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  1. #1
    Forum Regular budgetaudio76's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Talking JBL L26 impressions please!

    What are any of your thoughts on these jbls?! Ive had a pair which were obviously broken(surrounds) for several months now
    . And the original owners were going to toss them
    . They offered me to take them so i did
    . Took em off their hands did i ever

    they are in fairly decent shape, and financially speaking i cant spring for the foam just yet. Maybe not for a long while.

    So any one with listening impressions on these? They seem to be pretty much the same size as my infinity RSa. If not a tad larger.
    I dont have a lack of speakers.
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    and yes its been a slow but full 3 or 4 years yet!

  2. #2
    Listener MikeyBC's Avatar
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    Northern Ontario
    Read here....This guy restored a pair, measured them and then redesigned the crossover.
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  3. #3
    Forum Regular budgetaudio76's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    thanks for providing that link. A bit of insight to this pair.

    Any one with further listening impressions?
    Audio exploits of the past year

    even more here!
    and yes its been a slow but full 3 or 4 years yet!

  4. #4
    Forum Regular filecat13's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Once refoamed, they will be very serviceable units. Be sure before spending the money that the voice coils are not rubbing and that the spiders haven't sagged too much due the lack of support from the foam surrounds. In that case, refoaming is probably a waste of money.

    If properly maintained, they will serve you a long, long time. DO NOT play them until the foam is repaired, or you're asking for trouble sooner or later. The foam is there for a reason--in fact for many reasons.

    In good repair they are very good representatives of the JBL quality of that era, and are consistently valued in the marketplace.
    I like sulung tang.

  5. #5
    Forum Regular budgetaudio76's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    thanks filecat, i still havent played them. A refoam and ill be in the postion to play them.

    But money is tight right now, Ive got a ton to pay on my car, Z34monte, to want to pay frivolous thongs like a refoam and such.
    Audio exploits of the past year

    even more here!
    and yes its been a slow but full 3 or 4 years yet!

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