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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question Sansui SPX9000's

    Hello all,

    I have a pair of vintage Sansui SPX9000's that i've had since the early '80's. I bought them
    from a G.I. that purchased them while he was over seas on duty. Anyway, i've had them hooked to a Sansui G3000 which sounded pretty decent. But i'm looking for something that will make these babies scream! I've heard the Sansui G9000 is quite a power monster
    and will rattle the walls. Trouble is,...i loaned them to my brother in-law many years ago and now want them back. Any suggestion? Thanxs

  2. #2
    Retro Modernist 02audionoob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Dallas, TX
    If your brother-in-law has had the speakers for many years and is using them, I'd say let him have them. If he's not using them, then sure...ask to get them back and get yourself a G9000. You'll have a rockin' vintage audio system. If you don't get them back, maybe you could buy yourself something even better.

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