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  1. #26
    Forum Regular Audio Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Boy, the vinyl sound must be way better than the CD if those two sound well recorded because they both sound pretty bad on CD. But it is often the case that the CD mastering is crap since they feel the need to make it as loud as possible so wind up using tons of compression, while the vinyl is done well by someone else (provided the master they use wasn't highly compressed already). Good reason to stick with vinyl when you can

    Don't know what to tell you on this one. I've spun The Decemberists all the way through, and the LP sonics are just wonderful. Nice deep soundstage, beautiful mids, nice bass depth. For example, "The Bandit Queen" is playing right now. It actually feels like I am at a "live" performance.

    I only listened to one LP of the 3 LP Bloc Party, and it sounded quite good which surprised me. I was expecting alot of compression based on some reviews of the CD I had read. But, nada. :-)

    Funny thing is, I have had the opposite happen a few times lately. The CD received great reviews regarding sonics but the vinyl acoustics were lame. Disappointing!!!

    I recently upgraded my LP12's cartridge from a Linn Adikt to a Lyra Argo, and the power supply from the Valhalla to the Lingo. Since doing this, the system brings out the best in most recordings although if something is recorded poorly, it will bring this out in spades.
    "And the three gifts of moving on are forgiveness, hope, and the great beyond, After that perhaps peace can come, Peace will come." -- Mary Chapin Carpenter (2007)

  2. #27
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Audio Girl
    Don't know what to tell you on this one. I've spun The Decemberists all the way through, and the LP sonics are just wonderful. Nice deep soundstage, beautiful mids, nice bass depth. For example, "The Bandit Queen" is playing right now. It actually feels like I am at a "live" performance.
    Yeah, I'm glad to hear it. Hope I didn't sound like I was doubting you. I've complained some about the sound on both of those CDs so just happy to hear the vinyl is good. A little surprised that it is so much better, but I know that I shouldn't be anymore. It's all in the mastering. That's good news. Need to quit moving and get my good turntable set back up one of these years

  3. #28
    Forum Regular Audio Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Yeah, I'm glad to hear it. Hope I didn't sound like I was doubting you. I've complained some about the sound on both of those CDs so just happy to hear the vinyl is good. A little surprised that it is so much better, but I know that I shouldn't be anymore. It's all in the mastering. That's good news. Need to quit moving and get my good turntable set back up one of these years

    No, I didn't take it that way. I know exactly what you are talking about. It's amazing that there can be a well-recorded version on one format, and the other stinks. Unfortunately, its a negative factor of this wonderful hobby. ;-)

    "And the three gifts of moving on are forgiveness, hope, and the great beyond, After that perhaps peace can come, Peace will come." -- Mary Chapin Carpenter (2007)

  4. #29
    Forum Regular Audio Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Yeah, I'm glad to hear it. Hope I didn't sound like I was doubting you. I've complained some about the sound on both of those CDs so just happy to hear the vinyl is good. A little surprised that it is so much better, but I know that I shouldn't be anymore. It's all in the mastering. That's good news. Need to quit moving and get my good turntable set back up one of these years

    One thing I will add...the double LP presentation (Decemberists release) is exceptionally well done. The set includes a color booklet with pictures setting the stage for each song, with the lyrics printed on the opposite page. It's packaging is very remindful of the best of the best that was released in the 60s and 70s. An unusual surprise for an indie LP release in the "new millenium". So...go buy it and get that turntable set up!!!
    "And the three gifts of moving on are forgiveness, hope, and the great beyond, After that perhaps peace can come, Peace will come." -- Mary Chapin Carpenter (2007)

  5. #30
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    A sometimes wet and damp York, England

    Re: Bloc Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Davey
    Boy, the vinyl sound must be way better than the CD if those two sound well recorded because they both sound pretty bad on CD. But it is often the case that the CD mastering is crap since they feel the need to make it as loud as possible so wind up using tons of compression, while the vinyl is done well by someone else (provided the master they use wasn't highly compressed already). Good reason to stick with vinyl when you can
    I though the Bloc Party CD sounded ok in fact I'd probably rate it a 7 out of 10. I was pleasantly suprised how good it sounded, not a bad effort for a mainstream/indie band release.

