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  1. #1
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Viva Los Straitjackets!

    Been listening to the latest Los Straitjackets, called Twist Party and featuring the world famous Pontani Sisters and Kaiser George.

    I grabbed the vinyl, but both the vinyl and CD come with a DVD of dance instructions courtesy of the lovely Pontani Sisters with some skits and some videos tossed in.

    I was slow to pull the trigger since the price is a bit high for either the CD or vinyl; I guess 'cause of the DVD. Still, it's a really fun album. Faithful versions of popular twist classics from days gone by and similar retro guitar driven tunes throughout. If you like 50s/early 60s rock revival stuff, grab it!

    OK...listening to El Vez now. Anybody know him? The Mexican Elvis. Got an EP called A Lad from Spain goin' right now...cover's a mock up of Bowie's Aladin Sain album...get it? He does a version of Rock and Roll Suicide and a wonderful track done to the tune of Cee Cee Rider called Si, I'm a Low Rider.

    OK...outta here in a bit...Saturday Night and all. Later.

  2. #2
    Stone Stone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I'm assuming that latest Los Straitjackets has vocals throughout?
    And the world will turn to flowing pink vapor stew.

  3. #3
    Forum Regular nobody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Not the whole thing, but I'd guess about 2/3rds of it has vocals.

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