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  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Jan 2005

    Hafler Upgrade vs. Conrad Johnson?


    I need some feedback. I have a Hafler XL-280 and found a place to do a total upgrade which looks like it will really make a big difference: link for upgrade:

    I also have been looking at a Conrad Johnson and other amps, and need some feedback if someone has had this upgrade and knows any results? Also how is the Conrad Johnson 2300A? Price wise the $1200 super upgrade and a used CJ are about the same price? Not sure what is the best move..


    P.S. Also I am using a Yamaha 600 CX RS as a pre-amp, not sure how much the pre-amp needs also an upgrade vs. amp?

    Speakers are B & W 9NT's (Love Them)

  2. #2
    DIY Dude poneal's Avatar
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    TX, USA

    Why do you need to upgrade?

    Is something wrong with the hafler? Is there not enough power to get your speakers to a reasonable volume? Is there to much distortion, etc.?

  3. #3
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
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    London, Ontario

    Agreed; if it ain't broke ...

    Quote Originally Posted by poneal
    Is something wrong with the hafler? Is there not enough power to get your speakers to a reasonable volume? Is there to much distortion, etc.?
    ... Don't fix it.

    I don't know the Hafler in praticular, but vintage amps are rarely worth upgrading unless you can DIY. Better from must of us to put our money towards a new amp.

  4. #4
    Forum Regular
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    Reply to Hafler

    Quote Originally Posted by Feanor
    ... Don't fix it.

    I don't know the Hafler in praticular, but vintage amps are rarely worth upgrading unless you can DIY. Better from must of us to put our money towards a new amp.

    OK, Well the Halfer makes a humming noise which goes through the speakers for the first minute after start up. Also I seem to have plenty of power but am not sure I get the full benefit from my speakers after hearing the B & W's with a krell amp and a C & J at a store. They had alot more definition and seperation of instruments. I did not know if it was a good idea to upgrade the current amp I have to this new circuit board and all the high end parts?


  5. #5
    Forum Regular
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    OK, Well the Halfer makes a humming noise which goes through the speakers for the first minute after start up. Also I seem to have plenty of power but am not sure I get the full benefit from my speakers after hearing the B & W's with a krell amp and a C & J at a store. They had alot more definition and seperation of instruments. I did not know if it was a good idea to upgrade the current amp I have to this new circuit board and all the high end parts?


  6. #6
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
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    London, Ontario

    Sounds like the Hafler needs help, but ...

    Quote Originally Posted by mona979
    OK, Well the Halfer makes a humming noise which goes through the speakers for the first minute after start up. Also I seem to have plenty of power but am not sure I get the full benefit from my speakers after hearing the B & W's with a krell amp and a C & J at a store. They had alot more definition and seperation of instruments. I did not know if it was a good idea to upgrade the current amp I have to this new circuit board and all the high end parts?

    I'm not a amp designer, so I can only tell you what I would do. First, I'd have the amp checked out by a good technician -- best to know what's actually wrong with it, (causing the hum which shouldn't happen). If you have been satisfied with the sound 'till now, may be the tech can fix for much less than any of these upgrades. (Maybe the upgrades won't fix the current problem?!?)

    As for the upgrades, the basic one, ($429, installed), might be the best for value. The "Platinum" upgrade seems over the top to me: for that kind of money I'd be thinking about a new amp.

  7. #7
    Forum Regular hermanv's Avatar
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    Santa Rosa, CA

    Conrad Johnson MF2300A

    Friends who have gone the upgrade route on other electronics have told me that the results were slim compared to the cost. That may not be true for this particular mod.

    A great deal of very fine equipment is available on the used/classifieds audio sites, compare these prices to your upgrade. IHMO anything older than 10 years is questionable visa vie upgrades unless it was a megabuck item to begin with. There has been progress in total sound quality especially for digital sound.

    Also here is a duplicate to my post answering your other thread about the MF2300A:

    I have one and like it a lot. It hardly ever shows up on the classifieds so I guess most other people who have one like them as well.

    It has quite a lot of the C-J "house sound". That is to say romantic, warm and non-fatiguing by those who like that sound, and dark, repressed and lacking detail by those who don't.

    It runs hot, I think because a lot of the first few watts are class A. Mine and others do have some mechanical transformer noise, a hum that does not appear from the speakers.

    Lots of reserve power, reliable.

    There are lots of reviews on this site, reading them may help you decide. I think if you were unhappy you could easily resell the unit for that amount.

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