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  1. #1
    AR Newbie Registered Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Question Center speaker versus inwall

    I am wiring a new house for my home theater, my wife wants the speakers to be as inconspicous as possible. I am usign Klipsch RCW-5 and RCR-5 speakers. My question is what will I lose by replacing the center channel with anothe in-wall RCW?

    Obviously I am a neophyte with most things audio. Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Forum Regular
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    well one thing the bass is way lower then a regular speaker, but with a center there usually isnt alot of bass, so thats a good question. if you buy a good in wall it might be just as good as a mid fi centre.

    if you can i would suggest you get a regular but if your not going for 100% best sound you can get out of your system and 70 - 80% is good enough for you then the inwall is definetley a way to go. "but dont cheap out becuase then the voices in your music and movies will sound awful" cheap centres sound awful so i cant imagine a cheap in wall.

  3. #3
    Forum Regular
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Center shmenter

    It is my humble opinion that center channel speakers are highly overpriced and overrated considering their function. Their soul purpose is to emit dialogue in movies and you can guess the frequency range of the human voice. I think you might be in better shape with a matching speaker in place of a center channel for DVD-Audio or SACD should you choose to experiment with it at some point. What possible harm could it cause to use another main designed for the spectrum of music to handle talking, something most TV built-in speakers do marvelously?

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