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  1. #1
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Giving a Boom Boom a another go..

    I just picked up the Pinnacle Baby Boomer Plus.
    It is blending in better than I expected so far @ 50 hzs
    Let the placement MADNESS being...

    Have Fun and will try.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Site Moderator JohnMichael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Central Ohio
    I am enjoying deeper bass with the Monitor Audio RS6. Since I never returned them and there was a charge to my credit card I think I bought them. I could not stand taking them back. Listened to Jaco Patorius's Birthday Concert was so nice. The Black Eyed Peas"The E.N.D." has some great sound effects and nice bass that the MA's driven by the Krell produce nicely. Oh and the speakers are great for jazz. I have been listening to Simone on Simone which is a tribute of Nina Simone's daughter to her mother. My mother saw and heard Nina's daughter in Aida and told me about her. I just recently found the cd and mom if she were alive would have also loved the recording.

    Oh I digress but this is the best bass I have had since I always had trouble integrating subwoofers. Oh and by the way next time we get together you need to attend. Missed you in Chicago.
    Vinyl Rega Planar 2, Incognito rewire, Deepgroove subplatter, ceramic bearing, Michell Technoweight, Rega 24V motor, TTPSU, FunkFirm Achroplat platter, Michael Lim top and bottom braces, 2 Rega feet and one RDC cones. Grado Sonata, Moon 110 LP phono.
    Sony SCD-XA5400ES SACD/cd SID mat, Marantz SA 8001
    Int. Amp Krell S-300i
    Monitor Audio RS6
    AQ SPKR and AQ XLR and IC

  3. #3
    Do What? jrhymeammo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks JM,
    I will certainly attend next time around.

    I'm going to try my hardest not to make adjustments and just enjoy music.

    HEY!!!! How long have you had your RS6? Man, I really need to peep in here more often.
    Enjoy your new toys.

    Have Fun,

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Site Moderator JohnMichael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Central Ohio
    Not as long as I have had the Krell S-300i.
    Vinyl Rega Planar 2, Incognito rewire, Deepgroove subplatter, ceramic bearing, Michell Technoweight, Rega 24V motor, TTPSU, FunkFirm Achroplat platter, Michael Lim top and bottom braces, 2 Rega feet and one RDC cones. Grado Sonata, Moon 110 LP phono.
    Sony SCD-XA5400ES SACD/cd SID mat, Marantz SA 8001
    Int. Amp Krell S-300i
    Monitor Audio RS6
    AQ SPKR and AQ XLR and IC

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