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  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Seabrook, TX

    Sansui SP-2500, Should I replace drivers?

    I purchased these speakers in 1970 and still use them today. Although they sound pretty good, would they sound even better with current, state of the art drivers? People I have spoken with say as long as they work, don't mess with them. However, they must be 30 year old paper cones, how good can they be?

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
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    I wouldn't replace them unless they were damaged.
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  3. #3
    Forum Regular budgetaudio76's Avatar
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    you should try the rap test....that is rap on the woofers lightly and listen to what you hear. theyre still stiff. unless they have been in a high humidity enviro. for a very long time. i have the sp 1500s. and they are a nice performer. i read a while back that someone went into a hifi shop, with them for possible trade ins. dealer offered him 1 grand in trade in value. he listened to every thing he had. what did he do? he went out with his own speakers. the 1500s. disappointed with what he heard in the shop. they just didnt compare in sound quality.

  4. #4
    I took a headstart... basite's Avatar
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    don't replace the drivers,

    and if they are broken, replace them with the correct replacements (which means, the same woofers, just not a broken one...)

    don't think that 'a 30 year old paper cone' is bad, just because it's old.
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  5. #5
    Forum Regular
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    Seabrook, TX
    Thanks so much for the feedback. I think I will keep them as is.

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