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  1. #1
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Brian Setzer's Rockabilly Riot Live! - go see this

    Saw Brian Setzer last night and it was a fantastic show. He comes out initially with his players from his new instrumental album, stand-up bass and a drummer and does some great instrumental rock 'n' rolling stuff. Then he brings out another guy who adds some acoustic guitar and piano parts and does a few more, including a cover of Folsom Prison Blues, and they end up just tearing things up with some more instrumental rockabilly madness.

    Then the lights go down and the guys outside Setzer walk off and he brings out Slim Jim Phantom and his stand up drum kit and a new stand up bass player, young kid who can play like a demon, and they rip through some Stray Cats hits with some seriously amazing, long instrumental breaks. After the first few, the other bass player comes back and you have double bass action, until Setzer disappears and comes out with his own and you have a three way stand up bass dual. Once that's over, the whole crowd, two bass players, two drummers, piano and Setzer rip through another instrumental before walking off. The whole crowd comes back out and does an extended version of Rock This Town with solos all around...the crowd wasn't budging so they came back for one more that actually seemed like a real not just a perfunctory encore to close out the night.

    One of the best rock 'n' roll shows I've seen for a long time, especially from a purely musical standpoint with everyone on that stage being top notch. I'm as much a fan of anyone of trashy rock without much of a care about what kind of players are up there but every now and then seeing a show where all of the boys can seriously play is just great to watch. Great way to start a week on a Monday night.

  2. #2
    Stainmaster Finch Platte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Nice review, thanks! I've been a fan of his for a while, and have quite a few of his discs. I like the way he's able to pull off multiple styles of music while supporting multiple musicians & their famlies as well.

    We saw the BS Orchestra one year at a bicycle dealer show in Vegas, I believe, and they tore the roof off the sucker, to use the hackneyed phrase.

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