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  1. #26
    I took a headstart... basite's Avatar
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    Mortsel, Antwerp, Belgium, Europe, Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Dual-500
    Yes, I see.....

    oh well, be happy, you only wasted a very small fraction of your life, we've been doing this for the past 4 years now...
    Life is music!

    Mcintosh MA6400 Integrated
    Double Advent speakers
    Thiel CS2.3's
    *DIY Lenco L75 TT
    * SME 3012 S2
    * Rega RB-301
    *Denon DL-103 in midas body
    *Denon DL-304
    *Graham slee elevator EXP & revelation
    *Lehmann audio black cube SE
    Marantz CD5001 OSE
    MIT AVt 2 IC's
    Sonic link Black earth IC's
    Siltech MXT New york IC's
    Kimber 4VS speakercable
    Furutech powercord and plugs.

    I'm a happy 20 year old...

  2. #27
    Suspended Joe_Carr's Avatar
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    Jul 2010
    Omaha, NE USA
    Come to think of it but I was a member on this forums since middle of 2004. My old SpankingVanillaice account said 2004 on it I remember. But anyways I decided to keep the MDR-V300 that has neo magnets since overall when compairing the V150 the V300 sounded more clear and little more brighter. I basicly did got both sets but returned the V150 to Amazon and got my money back.

  3. #28
    Man of the People Forums Moderator bobsticks's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    down there
    Quote Originally Posted by SlumpBuster
    But if the music weighs less, will it sound better. Because I like heavy music, like Sabbath and Mastodon, but if it weighs less maybe I won't like it so much. Do you think Man O War would sound as heavy through neo magnets. Will ferrite magnets make Gordon Lightfoot weigh more?
    This is only partially correct though since the source material indicated is produced mechanically content will play a role; however that role will be negligent at best. The more impactful issue at play will be a congruency in the ratio of file size to magnet.

    The answer lies in physics, Occam's Razor (or somewhere else in Occam's shaving kit) but, simply put, the size of the file has to be proportionate to the electromagnetic efficiency quotient (Lorentz force) of the carryline. At its most basic, the smaller the magnet the smaller the file should be to accurately reflect audiophile grade transients and microdynamics.

    I'd suggest compressing all files to no greater than a 64 kilobit per second transfer rate for best results if using a Neodymium magnet. Better, cheaper, and easier to address the file rather than the magnet.
    So, I broke into the palace
    With a sponge and a rusty spanner
    She said : "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
    I said : "That's nothing - you should hear me play piano"

  4. #29
    ISCET CET, FCC CTT, USITT Dual-500's Avatar
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    Fort Worth
    ^^^ Free entertainment at it's best. Have a look at some of the discussions on interconnect cables. That's even better.

  5. #30
    Forum Regular
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    Mar 2010
    Hilarious, glad I stumbled on this thread.
    Passionate Headphone Enthusiast

  6. #31
    AR Newbie Registered Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    hello guys i have 2 big headphones:

    mdr xb550ap (neodymiun)


    akg k92 (ferrite)

    Now i want to know which one is very very good for sound quality with good vocals and instruments?
    i mean both have great reviews and all... so i got an impass when i found that akg is ferrite..

  7. #32
    Forum Regular
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    Jul 2018
    For the price, I would get the MDR. It has better bass also.

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