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  1. #1
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Lou Reed... Speaker Critic?

    Well I guess opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got em. In the July edition of SmartMoney Magazine, Lou Reed rates 5 sets of speakers based on a listening test in his home with his rig (they never mention what gear he has just some of the test tunes). It shook out like the following from worst to best according to his Reedness.

    1. Bose Accustimass 5, Series III - One Star- "No midrange sound." Said "he'd pay money NOT to hear them".

    2. Infinity Primus 360 - Two Stars - Just "so so", insufficient and imprecise bass.

    3. B&W 704 - Two Stars - "Average, vocals sound sibilant and not clear". Overpriced at 2 Grand a pair.

    4. MartinLogan Clarity - Four Stars - Loved it, "produces a panoramic wall of sound". He cranked these until he blew em up.

    5. Klipsch RB-75 - 5 Stars - "Bottom end that could blow your head off" and they stood up to his machinations.

    This article was given to me by a friend who knows I like audio gear. I think this is about as unscientific a test as you can get and of dubious worth to boot. I wonder just how much hearing he has left as the article describes him "cranking it up" all the time. I'm not mad about it or even concerned just annoyed that they didn't ask someone of more "gravitas" . If they had to ask a musician, why not like Quincy Jones, one of the Marselis clan or Springsteen. Someone who would give a reasoned opinion based upon critical listening. I don't know maybe I'm being too harsh on Lou.

    Da Worfster

  2. #2
    Forum Regular gonefishin's Avatar
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    Just curious...before I o making assumptions...what didn't you like about the testing? How would you have liked him to respond? How would you rate these speakers?

    thanks...just trying to get an idea of what your trying to say...before responding. To make sure I understand ya

    I found the spoon

    enjoy the music!

  3. #3
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    Thumbs down He's partially deaf so would prefer speaker that can play LOUD

    Saw him in Radio City Music Hall concert in NYC one time.
    Can't sing well.
    Long rock music career -- certainly partially deaf by now.

  4. #4
    Forum Regular N. Abstentia's Avatar
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    Looks like he got 4 out of 5 dead on 100% correct. I wouldn't have put the Klipsh at #1, but he probably likes the horns since his ears are pretty much shot.

    Bose..I agree. Couldn't pay me to own a set.
    Infinity..I agree. No thanks. They do nothing for me.
    B&W..I agree. Sound okay, not worth the price.
    Martin Logan..probably would have been my top pick.
    Klipsch..great for outdoors or loud parties.

  5. #5
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    Lou Reed...guy is a genius....

    ...covered all the bases....Certainly no reason to buy anything but recommended Klipsch....and what if he is right?

  6. #6
    JSE is offline
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    I THINK I saw Lou in Klipsch add in a magazine? Like the one with Billy Bob Thorton. If it was him, who would have guessed he would have picked Klipsh?


  7. #7
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    yeah, JSE is correct, i also saw him in a klipsch add. btw, if its any consolation to B&W fans, Skywalker ranch is set with800 series. (i think 802). and i dont know about yall, but id say George Lucas is a tad bit more of a critical listener than Reed.

  8. #8
    Forum Regular gonefishin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N. Abstentia
    but he probably likes the horns since his ears are pretty much shot.


    really? what horns have you heard to come to this conclusion?
    I found the spoon

    enjoy the music!

  9. #9
    RGA is offline
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    Actually it makes sense - Klipsch is voiced more like a concert speaker - Klipshc typically can play veryloud on few watts - look people Klipsch may not be as High End as some like but it deserves it's chops for rock and roll - they can belt it out on few watts like none of the others in the group can. If that's what you're into well Klipsch is a good buy - and they still sell well because of it.

    ML? Rock? I would have expected better from B&W - but again it's all opinion and he did complain about the price. I have not heard the nw 700 series yet though.

    He was right on the first one and if Infinity is like what they used ot be or sound like most of what Harman International doles out then in either case he's probably right - well he's right in that I would agree with his assessment - he'd be wrong if you disagreed I guess.

  10. #10
    Forum Regular N. Abstentia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonefishin
    really? what horns have you heard to come to this conclusion?
    Ummm..any? That's what horns are designed for.

    That's kinda like saying "the guy loves loud, over the top bass so he preferred to get that with a subwoofer rather than a tweeter." Well duh.

  11. #11
    RGA is offline
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    I would not be lumping horns in all together. Find out about their advantages on

  12. #12
    Forum Regular N. Abstentia's Avatar
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    I never said horns were a bad thing, they're just not my cup of tea. Neither are M&K or B&W speakers, but others like them. I'm just saying they do not sound like a laid back soft dome tweeter.

  13. #13
    Forum Regular gonefishin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N. Abstentia
    Ummm..any? That's what horns are designed for.

    That's kinda like saying "the guy loves loud, over the top bass so he preferred to get that with a subwoofer rather than a tweeter." Well duh.
    Hi N Abstentia,

    Hey, I could certainly understand that some may not like horns. But I was wondering what horns you've heard to come to this conclusion. The only reason is because I was a bit curious.

