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Thread: Ohm Walsh 4

  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Jan 2005
    Oregon, IL.

    Ohm Walsh 4

    I picked up a pair of Walsh 4's yesterday. Very nice condition although the right speaker does make a buzzing noise. I knew this when I bought them but since Ohm still services these speakers and the price was right I went for it. I will have to open the speaker up this week end and take a look. Does anyone have an idea of what I might look for? Thanks.


  2. #2
    Forum Regular
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    May 2003

    First, determine...

    ...if it is the woofer or the tweeter that is buzzing. A woofer will be easy, the tweeter may be expensive. Use of tone controls may help here. Maybe swap woofers.


  3. #3
    Silence of the spam Site Moderator Geoffcin's Avatar
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    May 2003

    Actually it's not that simple

    Quote Originally Posted by trollgirl
    ...if it is the woofer or the tweeter that is buzzing. A woofer will be easy, the tweeter may be expensive. Use of tone controls may help here. Maybe swap woofers.

    Ohm uses a special driver, an inverted high angle cone called the "Walsh" as a full range driver. It's not cheap, and until a few years ago was unrepairable by anyone else but Ohm. You can actually repace the old driver with an upgraded version too. Here's a link you might find interesting;
    Ming Da MC34-AB 75wpc
    PS Audio Classic 250. 500wpc into 4 ohms.
    PS Audio 4.5 preamp,
    Marantz 6170 TT Shure M97e cart.
    Arcam Alpha 9 CD.- 24 bit dCS Ring DAC.
    Magnepan 3.6r speakers Oak/black,

  4. #4
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    London, Ontario

    Nice !!

    Quote Originally Posted by cubdog
    I picked up a pair of Walsh 4's yesterday. Very nice condition although the right speaker does make a buzzing noise. I knew this when I bought them but since Ohm still services these speakers and the price was right I went for it. I will have to open the speaker up this week end and take a look. Does anyone have an idea of what I might look for? Thanks.

    If there is one component I sold but dearly wish I had not, that would be the Ohm F's I owned in the late '70's. I sold them to buy B&W DM7's: can you image? What a fool I was.

  5. #5
    Forum Regular
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    Oregon, IL.
    I contacted Ohm and it looks like repair costs will run about $250. Since they are in great cosmetic condition and I don't have much into them it will be a worthwhile fix.


  6. #6
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    London, Ontario

    Go for it

    Quote Originally Posted by cubdog
    I contacted Ohm and it looks like repair costs will run about $250. Since they are in great cosmetic condition and I don't have much into them it will be a worthwhile fix.

    Do you have to ship the speakers to them?

    In any case, it should be well worth it.

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