to work.

    Ok, I rambled enuf for now. Bye.

    I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people that I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

    If you say the word 'gullible' very slowly it sounds just like oranges.

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I will be 44 in 2 weeks. I hate new music...for the most part. Aside from the body parts that don't quite work like they used to, I'm still in my 20s. like someone else said, age is just a number.

    The links to the past were fantastic!. I didn't realize how long it's been. Anybody want to argue that the format didn't kill it for this place now?

    I found some of Yech's posts quite amusing....I know your reading this Bryan.....He almost had a heart but never quite made it to OZ.

    Anyway, it's a fun ride and it's good a few stuck around.


  6. #31
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Dusty Chalk
    Perhaps we can entice him.

    Come and get it!!!!!!
    I can't see that dancing banana without thinking of that episode of The Family Guy.

  7. #32
    Crackhead Extraordinaire Dusty Chalk's Avatar
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    It's just not doing it for me, tonight.

    Haven't seen the episode, but I saw the clip (out of context) (but since when is context relevant in a Family Guy episode -- did you see the episode with the Randy Newman spoof? Where the L did that come from?).
    Eschew fascism.
    Truth Will Out.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevef22
    you guys are crackheads.
    I remain,
    Peter aka Dusty Chalk

  8. #33
    Suspended 3-LockBox's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Hey! Over here!
    Quote Originally Posted by Dusty Chalk
    did you see the episode with the Randy Newman spoof? Where the L did that come from?).
    No I haven't, but you need to every episode three or four times to catch all the reference humor in it.

    Rarely have I laughed out loud by myself at any show, but Family Guy is a freakin riot.

    My second Adult Swim fave is Robot Chicken:

    Two pirates are standing, facing each other, one with a big sword through the front of his belt, the other with a ship's steering wheel attached to the front of his belt...the one with the sword asks the other, "What's with the steering wheel?" and the other replies, "Arrr, its driving me nuts."

    I guess ya had to be there, but I choked on my beer when I saw that.

    Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law is also funny.

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