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  1. #26
    Audio Hobbyist Since 1969 Glen B's Avatar
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by captainreverb
    Glen or anyone who uses Nagaoka Hi clean Stylus cleaner--
    I cant find any directons in english for my Hi-Clean--I saw that Glen was using it every time he listens-Is this the norm? I am so paranoid about touching my stylus -I have a stylus brush-the kind with the mirror on the flip side-Is it ok to brush it with that, and then use the Hi-Clean?
    Any tips or suggetions are appreciated-just getting into the Vinyl -I want to do it right -

    It was Risabet who mentioned using the Nagaoka Hi Clean. I use the Discwasher SC4stylus cleaner.

  2. #27
    If you can't run-walk. Bernd's Avatar
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    I use a Dynavector or Ortofon Stylus Brush and a Clearaudio Carbon fibre record brush. Only need it if there is some debris (very rare). I also use Last Stylast after every side (increases Stylus life) and also Last Stylus cleaner at the end of listening. The best thing however is to invest in a decent RCM. You will find that most of the time there is no need to go anywhere near the stylus as the records are (should be) clean.
    That also prolongs stylus life.
    Welcome to the world of Vinyl.


    "Let The Earth Bear Witness."

  3. #28
    Captain Reverb Registered Member
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cool, thanks for the tips--

  4. #29
    Forum Regular
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    Clean Records

    If you want to really CLEAN records(Not just force it deeper into the grooves) you need to use some sort of vacuum system. Also, it is best to use deionized water and completely denatured alcohol, as other types may contain lanolin which leaves a residue on the record and could make things even worse.You also need some type of a suspension agent to hold this nicely to vacuum off. For what it is worth I will give my formula that I have refined over the years that will leave your records CLEEEEEEN and with no residue.Use 3 quarts deionized water,1 quart completely denatured alcohol, 2 ounces Lysol Direct, and 40 drops of Kodak Photo-Flo 200 solution. This has been a labor of many years refining. Hope you enjoy!!!
    Also, a cheap good thing to clean your stylus with is Cheap Gin and a stiff brush like the Discwasher. This will not effect the suspension of your stylus like some of the others. Iam some what of a purest and this is the best way I have found to care for my records and stylus.

  5. #30
    Cylon Centurian Rycher's Avatar
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    I built my own RCM. Very simple and very effective. I also use a home made mixture to clean my LP's. My neighbor has the VPI cleaner. He has now asked me to build him one of mine. I'm currently building a new unit that will be quite a bit better than this one - it will be a 2-cycle unit with a "wash and rinse" cycle. I've even applied for some patents on the unit.
    More pictures on my website.
    Visit my site for more stereos:

  6. #31
    BooBs are elitist jerks shokhead's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Every time i try to play one in my car it gets scratched? Opps,them are fighting words. LOL
    Look & Listen

  7. #32
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    Here is the secret that I've been keeping to myself for about 6 months.

    Get a Mr. Clean Magic Brush or knockoffs. Cut them into 1 inche cubes and barely moisten it. As long as cover has semi glossy, laminated surface(front cover 99% of the time), you can gently scrub ring wear off. I've tried on backs, DONT DO IT. I wouldnt do it on the back since it's just cardboard most of the time.
    CAUSTION: If you rub too hard, you will end up scrubing graphics off. Be gently and patient. Try them on your neglected/worthless album covers.
    Also good for stylus as Hifitommy mentioned. I still like them slightly moist for stylus cleaning.
    Another possible CAUSTION: I dont buy used records from Ebay and others anymore, but chances are you'll endup paying more for so-called "no ring wear". You can also do the same as a seller, but as long as you know. We all should win.........

    As for wet LP cleaning,
    I've experimented with DIY record cleaning fluid, but none of my combinations just did it.
    LAST power cleaner/All purpose cleaner? Not even close. But they are the best damn ripoff ever. $30 for 2-4 oz? They expect you to use 3 drops per side. Dont even get me started on their brush. If you wanna great deal on a brush that actually works, then get the Mobile Fidelity brush from your favorite store. Replacement is only $4.99 for 2, compared to $3 each by LAST that doesnt do much(I thought I wasnt gonna talk about it). Also, LAST brush just peels off after about 40-50 records(opps...). But I DO LOVE STYLAST by LAST. Seriously, consider it instead of other disc conditioners/treatment.

    Now I use Record Research Lab, Super Vinyl Wash. It's really not expensive considering you'll get 32oz(<1 liter) of it. I use maybe 1/16oz per side(That's over 500 sides). I could use less, but when I first come home from LP stores I like to make sure I get them clean. Reason for my purchase was that I just couldn't get finger prints off with anything I tried in past. This gets the job done. Not all, but 95-98% of grime. That's pretty damn good for finger prints and caked on dust from 1-50 years ago.

    I thought I enjoyed DIY alcohol/H2O mix, but I was really missing out on great music. I used to think, if it pops, then it's always gonna pop. That was defeintly not the case for records I cleaned.

    Mobile Fidelty with Record Research Lab works extremly good. Dont skimp out guys. I'm sure there are other combinations out there, but this REALLY WORKS.

  8. #33
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    Oh I forgot. Of course I use that stupid DIY LP vaccum machine to suck up dirty fluid I posted on Tweak, Mods, DIY forum. Ugliest looking, but works sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.

  9. #34
    Forum Regular
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    Oct 2006
    I'm afraid I'm pretty lazy too. I brush the dust off but sometimes let the stylus do it for me. Sacrilege I know. Luckily vinyl lps are far more resilient than most people give them credit for. Its ramarkable when you pick up a 40 or 50 year old record that still sounds great

    My cds are in far worse shape!

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