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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Reference 3a La Suprema opinion needed

    I have a pair of Reference 3a La Suprema that are in excellant condition but have not been used for many years. I am putting together a new system and not sure if I should spend the money on new speakers as well. Can anyone give their opinion on these old speakers vs new speakers say in the 5000-10000 range. In their day I know they were considered good speakers but technology has changed, would they still be considered good vs todays?

    Thanks Steve

  2. #2
    Shostakovich fan Feanor's Avatar
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    London, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by steve57
    I have a pair of Reference 3a La Suprema that are in excellant condition but have not been used for many years. I am putting together a new system and not sure if I should spend the money on new speakers as well. Can anyone give their opinion on these old speakers vs new speakers say in the 5000-10000 range. In their day I know they were considered good speakers but technology has changed, would they still be considered good vs todays?

    Thanks Steve
    Welcome to AR Forums, Steve.

    Generally Reference 3a models were & are highly regarded, though I don't know about the La Suprema in particular.

    If they appear in good condition, (e.g. no crumbling foam woofer surrounds), hook them up and listen. If they seem to be working fine, I'm certain there is no reason to replace them on account of age or advances in technology.

  3. #3
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Thanks Bill, makes sense I will give them a go and see what happens.

  4. #4
    RGA is offline
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    The La Suprema was the top of the line Reference 3a loudspeaker and is used by UHF magazine as their reference loudspeaker. They're one of the better loudspeakers available - err unavailable as they stopped making them.

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