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Thread: MTM vs TMM

  1. #1
    Forum Regular
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Question MTM vs TMM

    does MTM D'appolito designs have some advantages over TMM designs
    i know two drivers will make much more dynamic sound then one provided all other things are equal,

    but what about placement diferances?
    does MTM makes sound differant than TMM provided all other things are equal?

    does they have some technical differance or is it another marketing gimick?

    aimen rg

  2. #2
    Forum Regular
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Talking Not a gimmick..... far as the d'appolto design is concerned. Having the tweeter at the top of the cabinet supposedly increases imaging but I don't believe it. Every "1 Tweeter on top - as many Woofers as you want underneath" design I've heard clearly shows that seperate drivers are making different sounds. By placing the tweeter in the middle of two mid-woofers the music sounds more like it's coming from a single source vs. multiple drivers. Come to think of it the only speakers I've ever heard that allowed me to listen to the music withouting becoming fatigued were a pair of System Audio tower speakers with an MTM configuration. They have a very cool website with a lot of articles I agree with 100%. The speakers had a very smooth and detailed top end and crisp bass. The sound appeared from nowhere it seemed. My Maggies, which I have a love/hate relationship with, have an equivalent of 1 woofer next to 1 tweeter. The opposite of a box speaker. That design is less annoying but still annoying because you can hear the individual drivers. They have an unbelievable effect with acoustic instruments that make them fun to listen to however. Maybe Magnepan will put the tweet in the middle one of these days. sells MTM kits and has a couple MTM projects. Here's the links. Happy hearing

    Quote Originally Posted by aimen
    does MTM D'appolito designs have some advantages over TMM designs
    i know two drivers will make much more dynamic sound then one provided all other things are equal,

    but what about placement diferances?
    does MTM makes sound differant than TMM provided all other things are equal?

    does they have some technical differance or is it another marketing gimick?

    aimen rg

  3. #3
    M.P.S.E /AES/SMPTE member Sir Terrence the Terrible's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by aimen
    does MTM D'appolito designs have some advantages over TMM designs
    i know two drivers will make much more dynamic sound then one provided all other things are equal,

    but what about placement diferances?
    does MTM makes sound differant than TMM provided all other things are equal?

    does they have some technical differance or is it another marketing gimick?

    aimen rg
    There are certain dispersion advantages with a D'appolito design that a conventional design does not share. D'appolito designs tend to interact with the ceiling and floor alot less than the conventional tweeter over mid/woofer design. So there is a degree of clarity that exists that the other design cannot match. Conventional tweeter over mid/woofer designs tend to disperse sound that interacts with the ceiling and floors, and while some consider this more musical and engaging, it can cause some destructive ceiling reflections.
    Last edited by Sir Terrence the Terrible; 04-16-2004 at 10:50 AM.
    Sir Terrence

    Titan Reference 3D 1080p projector
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    Oppo BDP-103D
    Datastat RS20I audio/video processor 12.4 audio setup
    9 Onkyo M-5099 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-510 power amp
    9 Onkyo M-508 power amp
    6 custom CAL amps for subs
    3 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid monitors
    18 custom 3 way horn DSP hybrid surround/ceiling speakers
    2 custom 15" sealed FFEC servo subs
    4 custom 15" H-PAS FFEC servo subs
    THX Style Baffle wall

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    The MTM vs. TMM is an interesting subject. A TMM will have assymetrical vertical lobing errors(amplitude behaviour analysed at vertical axises) due to phase of the signal summing/canceling(combing) at different vectors from the two drivers.. The tweeter/midrange integration will cause greater flucutaion as you increase vertical angle with at TMM. The MTM, however, has the advantage of a midrange above and below the tweeter. Therefor compensating for a great deal of this variability, since at points where one midrange will be at a farther distance from tweeter, the other driver will be closer, partially compensating. Remember, though, this is an oversimplified explanation only relevant to the overlapping region of the midranges/tweeters. In the sole bandwidth of the midranges, the MTM will have a more limited dispersion, since the radiation area in this vertical plane is greater then the TMM. The tweeter is imposing greater spacing between teh midranges in the MTM arrangement.


    Quote Originally Posted by aimen
    does MTM D'appolito designs have some advantages over TMM designs
    i know two drivers will make much more dynamic sound then one provided all other things are equal,

    but what about placement diferances?
    does MTM makes sound differant than TMM provided all other things are equal?

    does they have some technical differance or is it another marketing gimick?

    aimen rg

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