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Thread: Sub

  1. #1
    Forum Regular
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    Jun 2003


    velodyne or Polk for a looks like I may get one for xmas......We have the room dimensions of 19ft long by 15 ft wide and 10ft high.....there is the new velodyne VX10 or a 10" Polk is what we are looking at....any advice please and thanks

  2. #2
    Forum Regular kingcrim05's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Why those brands?

    Why are you choosing between just those two brands?

    What kind of price range do you have?

  3. #3
    Forum Regular
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    Jun 2003
    store credit card....but we are not limited to those...2 only...Im in Ottawa Canada....not sure where to get anything else

  4. #4
    Forum Regular
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    Jun 2003
    sorry price range max 500$cad.

  5. #5
    Forum Regular
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    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Willow
    velodyne or Polk for a looks like I may get one for xmas......We have the room dimensions of 19ft long by 15 ft wide and 10ft high.....there is the new velodyne VX10 or a 10" Polk is what we are looking at....any advice please and thanks
    That's a pretty big room for a 10" sub. Not that one would not enhance your system, but I think a bigger sub would be better. I would suggest looking into Canadian brands such as Paradigm, Energy, and PSB, as I think they would be a better value in Canada.

    What sort of main speakers do you have? In particular, what is there low frequency cut-off? This has some bearing on where you would place the sub.

    I haven't visited Ottawa for some time, but as I remember they had several good audio stores. Look under Stereo in the phone book and see what's there. Or are you limited to Sears, the Bay, or something?

  6. #6
    Forum Regular
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    Dec 2002
    Also look at the Mirage and Axiom line of subs.Try their web sites to find store locators.
    The Nelster

  7. #7
    Audiophile Wireworm5's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    Rupert's Land, Canada
    I have the Velodyne CHT-10. Haven't heard the Polk. Cht-10 is clean,smooth and seamless. I only have mine at 1/3 volume. My room is 11'x25'x8' . Front ported, I have mine facing the front wall parallel to my listening position. Frequency response 28Hz-120Hz.
    I bought this sub to replace my Cerwin Vega LW-10 and it easily is superior to this model. I chose the CHT-10 over the 12 cause I wanted a musical sub. And I figured the 10 would have a quicker response than a 12 and thus better for music.

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