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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Oct 2004

    Outdoor speakers????

    I am in the market for some outdoor speakers for the garden and want to be able to be able to rock when in the mood. I have about ½ acre so I will need some speakers with a nice throw. I would really like ‘rock’ speakers to be able to blend in, but would be open to suggestions. I would guess that I will be installing about 8-10 speakers to get the coverage. Any suggestions?

    Also, do any of you have any good plans on building an in ground sub?

  2. #2
    Forum Regular
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    Feb 2003
    I don't know to much about "rock speakers", except they vary alot in price,
    and the cheap ones don't sound all that good. I myself have a pair of
    Boston Acoustics Voyager 6's, and they're very good for an outdoor

    As far as a sub is concerned I don't have any plans for building
    one, but you can buy one from Boston Acoustics. It's a Voyager SUB12,
    with a 12" alum woofer. It can be mounted between the underside
    of a deck, or buried vertically in a garden. But it's not cheap at

  3. #3
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Oct 2004
    I know there are plans out there some where to build one out of a a 55gal drum that you bury in the ground, but I can't remember where I saw it.

  4. #4
    Forum Regular
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    Apr 2004
    A local home theater installer highly recommends Rockustics.

  5. #5
    ride a jet ski Tarheel_'s Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    North Carolina

    another directions to go is

    purchase a new/used bookshelf speaker and build weatherproof encloser. Not sure exactly where you want the speaker placed, but if you are close to your house, mount them under your roof eve (overhang).

    You can get great sound from a bookshelf, save money and get superior bass verses a dedicated 'outdoor' speaker.

    I use a pair of Infinity Primus 150 mounted above my deck under my roof overhang. Two plus years (remove during winter) and they look/sound great. They sound great and will bet they outproform most/all outdoor speakers.

  6. #6
    Forum Regular
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    Long Island, New York

    You can check out...

    Quote Originally Posted by jbkd
    I am in the market for some outdoor speakers for the garden and want to be able to be able to rock when in the mood. I have about ? acre so I will need some speakers with a nice throw. I would really like ?rock? speakers to be able to blend in, but would be open to suggestions. I would guess that I will be installing about 8-10 speakers to get the coverage. Any suggestions?

    Also, do any of you have any good plans on building an in ground sub? I haven't heard these in a while, but I remember the outdoor speakers sounding pretty good considering size/application.

    They also sell the rock type, but I have heard they aren't too good (for obvious reasons).

    Not sure about pricing, but worth a look.

    Good luck...

  7. #7
    Forum Regular 46minaudio's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by jbkd
    I am in the market for some outdoor speakers for the garden and want to be able to be able to rock when in the mood. I have about ½ acre so I will need some speakers with a nice throw. I would really like ‘rock’ speakers to be able to blend in, but would be open to suggestions. I would guess that I will be installing about 8-10 speakers to get the coverage. Any suggestions?

    Also, do any of you have any good plans on building an in ground sub?
    jbkd,with 10 speakers you will have major problems driving them. You need a speaker made for this that includes a 70/25 volt transformer.These are used in hotels pools and other places that need a long run of speakers..Look at these..
    Also look at the site for great info and wiring help about for this application.I have about 35 of these left over I would love to sell .If interested email me..They sell for around 100 to 150 each if you do a google..As for the outdoor sub go to Parts Express tech talk and ask they can help .

  8. #8
    NeuroNerd Registered Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jbkd
    I am in the market for some outdoor speakers for the garden and want to be able to be able to rock when in the mood. I have about ½ acre so I will need some speakers with a nice throw. I would really like ‘rock’ speakers to be able to blend in, but would be open to suggestions. I would guess that I will be installing about 8-10 speakers to get the coverage. Any suggestions?

    Also, do any of you have any good plans on building an in ground sub?
    While this may not help:

    I set up my outdoor deck/pool area with:
    Rio Karma MP3 with docking station
    TEAC 55W receiver
    Niles OS-25 speakers

    The speaker has excellent frequency response for outdoor speakers (they stay out all year in Northern New Jersey). The sub requires more sophisticated amplification. I went with a cheap ($50) receiver. I can get stereo sound with movement of the Niles and another set would cover quite a large area. I heard the "rocks" and the "mono" effect of individual small speakers annoys me. As for the MP3, the RIO has a large capacity, is programmable for different genres and is portable. I just picked up an extra docking station for the outside (and one for my bar;another set up).

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