Martin Logan: what's the big deal?
I went to Tweeter the other day to shop for a new receiver. I was in the same room with the speakers so I figured why not listen to the Martin Logans just for curiosity's sake. I realize that sometimes one listening session is not an accurate way to judge sound quality but here is my take.
First of all, they are very attractive speakers, the Martin Logan designers really know what they're doing. Regarding sound, while they did sound nice, with the treble, bass, and midrange nicely separated, I've heard just as nice sound quality from speakers costing less. Also, with the sub turned off, the Logans were noticeably lacking in bass; I've heard that this is one of the drawbacks of electrostatic speakers.
All in all, while the Martin Logans were nice, they seem to be more style over substance, a perfect speaker that will pass the "wife acceptance factor" test.