We are backing out of this upgrade at this time. Forum should be working normally again. You should be able to post new threads and new post without issues.

We will try again next week.

The upgrade will add SEO to the forums and a forum "like" and "share" link that will let you all 'Like' a thread which will help boil hot threads to the top of the forum - which we can promote on the rest of the site. So please use it if you like something.



There is an error when posting a new thread. It the redirect isn't working. If you post a new thread - the thread will actually appear and work normally - but the initial redirect won't work. Sorry for the trouble - we are working to solve the bug.


Hi All -

We are working to improve the SEO performance of the forums. We are installing vBSEO today - if you see some weird issues please let us know.

vBSEO will help get the forums and thread better listed in Google search - which will/should increase awareness and traffic to the forums.
