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  1. #1
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    These #@%#-ing Best Buy ads pissing anyone else off?

    I have a corporate laptop, so I'm stuck using the programs it came with...These goofy Best Buy ads are really starting to tick me off.
    Has anybody clicked on one yet? Do they work?
    Seriously, guys, I'd rather pay a $2 monthly access fee than put up with these rediculous pop-ups and annoying obstructions. It's bad enough Axiom has bought webspace in perpetuity here, but at least their ads are subtle and not in your face.

    How much has poor ol' Kex gotta pay to keep this site user friendly? Name your price...

  2. #2
    Forum Regular gonefishin's Avatar
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    Hi Kex,

    The only bestbuy ads that I've noticed that are annoying are the ones that you have to scroll your mouse pointer directly over it. Once you scroll over it, it then expands to cover half the page. While it is annoying...if you avoid scrolling over the banner ad with your mouse pointer you won't have to see it.

    this is the only annoying banner I've found. Which is "somewhat" avoidable. If your getting a different pop-up ad, I suppose I'm just getting lucky so far and haven't seen it.

    good luck!
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  3. #3
    Forum Regular Woochifer's Avatar
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    I haven't really had any problems with the Best Buy ads (then again, I'm using Netscape with its popup blocker, so I don't know what else it does when viewing the site thru other browsers).

    What I take issue with more is actually these annoying green links. They slow down the message board loading considerably, and reload constantly.

    When you mentioned annoying Best Buy ads, I thought you were talking about their latest bombardment of TV ads touting their 36 month no interest offer on home theater purchases. The ad shows one big screen TV after another with some female voice teasing "Do you want me???????" Uh, what was it they were trying to get me to do?

  4. #4
    Loving This kexodusc's Avatar
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    Sorry, guys, the "corporate laptop" is a shoddy ol' P4 unit with a rather sloppy working mouse...but anytime I go near that freakin' ad it seems to pop up...Not "pop-up" in the usual sense, but how else would you describe it...ENGULF half the page? Grrrr.

    Just Kex being frustrated with himself, I guess.

    But yeah, the BB TV ads are equally annoying...and dang it if I've NEVER seen a Best Buy so clean, so organized, and so full of inventory as the ones on TV...what the hell city is that in anyway?

  5. #5
    Forum Regular royphil345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kexodusc
    But yeah, the BB TV ads are equally annoying...and dang it if I've NEVER seen a Best Buy so clean, so organized, and so full of inventory as the ones on TV...what the hell city is that in anyway?
    I hear that!!! Seems to be a major problem in all the retail stores around here. They always seem to be out of stock on half the stuff they're supposed to carry. I keep going back to buying on the internet. It can be a hassle to send things back if things don't work out, but at least you can find what you want.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by kexodusc
    Sorry, guys, the "corporate laptop" is a shoddy ol' P4 unit with a rather sloppy working mouse...but anytime I go near that freakin' ad it seems to pop up...Not "pop-up" in the usual sense, but how else would you describe it...ENGULF half the page? Grrrr.

    Just Kex being frustrated with himself, I guess.

    But yeah, the BB TV ads are equally annoying...and dang it if I've NEVER seen a Best Buy so clean, so organized, and so full of inventory as the ones on TV...what the hell city is that in anyway?
    For JSE's AR awards I nominated you for the funniest but maybe I should have put you down for the grumpiest. Just kidding there Kex. I to have had the same add cover half my page and thought, wwhhaatt the f&@#. You are now in Canada so you should have access to a superbly brewed Kokanee, LGD, or a Molson Ice. Just crack one and all those pop ups should just magically disappear, or atleast not pi$$ you off as much.

  7. #7
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    Use mozilla, I got no pop ups. No pop ups makes me very happy!!!

  8. #8
    Forum Regular Florian's Avatar
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    I use the Firefox browser too ( popups...ever
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