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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
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    Energy C4 vs. Axiom M3Ti

    Had anybody had the opportunity of auditioning both of these speakers? I own the M3Tis, which I love, but it seems like I can get a good deal on the C4s (might actually get some money back if I can return the Axioms). I really like the balanced sound, detail, and sweetness of the M3s, but the C4s obviously offer better bass extension with their 8" woofers. What I'm looking for is a sound that is a little bit smoother with a deeper soundstage, while clearing up the minor midbass congestion of the Axioms, and perhaps a tad more laidback in the treble without sacrificing clarity or detail. I see that the C4 reviews here are glowing, but that was before the likes of Axiom, Norh, and Swans were around. I'd just like some opinions from people who have listened to both of them before I make the commute to go listen to the C4s...

    I should probably bring my Arcam Delta 290 with me too, huh? The guy is running the speakers with a Denon AVR1200 so it doesn't seem like it would be a fair audition...

  2. #2
    JSE is offline
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    Energy C4? Do they make a C4? They have the C3 and C5, but I have not heard or seen the C4.


  3. #3
    JSE is offline
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    Whoooops. Found them. Looks like a former model now discontinued.


  4. #4
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    I own the M3Ti's, don't own the C-4's but if they're anything like the rest of the C line from Energy they're probably better than the M3Ti's. I've been a bit disappointed with mine. I've always been impressed with Energy's stuff, though I'm not familiar with the C-4's. Give'em a listen.!!!! Let us know.

  5. #5
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    Go with Energy-> They have a wicked sound!! Go with Energy's!!!!

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