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  1. #1
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    Worth checking out??

    I admit I know very, very little about all this different gear, particularly vintage stuff. I know sherwood makes some great electronics, but haven't heard much of their speakers. These are for sale locally:

    along with this whole unit :

    He's selling cheap as he says the one channel on the receiver doesn't appear to work. wants $30 for everything. I figure for the price I might as well.. but I haven't heard anything about sherwood speakers.

  2. #2
    stuck on vintage dingus's Avatar
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    Graham, WA
    hard to say...

    the thing with the bad channel on the receiver means that its usually just going to be dead weight, i cant imagine it would be worth it to have it repaired. the speakers you are going to have to hear to know for sure (Sherwood did not make a name for themselves with their speakers), and for the rest of the stuff, its hard to say without knowing what it is.

    bottom line, for $30 you arent really risking much, but is it going to be worth your time?
    AR MGC-1, AR C225 PS, M&K V-1B, Pioneer VSX 47TX, Oppo BDP-83, Squeezebox v3, Vortexbox Appliance.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dingus
    hard to say...

    the thing with the bad channel on the receiver means that its usually just going to be dead weight, i cant imagine it would be worth it to have it repaired. the speakers you are going to have to hear to know for sure (Sherwood did not make a name for themselves with their speakers), and for the rest of the stuff, its hard to say without knowing what it is.

    bottom line, for $30 you arent really risking much, but is it going to be worth your time?


    yeah i was basically going based on looks. i was hoping, based on the looks, that maybe they were more on the high end or something. haven't seen maybe cheap speakers with so many woofers and tweeters. he said it also has a detachable turntable. would it help if i got some model numbers from him?

  4. #4
    stuck on vintage dingus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgibsong002

    yeah i was basically going based on looks. i was hoping, based on the looks, that maybe they were more on the high end or something. haven't seen maybe cheap speakers with so many woofers and tweeters. he said it also has a detachable turntable. would it help if i got some model numbers from him?
    afaik, a detachable turntable is not a desirable feature. by the looks of the electronics i'd say it doesnt even approach anything remotely high-end, and that model numbers are pretty much irrelevant, especially if its all Sherwood gear of the same era. as for the speakers, based on looks alone i would pass, but it wouldnt be the first time i've underestimated a pair of speakers, so if you have a genuine interest in them then you should check them out. thats really the best way to evaluate gear anyway, by hearing it.
    AR MGC-1, AR C225 PS, M&K V-1B, Pioneer VSX 47TX, Oppo BDP-83, Squeezebox v3, Vortexbox Appliance.

  5. #5
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    OK.. thanks for the help. Maybe I'll just pass.

  6. #6
    Forum Regular
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    how about these?

    Basically I'm just hoping to find another receiver and set of speakers for dirt cheap. I don't have much money and don't NEED them... but my channels are cutting out on my receiver and could use an extra set of speakers.

    edit: second one looked junk from reviews.

    I think my best bet is probably to get lucky and sell my receiver locally and then put that cash towards a nicer receiver.
    Last edited by cgibsong002; 05-04-2011 at 05:44 PM.

  7. #7
    stuck on vintage dingus's Avatar
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    Graham, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by cgibsong002
    ...I think my best bet is probably to get lucky and sell my receiver locally and then put that cash towards a nicer receiver.
    thats probably a good idea.
    AR MGC-1, AR C225 PS, M&K V-1B, Pioneer VSX 47TX, Oppo BDP-83, Squeezebox v3, Vortexbox Appliance.

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