    Anybody else have any comments they want to share.


  6. #31
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    I disagree in part

    I absolutely know what you're saying by raving about the sound of this one. But it's not finally good sound for the majority of the people who would buy this album. Because of the extremely high dynamic range (for a pop/rock cd of course) the album is very difficult to listen to except at high volumes when you don't have to worry about bothering anyone else or engaging in a conversation, or at a moderate volume with no ambient noise, or on headphones. But not headphones in an iPod at the gym or on the subway -- hifi headphones at home. Car listening is also problematic, unless you have a good system, you're in the car alone or with another music geek you don't feel like engaging in conversation with, and you feel like listening at a high volume. Most of the time I am able to budget to listening to music is time when the above-listed conditions are not met, and so it's tough to listen to this album. Not really just the absence of compression that I'm talking about -- the music itself has that dynamic range. Tweedy mumbles for a little bit over bare quiet instrumentation and then the guitars start kicking a$$ at high volume. It was much more compelling for me live in concert than on the album. Although if I took the time to listen to this baby on good headphones in my apartment I could've gotten a higher quantity of enjoyment from the album -- I do like the album but the high dynamic range has kept me from playing it in more situations and really getting into it. But it does have a gorgeous warm sound that we've been hearing over the last few years from recordings in which Jim O'Rourke has been involved. The last three Sonic Youth albums have this warmth as well, as does Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. I like the sound a lot.

  7. #32
    Forum Regular MindGoneHaywire's Avatar
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    Darius who?

    Where you been?

    You in town Sunday (Xmas?) Seriously.

    I don't like others.

  8. #33
    very clever with maracas Davey's Avatar
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    on some faraway beach...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike
    I though the Bloc Party CD sounded ok in fact I'd probably rate it a 7 out of 10. I was pleasantly suprised how good it sounded, not a bad effort for a mainstream/indie band release.

    I don't know, maybe I'm just being too critical, or just too sensitive to the compression and clipping thing. Probably just being overly critical, but if you download the Audacity freeware (or your favorite .wav viewer) and look at "Helicopter", you will see lots of digital clipping. And there certainly isn't much dynamic range. But I guess it does sound better on some of the other songs that aren't quite as maximized.

  9. #34
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    XLT: That's a hard call, whether to get both or not. Depends on how into Wilco you are already, I guess. See if you like the songs on the live one first. And remember to say "thanks" to your daughter.

    AG: That Spoon disc is not only Sloshy's's also my pick for #1 of the year (not that my opinion carries much weight, either). Seriously, it gets better every time I hear it. And thanks once again to Lonesome dbi Davey-bones for turning me onto it.
    Mr. MidFi
    Master of the Obvious

  10. #35
    Indifferentist Slosh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Audio Girl
    Beck -- Guerolito
    Super Furry Animals -- Phantom Phorce (beautiful, thick gold vinyl)
    These aren't my recs. They may be good but I haven't heard them because I generally stay away from remix albums. In any case that's quite a binge you went on!

    NP: The Notwist - Neon Golden
    Originally Posted by Troy: She has that same kind of cleft-pallet, slightly retarded way of singing that so many other people find endearing.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MindGoneHaywire
    Darius who?

    Where you been?

    You in town Sunday (Xmas?) Seriously.

    Sorry, J, I had posted a couple items last week and then promptly signed off and left town, so I didn't see your post earlier. I was in Michigan with family on Sunday. I still check out the board frequently but have rarely been taking the time to post. But I had a little time the other day and ended up responding to a couple things that struck my fancy. Hope you're doing well and I'm curious to know what I missed on Sunday.

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