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  1. #1
    Suspended Smokey's Avatar
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    Vintage 3D Films on Blu-ray

    Warner Home Video is opening its vault of vintage 3D films to take advantage of modern 3DTV technology. The first title slated for release will be Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 classic Dial M for Murder, due on Blu-ray Disc Oct. 9 (order date Sept. 4).

    Dial M for Murder was originally shot using the same basic two-eye polarization process in wide use today, but the high cost of 3D exhibitions in the 1950s prevented many audiences from seeing it in its intended format.

    This is not a conversion from 2D to 3D,” said Jeff Baker, EVP and GM of theatrical catalog for Warner. “The Warner library has the largest number of classic 3D titles (15) of any studio, and over the years we’ve been looking to release them. But not until now has the technology been perfected to the point we can do that.”

    Baker indicated a 3D Blu-ray version of the Vincent Price classic House of Wax is expected next.

  2. #2
    Can a crooner get a gig? dean_martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokey View Post
    “The Warner library has the largest number of classic 3D titles (15) of any studio
    Is there a list of Warner's 15 3D titles? I'd like to know what they have. A lot of "b" horror and scifi were 3D. My vhs copy of Robot Monster (the worst movie ever made) came with 3D glasses. It'd still be a turd even if the 3D effects worked.

  3. #3
    Suspended Smokey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dean_martin View Post
    Is there a list of Warner's 15 3D titles? I'd like to know what they have.
    After doing some search, here few I found:

    And hopefully some cartoons:

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