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  1. #1
    ride a jet ski Tarheel_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    North Carolina

    Co-worker finally decided on a 2.1 setup

    Some of you may recall over the last few months, me and a co-worker drove around Raleigh Durham hitting every audio shop we could find.

    Well, after countless demo sessions and working Crutchfield's return policy to death, he decided on the following for a small room.

    Speakers: Paradigm Studio 10s in Rose
    Sub: Sunfire True Super Jr (1500 watts dual sub)

    My Quick Notes:

    - For a $7 return shipping fee, Crutchfield is a great place to audition speakers in your home. Fast and friendly service!
    - Energy Veritas speakers were a huge letdown. Only their build quality was up there
    - Revel Concerta M12s are fantastic for the money, but too large and boring for his taste
    - Paradigm makes some great sounding and looking speakers
    - Klipsch speakers cause headaches
    - Aerial Acoustics are wonderful sounding speakers, but are pricey (they were/are my favorite up to $1500/pair we demo'd)

  2. #2
    Forum Regular
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    Home Of The Fighting Gamecocks
    I had a pair of Aerial Acoustics Model 5's which sounded darn good but at 4 ohms and 83bd they were power pigs. I believe the designer lives in the Raleigh Durham area.

  3. #3
    ride a jet ski Tarheel_'s Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Poultrygeist View Post
    I had a pair of Aerial Acoustics Model 5's which sounded darn good but at 4 ohms and 83bd they were power pigs. I believe the designer lives in the Raleigh Durham area.
    Your right on both...they are power hungry like the Totems we listened to...and the AA guy did grow up here and attended NC State, but I understand he lives and works in the New England area.

  4. #4
    Forum Regular
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    Feb 2004
    @ Tarheel_
    Did you try PSB Speakers? Crutchfield started stocking them. IMO a little better then the Paradigms in most price points.

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