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  1. #1
    Chicago IL
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Chicago ,IL

    Sansui 5000A Receiver

    I just got a new Sansui 5000A receiver in very good condition. 55 wpc and everything is perfectly working. It will need a good cleaning because I see a lot of dust and dirt inside. The wood case has some scratches here and there.

    Another silver receiver in my collection.

    Here is a picture:

  2. #2
    I put the Gee in Gear.... thekid's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    VB VA
    Nice pick-up! A very nice receiver that you will enjoy listening to.
    My Dad brought one back with him after a tour overseas and it was the mainstay in the system I listened to growing up. My little brother picked one up last year and uses it to push some AR-3's.
    NAD D3020
    Denon 2910
    Denon DMD 1000
    MSB Link DAC III
    Von Schweikert VR2
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    Rogers BBC Monitors LS3/6

  3. #3
    Chicago IL
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Chicago ,IL
    I just cleaned it. It was so dirty. Now I have to replace 3 bulbs and I am done with it. It has a lot of power and bass. Similar to my 9090DB except the switches for the bass and the dolby.

  4. #4
    Bill L
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Southern Pennsylvania
    Nice pickup. The old Sansuis were pretty decent. I've still got a Sansui 7001 QSR four channel receiver in my garage setup. Have never had a problem with it since I got it way back in the late 70's. The simulated quad is not that great, but it's real nice having seperate volume and tone controls for all 4 channels.

    Magnepan 1.6 QR's, upgraded xovers
    B&K 125.2 reference amp
    SONY SACD 2000ES
    Technics direct drive TT

    Yamaha RX-V2500 receiver
    Bang&Olofsun Penta Surrounds
    SONY Bravia 46" HD LCD

  5. #5
    Chicago IL
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Chicago ,IL
    On the picture up half of the light weren't working. I changed all of them and now everything works as it is supposed to be. The receiver was so dirty inside when I got it. I think it was staying in a barn or something because I found a lot of grass, death spiders, net and death bugs. I gave it a very good cleaning and it is like new.

  6. #6
    _ Luvin Da Blues's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Did you clean the switches and pots with contact cleaner?
    Back in my day, we had nine planets.

  7. #7
    Chicago IL
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Chicago ,IL
    Yes, I cleaned everything. They volume, bass and treble levels were cutting a little but after the cleaning they are perfectly working. Now the 5000A is staying over the 9090DB

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