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  1. #1
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    In a dead sea of fluid mercury

    Nice little score of my own today

    Picked up 2 sets of AKG K340 electro stat hybrid headphones complete with boxes and packaging for 20 bucks each. I don't think this older guy ever even used them, they still have the plastic covering up the ear pieces. Can't wait to get them out of the box and on my big head. He was a heck of a nice guy and obviously knew his stuff.

    He's also got an old pair of McIntosh speakers in dire need of refoaming but he wants 300 for them. Got the equalizer that goes with them too. Will probably have to pass on those, but it was cool to see.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Louis, MO, USA
    Very cool. Want to sell a pair? Shoot me an email, if so. I'd love to check out a pair of estats. Stax really got my attention but I've never heard a pair and if I did the price is just out of line for headphones. Unless they were the best thing I've ever heard, then, I might possibly spring.

  3. #3
    all around good guy Jim Clark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    In a dead sea of fluid mercury
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
    Very cool. Want to sell a pair? Shoot me an email, if so. I'd love to check out a pair of estats. Stax really got my attention but I've never heard a pair and if I did the price is just out of line for headphones. Unless they were the best thing I've ever heard, then, I might possibly spring.
    Maybe down the road I'll sell a pair, but for now I'm gonna hang on to them both. The reports I've read on the K340 suggest that they do their best fwith some mods done to them. I'm going to have one pair modded and keep the other for a reference. It'll be fun to head to a headfi meet and actually have something of worth to take in.

    "Ahh, cartoons! America's only native art form. I don't count jazz 'cuz it sucks"- Bartholomew J. Simpson

  4. #4
    Class of the clown GMichael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Anywhere but here...
    Nice find. Good luck with them.
    Happy listening.
    WARNING! - The Surgeon General has determined that, time spent listening to music is not deducted from one's lifespan.

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