    The findings I've had with some decently built horn speakers is quite the opposite of yours. For myself, I've found that a decently designed and built horn system excels in a few catagories...such as tone, low distortion (detail and clarity), and dynamics.

    The area where the sound the best is jazz, orchestra and instrumental types of music. Large, small, vocal, instruement...whatever...doesn't seem to matter. Where do I think they sound their worst? With Rock music.

    Well, some horns can certainly play at high levels cleanly (like few other speakers can)...but they sound just as clean at low volumes as high.

    While I don't think anyone other than myself has to agree with me, I do think that there are many people that have the same prejudices about horns that I used to have. Which is still fine...but it could be worth looking into some decently built horn speakers...they can sound quite good...and they're alotta fun if ya get into diy and modifying

    Some of the best sounding speakers I've listened to have been horns, some of the worst sounding speakers have also been horns. Again...I'm not saying anyone has to like them...or that they should like them. Just don't discount a design based on what you've heard so far. I can just remember a time a few years ago when I was saying the exact same things you are.

    Anyway...I was just wondering what horn speakers (types and brands) you've listened to...

    I found the spoon

    enjoy the music!

  14. #14
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonefishin
    Just curious...before I o making assumptions...what didn't you like about the testing? How would you have liked him to respond? How would you rate these speakers?

    thanks...just trying to get an idea of what your trying to say...before responding. To make sure I understand ya

    I don't know, I just would have preferred he'd been more "serious" about the whole affair. If someone were asking me to rate speakers I'd try and be a detailed, precise and fair as I could. I wouldn't just say something stunk I'd try and tell you exactly why I thought it stunk in as much detail as possible. That's all. I just smacked of me of a celebrity judge at a beauty contest instead of a serious musician rating speakers. That I think would have been more valuable to all of us.

  15. #15
    Sgt. At Arms Worf101's Avatar
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    Word of clarification...

    I've no beef with his ratings at all. As far as I'm concerned I'd agree with ratings for the most part, except I've never heard ML's before so I don't rate what I haven't heard. My main beef I guess is that I take speakers and recommendations seriously. I don't slavishly follow brand loyalty like Republican's vs. Democrats or Ford vs. Chevy. I don't recommend or slam what I don't own or haven't heard extensively. I'm not a celebrity, I'm a musician but not famous, my opinion carries no weight with anyone but myself and those here and elsewhere who know and trust my opinion.

    If I were given the opportunity Mr. Reed was I'd just approach if differently is all. I'd try and make my assessments worth something to the reader even knowing it'd still be just my opinion. I'd have taken it as an opportunity to learn and inform not slam in off the cuff remarks. I'm not a critc but I take that role in certain respects, quite seriously.

    Da Worfster

  16. #16
    Forum Regular gonefishin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worf101
    I don't know, I just would have preferred he'd been more "serious" about the whole affair. If someone were asking me to rate speakers I'd try and be a detailed, precise and fair as I could. I wouldn't just say something stunk I'd try and tell you exactly why I thought it stunk in as much detail as possible. That's all. I just smacked of me of a celebrity judge at a beauty contest instead of a serious musician rating speakers. That I think would have been more valuable to all of us.

    Hi Worf,

    Yeah, I'd agree that it seems brief. The problem is, is that you don't know what else was said in the questioning. After writing, editing and can end up with an entire story edited down to a two paragraph write up. You've also got to ask yourself who is your target audience and how knowledgeable are they on the subject?

    Maybe it doesn't strike me as strange because I just don't take speaker recommendations seriously. I've walked away from auditioning some highly regarded speakers in magazine rags that sounded like dog dodo. Most of the time...the speaker reviews I've read do seem to be serving the manufacturer, not the customer.

    take care,
    I found the spoon

    enjoy the music!

  17. #17
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by N. Abstentia
    Looks like he got 4 out of 5 dead on 100% correct. I wouldn't have put the Klipsh at #1, but he probably likes the horns since his ears are pretty much shot.

    Martin Logan..probably would have been my top pick.
    Martin Logans couldn't handle the volume for his "test", otherwise he liked them a lot.

  18. #18
    Born To Lose mg196's Avatar
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    For those who dont understand why Lou Reed would be chosen to rate speakers, it just so happens that Lou has always been the techno-geek! Looking back at his interviews all the way back to the early 70's, he was always babbling about some new invention or innovation that he just HAD to have. I have an interview of his from '79 where he talks forever about the virtues of Bally pinball machines. He made two albums in Binaural Audio (Street Hassle & Take No Prisoners). Read any of his interviews regarding the recording process for his legendary Metal Machine Music! He knows his sh*t.

    Even though the bulk of his 80's output was crap, it SOUNDS excellent. He was recording his stuff at higher bit-technology before most others knew what it was, which is a major reason why much of his 80's catalogue has not needed remastering/updating.

    He may be an a$$hole, but he has some really interesting insights into the world of audiophiles! Hope that answers some of the naysayers!

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